Span1: Unit 8 Day 1- Demonstratives, family

Span1: Unit 8 Day 1- Demonstratives, family trees, yo-go verbs- Jeannette Fuhriman- 2/10/15
Objective: Students will identify items in the classroom and family members on family
trees using demonstratives, compare and contrast their extended family members with
their peers using family vocabulary and a review of adjectives from the previous unit,
and create a song or rap to help them remember yo-go verbs.
Cognitive goal: Students will compare and contrast their relatives with their peers’ using
adjectives and demonstratives.
Social/affective goal: Students will create a song/rap in groups to help them remember yo-go
verbs and present them in front of the class.
Linguistic: Students will converse with peers about their family members using
demonstratives and adjectives and create a song or a rap to remember yo-go verbs.
Assessment Objectives: Students will complete a pre-test and perform a yo-go verb song/rap
in groups for the class.
Materials needed: Calentamiento on overhead (below), “A Dios le pido” & letra, “El amor” &
letra, ppt for yo-go verbs:
1) Calentamiento y sellos (25 min)
Warm-up is the pre-test/midway check (below).
Put warm-up on the overhead and have students answer on a separate piece of
paper. They are NOT ALLOWED TO USE ANY NOTES. Have them put everything
away while they do the warm-up.
While students work on warm-up, give “bien hecho” stamps in their calendars- top
stamp for attendance, bottom stamp for completing the homework. If they were here
last class and didn’t complete the homework they get a slash instead. If they were
not in class or have completed more than half, they don’t get a slash but they also
don’t get a stamp until they complete the homework.
2) Bienvenida (5 min)
- Check the bienvenida sign up on the board to see who has the bienvenida. They
welcome the class, tell what day it is and the weather, the word of the day (they write it
on the board), and 3 sentences about an object that they bring in about why it is special.
Give pesos for students who volunteer to translate their sentences and do it correctly.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3) Quickly review homework that was due last class (5 min)
- Weasley family tree/demonstratives blue worksheet in yesterday’s folder
4) Demonstratives Game (10 min)
- Put students into partners. They will begin with partner #1 asking: “¿Qué es
eso?/¿Qué son esos?” They will then walk together over to the object & touch it and
partner #2 will answer: “Este/a/os/as es/son ______” then they will switch roles partner
#2 will ask the question. ((Write the phrases in “” on the board to help)).
- Make sure they choose words that are labeled in the classroom/that they know.
5) Sing “A Dios le pido”- by Juanes (5 min)
- the song is on iTunes, lyrics on overhead & below. Take a minute to translate a few
key lines (especially the family relationships mentioned) then everyone stands and point
to the words on the overhead as everyone sings.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6) Family Trees Activity (10 min)
Have students pull out their family trees from last night’s homework and a scratch
piece of paper. Using demonstratives, they will walk around the room and point to a
family member and say: “Este/esta es mi (relative)”. Él/ella es _____”. They will use
demonstratives and adjectives from last unit to talk about their family members.
Students need to talk to at least 10 different people around the room and on the
scratch piece of paper copy down the name of the person they talked to and the
relative they talked about (abuelo, madre, etc. NOT THE NAME). When finished,
turn in family trees & toss scratch paper with the names (but don’t tell them that they
won’t need to turn the list in until the end to make sure they do it).
7) Introduce Yo-Go Verbs (5 min)
Using the ppt linked above, quickly introduce them to irregular verbs that end in “go”
then show the youtube video that is supposed to help them remember the irregular
“yo” forms that is linked on the last slide. Emphasize that it is a SUPER LAME video.
8) Create a song/rap to help remember yo-go verbs(10-15 min)
After listening to the lame youtube video song, let them get into groups of about 4-6
to create a song/rap to help them remember the yo-go verbs. Put the second slide
back up while they work (it has the 7 yo-go verbs that we’re focusing on). There are
3 rules for the song: 1. Must use the infinitive form in the 2nd column, 2. Must use the
yo conjugation in the 3rd column, and 3. It has to be less lame than the video we
watched (which will be super easy).
9) Perform songs/raps (5 min)
Bribe them with pesos. The first group to perform their song/rap for the class gets 2
pesos each, then every group that performs after them gets 1 peso each.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10) Rubber Band Activity: Sing “El Amor” by Tito El Bambino (5 min)
- Put up overhead of lyrics. Quickly translate a few key phrases, explain that it is a
cheesy song in preparation for Valentines’ Day. Then have everyone stand up and sing,
ask for volunteers to point to the lyrics as we go. Song is in iTunes.
