A Student's Guide to - The Skinners' Kent Academy

A Student’s Guide to
Examination Procedures
Important Contacts ........................................................................................................................... 3
Entries for Exams .............................................................................................................................. 4
Entry by Subject Teacher .......................................................................................................... 4
Results Dates..................................................................................................................................... 4
Access Arrangements........................................................................................................................ 4
Special Educational Needs ........................................................................................................ 4
Special Consideration................................................................................................................ 4
Checking that entries are correct ..................................................................................................... 5
Exam Timetables and Clashes ........................................................................................................... 5
Preparing for your Examinations ...................................................................................................... 5
The Day of the Exam ......................................................................................................................... 6
Do’s and Don’ts ......................................................................................................................... 6
What happens if you are ill? ..................................................................................................... 7
Lateness .................................................................................................................................... 8
Access Arrangements................................................................................................................ 8
Malpractice ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Results ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Examination Certificates ................................................................................................................... 8
Appendix A: Timetable Clash Form ................................................................................................... 9
Appendix B: Internal Appeals.......................................................................................................... 10
This Guide has been updated for 2014-2015.
Please read through it carefully and familiarise yourself with the contents.
You should also review it in detail with your parents/carers.
You are about to take your examinations, be they external GCSEs/GCEs or IBCP exams, which
incorporate IB Diploma subjects and the vocational element (IFS Certificate and Diploma), internal
academy exam papers or any combination of the above. It is important that you know what to
expect and what to do in preparation for and during the examination sessions. This guide is
intended to answer questions you may have. However there may be additional queries, not
answered here, if so please come and ask the Examinations Officer, Mrs Hampshire, who can be
found in room A218 on the first floor.
Important Contacts
Examinations Officer:
Mrs Hampshire:
Tel: 01892 534377
Email: peta.hampshire@skinnerskentacademy.org.uk
Entries for Exams
Entry by Subject Teacher
Your subject teacher will provide the Examinations Officer with the details of the exams for which you
will be entered. In the first instance, please discuss any queries you have with your subject teacher.
Four-digit candidate numbers are allocated to you by the Academy and you will keep this number
throughout your time at Skinners’ Kent Academy (SKA). Please memorise your candidate number as
you will enter it on every exam paper.
You will also have a UCI (Unique Candidate Identifier), which remains with you should you transfer to
or from another school. This is issued to you by the school where you take your first external exam
(usually GCSEs).
If you joined Skinners’ Kent Academy in the Sixth Form, you will already have a UCI from the school
where you took your GCSEs, and you need to ensure that the Examinations Officer at SKA has your
UCI as soon as possible. This is also important if you join SKA having already taken one or two GCSEs
early or having taken some GCSE modules at another school. The UCI enables the Awarding
Organisations to match up your qualifications so that the exams that you have already taken are
credited to you when you apply for university.
Results Dates
Exams Series
Summer 15
Results Date
13 August 15 - GCE (Timings to be advised)
20 August 15 - GCSE (Timings to be advised)
Access Arrangements
Special Educational Needs
Some candidates require extra support in exams, such as readers or scribes
If you are unsure whether you have any arrangements in place to support you in the exams,
please ask Mrs Martin or Mrs Hampshire.
Special Consideration
Special Consideration is a post-examination adjustment
Candidates might be eligible if they are ill on the day of the exam or leading up to it
The Academy must be satisfied the illness is genuine. It may be necessary to ask a
parent/guardian to complete a form to confirm the illness
Special Consideration might be applicable in the case of bereavement of a close relative
Checking that entries are correct
A statement showing the entries made for each student for each exam series will be issued so that
you can check to confirm that the details are accurate. If it is wrong you must return it immediately
to the Examinations Officer.
Exam Timetables and Clashes
Check your timetable for each exam series to ensure you are entered for the correct exams
and that your name is spelt correctly and your date of birth is correct
Check for clashes (where two exams are timetabled at the same time). The rule is that exams
will be taken one after the other as long as the total time does not exceed three hours,
including extra time. A break of 15 minutes maximum is allowed between exams
If the 3 hours is exceeded one or more of the exams will be transferred to a different session
on the same day
Where there are clashes candidates will be supervised between exams and will not have
access to mobile phones etc.
See the Examinations Officer if you find exam clashes on your timetable (see Appendix A)
Preparing for your Examinations
Subject teachers will be preparing you for your examinations in your lessons. It is important
that you attend every lesson, are aware of the course requirements and the mark schemes
and topics for each paper
Revision lessons will be available during lunch time, at the end of the Academy day or during
holidays. These will be set out clearly for you and you are strongly advised to attend them
When you are given a timetable for your examinations check it carefully. Make sure you have
the right examinations at the right level. Make sure your personal details are correct. It should
have your legal name and not a name you are known as. Remember that the certificates are
your proof of a qualification so the correct name is important
If there is anything you are unsure about, please do ask!
