Rise of the 3rd Reich Writing Prompt

Rise of the 3rd Reich Writing Prompt
*This is a 50-minute writing test and you are allowed one standard 3-5 notecard and Mr. Egnot
must approve it on the day of the test. If Mr. Egnot does not approve of your notecard it will be
removed and no notecard will be allowed. This test is worth 75 points! You will be assessed on
the following; historical accuracy with dates, content of the 3rd Reich, writing flow, and proper
closure. The story of the 3rd Reich must read like a story and not just a list of facts.
*Scenario: You have been officially hired by Time Magazine to write an editorial on the Rise of the
3rd Reich. You have been secretly hired to write a small book on the life in Germany from the
moment the Treaty of Versailles was signed to Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime (government) had
complete control of the mind and hearts of most Germans leading up to 1938. You Must Use At
Least 5 Vocabulary Words from our unit vocabulary list “Rise of Hitler” and have them highlighted
in your writing. There is no minimum or maximum to your paragraphs but it must read well and
informative to what the prompt is asking.
Chapter One: Rise of the 3rd Reich 1919-1929 (Worth 20 Points)
Explain the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles and how Hitler will use this as his weapon
to take control of a vulnerable Germany after World War I.
Describe the conditions described from the video “Rise of Hitler Part One” of Germany’s
society after World War I; who the Germans were looking for leadership and describe life
right after World War I ended
Explain the significance of “1923” for Adolf Hitler; include key dates during this year and
what happened in Germany and the life of Adolf Hitler
Describe what happened to Adolf Hitler from the years of 1923 to 1929 and what impact
did this have on his eventual movement in Germany
Explain the key event that happened in 1929; where did it take place, and what happened
at this event that “dazzled” the crowd
Chapter Two: Rise of the 3rd Reich 1932-1933 (Worth 20 Points)
Explain the significance of 1932 for the Rise of the 3rd Reich/ personally for Adolf Hitler
The year of 1933 was a major milestone (big year) in the rise of Adolf Hitler. In
chronological order describe the key events that happened in his life and why this is
considered the starting point of the 3rd Reich; include dates, what happened on those dates,
what was abolished, how got punished, and how this led to his overall power over Germany
Chapter Three: Rise of the 3rd Reich 1934-1938 (Worth 20 Points)
Explain the power of the oath of allegiance and what this meant for the 3rd Reich
Describe the power of the Gestapo and how they influenced all areas of Germany using the
example of the Oranienburg prison story
Explain the concept of the “perfect race” system Hitler introduced to the 3rd Reich by
describing the means of sterilization; what did they want to prevent?
Explain the purpose of the “Hitler Youth”; include age requirements, mandatory obligations
to the Reich, and the purpose of both camps
Describe the scene of Hitler taking over Austria; why did he do it, what was their reaction
both positive and negative