11) Tarea: Worksheet below
Adaptations: The family tree activity doesn’t require a lot of writing- just enough
to make it easy for me and them to make sure that they talk to 10 different
people. Since they aren’t getting a grade for doing the activity, slower learners
will not be penalized for not talking to 10 different people and quicker learners
can be encouraged to continue to talk to more than 10 people if they have extra
time. Students who are a little more shy can be put into groups with a few louder
students for the song/rap creating activity so that they don’t have to stress about
the song as much and they are encouraged to participate. The prompting
questions and answers for the demonstratives game will be written on the board
in case some students need to refer back to the grammatical structure during the
SP1 Cuento 8 Día 1 Calentamiento
¿Qué ya sabes?
1. This girl___________
2. That girl___________
3. These girls________
4. Those girls________
5. This boy___________ 9. What is this?___________
6. That boy__________ 10. What is that?____________
7. These boys________ 11. What are these?________
8. Those boys________ 12. What are
1. father__________________
2. mother__________________
3. stepfather_______________
4. stepmother______________
5. husband, wife___________
6. stepbrother, sister______
7. son/daughter____________
8. brother/sister____________
9. father/mother-in10. grandson/daughter_____________
11. aunt, uncle_______________________
12. niece/nephew___________________
15. brother/sister-in-law___________
1. I have=___________________
2. I say=_____________________
3. I do=______________________
4. I leave=_____________________
5. I place/put=______________
6. I come=___________________
7. I am worth=______________
8. I drive=______________________
9. I know=______________________
10. I give=_______________________
11. I meet=______________________
12. I see=________________________
13. I choose=____________________
¿Qué es una quinceañera? (English is ok)
A Dios le pido —por Juanes
Que mis ojos se despierten
Con la luz de tu mirada yo
A Dios le pido
Que mi madre no se muera
Y que mi padre me recuerde
A Dios le pido
Que te quedes a mi lado
Y que mas nunca te me vayas
mi vida
A Dios le pido
Que mi alma no descanse
De amarte se trate mi cielo
A Dios le pido
Por los días que me quedan
Y las noches que aún no
llegan yo
A Dios le pido
Por los hijos de mis hijos
Y los hijos de tus hijos
A Dios le pido
Que mi pueblo no derrame
tanta sangre
Y se levante mi gente
A Dios le pido
Que mi alma no descanse
De amarte se trate mi cielo
A Dios le pido
Un segundo más de vida para
Y mi corazón entero
Un segundo más de vida para
Y a tu lado para siempre yo
Un segundo más de vida yo
A Dios le pido
Y que si me muero sea de
Y si me enamoro sea de vos
Y que de tu voz sea este
Todos los días a Dios le pido
Y que si me muero sea de
Y si me enamoro sea de vos
Y que de tu voz sea este
Todos los días a Dios le pido
A Dios le pido
“El amor”- por Tito El Bambino
El amor es una magia... una simple fantasía... es como un sueño... que al fin lo encontré... es como una luz... que se esparce por el alma...
y recorre como el agua...
hasta que llena el corazón... y va creciendo y creciendo como nubes en el cielo dando vueltas por el mundo es increíble así es el amor y al fin lo encontré (x2)
el amor te ciega aunque a veces te engaña el amor es pureza si es que alguien tu amas el amor te atrapa y del nunca escaparás sólo tienes que aprender
amar, amar (x2)
y va creciendo y creciendo como nubes en el cielo dando vueltas por el mundo es increíble así es el amor y al fin lo encontré (x2)
el amor te ciega aunque a veces te engaña el amor es pureza si es que alguien tu amas el amor te atrapa y del nunca escaparás sólo tienes que aprender
amar, amar (x2)
el amor es una magia... una simple fantasía... es como un sueño... que al fin lo encontré... es como una luz... que se esparce por el alma... y recorre como el agua... hasta que llena el corazón..
Sp1 Cuento 8 Día 1 TAREA: Yo-Go Verbs
Traduce lo siguiente:
This is my brother-in-law__________________________________
Those are my grandparents _______________________________
That is my niece ________________________________________
These are my (girl) cousins _______________________________
¿Cómo se dice…?
1. I have (tener) a lot of homework tonight (this night).
2. I do (hacer) exercises every day.
3. I put (poner) those shoes on the table.
4. I leave (salir) at 3 on Thursdays.
5. I come (venir) to school with my step-brother.
6. I say (decir) the truth.
7. I am worth (valer) a lot.
Describe tu familia. Usa 5 oraciónes o más.