Take the examination timetable home and pin it up somewhere where you will see it every
day. Highlight the examination sessions you are required to attend and check your
examination timetable every evening to make sure you know whether you have an
examination the following day
Prepare what you need for the examination the evening before. Pack your equipment,
ensuring you have all you need. (You should have at least 2 black pens, in case one runs out.)
If it is a Mathematics or Science examination you should have your own calculator, compasses
and protractor
English texts will be provided as will anthologies
The Academy will provide dictionaries for students for whom English is not their first language
and for which the examination boards have agreed such provision
Make sure you go to bed early; you will not do your best if you are tired
Make sure you have something to eat and drink before the examination; you will not do your
best if you are hungry
The Day of the Exam
Do’s and Don’ts
It is in everybody’s interests that the exams run as smoothly as possible and that you perform well.
Below is a checklist to help, and there is also a copy of the Awarding Organisations regulations in the
Appendices, which you must read prior to taking your first exam.
Things you should do:
Wear full Academy uniform (up to Year 11) or Sixth Form business wear, for all examinations
You are expected to provide your own equipment. This must include BLACK pens, pencil, ruler,
and eraser in a clear plastic case (solid colour pencil cases of any other material are not
permitted). For Science this should include a calculator and for Maths exams this should
include a calculator, a pair of compasses and a protractor
Only use BLACK INK for writing (bring a spare pen with you) and an HB pencil for sketches and
diagrams. Blue ink and coloured pencils are not allowed
Make sure you know where you are sitting in the examination room. There will be a seating
plan outside the room, and you should check this for every exam as you will not be in the same
seat each time
Each examination has a set start time and a cut off time after which candidates cannot enter.
If you are late we will do everything possible to ensure you get the full time allowance for the
paper but it may not always be possible.
Morning exams start as soon after 08:30 as possible and afternoon exams start times vary
according to how long the examination is. The exact start time will be on the examination
timetable you receive. Be aware that some will need to start as early as 12:30 in order to be
finished by the end of the Academy day
 You should arrive at least 10 minutes early to find your seat, listen to notices etc.
 Make sure you visit the toilet before entering an examination room; you will only be
allowed out in a real emergency and will need to be escorted by an invigilator
 Bags are to be placed on the left in the area before you enter the Sports Hall
 Enter the examination room silently and find your place; it will have a card with name
and candidate number on it. You must remain silent at all times, facing the front of
the room. Any indication of an attempt to communicate with other candidates may
result in both papers being cancelled
Always read the instructions on the paper and follow them. E.g. if it states to ‘write your
answer inside a box’, do exactly that - do not overlap the edges
If you have any query during the examination, raise your hand to attract the attention of the
invigilator before asking your question
If you drop equipment on the floor, raise your hand and wait for an invigilator to pick it up
If your exam is scheduled to finish before others in the room, you may be dismissed, but please
leave silently. Be considerate of other candidates
Please stand quietly and leave your chair and desk as you found them, and please do not make
any noise as you leave the examination room.
Things you should not do:
Do not use liquid paper, patches, correction fluid etc. Errors are to be crossed out. Do not
use coloured inks
Do not communicate in any way (including any eye contact) with other candidates even if they
are distracting you. Put up your hand and tell the invigilator. They will deal with it for you.
DO NOT be tempted to speak to the candidate yourself as it may jeopardise the outcome of
your exam
Do not bring papers, coats, bags, mobile phones or other electronic devices into the
examination room. The advice is to LEAVE ELECTRONIC DEVICES AT HOME on the days you
have examinations but if you forget to do this mobile phones may be left, switched off, in a
tray at the front of the exam hall. N.B. Some phones, even when switched off, will activate an
alarm call if one has been set. Ensure that no alarm calls have been programmed)
Do not remove papers from the examination room
Do not bring food, sweets or chewing gum into the examination room
Do not doodle on or otherwise deface the desk or the answer paper
It is important that you adhere to the exam regulations. Failure to do so may result in you being
reported to the exam board for malpractice. Possible penalties for malpractice include
disqualification from the unit or disqualification from the whole subject.
Other points to note:
Eating is not allowed but you may take a bottle of water in with you but it must be a clear
bottle with no writing on it. You are advised to keep it on the floor to minimize the likelihood
of spilling water on your paper. Flavoured or coloured drinks are not allowed
If you feel unwell during an examination, tell the invigilator. It may be possible to move your
seat to near a door if you are likely to need to go out. If you do have to go out an invigilator
will need to accompany you. It may be necessary for you to obtain a medical certificate in
order that special consideration can be applied for. The examinations officer will advise you
on this
Worried? In doubt? Uncomfortable? Any problems? See the Examinations Officer, your
subject teacher or House Tutor
What happens if you are ill?
Firstly, decide whether you really are too unwell to attend. Remember that you cannot sit the
paper a day or two later, it will be a year before it is available again
If at all possible come in, if necessary you can be seated somewhere other than the main exam
If you are too ill to attend you must notify the Academy by 08:00 on the day of the examination
(01892 534377)
If you do attend but are seriously unwell, then a medical certificate can be submitted in order to
request special consideration
If you are concerned that you will not be able to do your best because of issues other than illness, you
should discuss this with the Examinations Officer or another member of staff.
Each examination has a set start time. Do everything you can to be on time, if possible be early. If
you are going to be late call the Academy immediately and you will be given advice. When you arrive,
you must sign in at reception and you will then be asked to go straight to the examination room.
Provided you arrive within the allocated window of time you will be allowed to enter and you will be
allowed the full amount of time for the examination.
Access Arrangements
For those receiving additional help in the form of readers, scribes or laptops, please check the room
and seating plans outside the Sports Hall. In certain instances, these candidates will be allocated to a
separate room.
Malpractice is defined as ‘actions or practices which threaten the integrity of public
examinations and/or damage the authority of those responsible for conducting them’
The Academy and the exam boards take this very seriously
If malpractice is proven, then candidates directly involved will not be given grades and other
students’ grades may also be affected
On the Results Day for each exam series students will receive a statement of results, printed
on Academy headed paper. Staff will be on hand to offer advice and guidance
You must sign in and sign out
You can either collect the results in person from the Academy or if you know you will not be
available on Results Day you can leave a stamped, addressed envelope with the Examinations
Officer so that the results can be posted to you
Results can only be collected on your behalf by someone else if the Examinations Officer has
been advised in writing in advance
Examination Certificates
You will be notified when your Certificates arrive and the arrangements for their collection
Certificates are important and valuable documents which you will need for future
employment, further and higher education. It is possible to obtain duplicate documents from
the examination boards but the charge is in excess of £40 for each one. Education
establishments are asked to destroy certificates which are not collected within a year of their
award date
Appendix A: Timetable Clash Form
If you have noticed a clash on your examination timetable, please complete this form and return it
to the Examinations Officer as soon as possible. Your exams will be rescheduled and details of the
new dates and times returned to you via the lower portion of this form.
For the urgent attention of the Examinations Officer
Please note that my examinations timetable shows the following clashes:Date of
Time of
Exam Code
Exam Name
Duration of
Exam (mins)
Student Name: ___________________________
Form: _____________
Exam / Candidate Number (four digits): _ _ _ _
UCI Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(12 numeric digits + 1 alpha digit)
From: Examinations Officer
To: _______________________________
Form: ________
Your examination timetable has now been rescheduled to incorporate the following changes:
Exam Code
Exam Name
New Date
Please make a note of these amendments on your examination timetable
Appendix B: Internal Appeals
Policy on internal Assessments for Qualifications with the following Awarding Bodies: AQA,
In accordance with the Code of Practice for the conduct of external qualifications produced by
Ofqual, The Skinners’ Kent Academy is committed to ensuring that:
Internal assessments are conducted by staff who have the appropriate knowledge,
understanding and skills.
Assessment evidence provided by candidates is produced and authenticated according to
the requirements of the relevant specifications for each subject.
The consistency of internal assessments is assured through internal standardization as set
out by the Awarding Bodies.
Staff responsible for internal standardisation and/or assessment attend any compulsory
Written Appeals Procedure
Each Awarding Body publishes procedures for appeals against its decisions and the Examinations
Officer will be able to advise students and parents on these procedures.
Appeals may be made to the Academy if they apply to the process leading to an assessment and
regarding the procedures used in internal assessments, but NOT the actual marks or grades submitted
by the Academy for moderation by the Awarding Body.
Candidates may appeal if they feel their coursework or controlled assessment has been assessed
unfairly, inconsistently or not in accordance with the specification for the qualification.
A student and/or parent wishing to appeal should contact the Examinations Officer as soon as possible
to discuss the appeal. An appeal must be received by the Academy within three weeks after the
deadline of the assessment.
Appeals should be made in writing to the Principal and the Examinations Officer who will decide
whether the process used conformed to the necessary requirements
On receipt of a written appeal, an enquiry into the internal assessment will be conducted by the
Examinations Officer and the Heads of Faculty. This enquiry will consider whether the procedures
used in the internal assessment conformed to the published requirements of the Awarding Body.
The student/parents will be informed in writing of the outcome of the appeal, including details of any
relevant communication with the Awarding Body and if deemed appropriate, of any steps taken to
further protect the interests of the candidate(s). The findings will also be notified in writing to the
Heads of Faculty and recorded for awarding body inspection.