Digital Textbooks: Reading the Landscape

Digital Textbooks:
Reading the Landscape
Frederic Murray
Assistant Professor
MLIS, University of British Columbia
BA, Political Science, University of Iowa
Instructional Services Librarian
Al Harris Library
Text in Historical Light
• Clay Tablets
• Papyrus
• Bound Books
• Printing
• Hypertext
Digital Culture
• How will a dominantly electronic
culture differ from the print-centered
culture we have known these past few
– Sven Birkerts
"The Fate of the Book." Antioch Review. 59.2 (2001): 259-270
Question of Function
• To see the book in historical light is to
see it as technology…
….one that has always wrought
disruptive change.
Textbook Cost: Sustainable?
Students spend between $700 & $1000 a year on textbooks
(Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance. 2007)
College textbooks rose at twice the rate of inflation over the last two
decades ( GAO 2006 Study)
Rising Cost of Textbooks
• Used Book Market
• Bundling w/CDs, workbooks, online
• Concealment of Prices
The College Textbook Affordability Act 2008
• Help make textbook costs more manageable by providing
students with advance information on textbook prices in course
schedules and ensuring faculty have full textbook pricing
information when making purchasing decisions;
• Require publishers to include information about textbook price,
history of revisions, and lower-priced alternatives when
marketing a book to faculty;
• Require publishers who bundle course material to offer the
textbooks and supplemental material in unbundled versions.
Rising Costs
• Publishing Industry has undergone
massive wave of consolidations
• Textbook market lacks traditional
market mechanisms that regulate price
How will Digital Culture Differ?
• We need new business models
• Leverage the economics of digital
distribution in favor of our students
Digital Textbooks- A Promising Solution
• Production Costs
• Control over Textbook Format
• Open Up the Market for Competition
Digital Textbooks Done Right
• Must Meet Three Criteria
– Affordable
– Printable
– Accessible
Student Public Interest
Resource Group 2008
Digital Textbooks Done Wrong
• E-textbooks are too expensive
• E-textbooks are difficult and costly to print
• E-textbooks are difficult to access
• E-textbooks surveyed cost on average exactly the same as a
new hard copy and twice the cost of a used hard copy
• E-textbooks surveyed cost on average 39% more than a used
hard copy
*Course Correction: How Digital Textbooks are Off Track
• E-textbook printing on CourseSmart is limited to 10 pages per
•The cost of buying an e-textbook & printing all of the pages is
twice of the cost of buying a new hard copy and selling it back to
the bookstore.
*Course Correction: How Digital Textbooks are Off Track
• Access is limited to either online or offline on a single computer
•Online Version: Log in on any computer
•Downloadable Version: Choose one machine, desktop? laptop?
*Course Correction: How Digital Textbooks are Off Track
Digital Textbooks Done Right
• Open textbooks are
• Open textbooks are
easy & inexpensive
to print
• Open textbooks are
What is an Open Textbook?
(That's what we're working to define)
We know it has to be:
free, or very nearly free,
easy to use, get and pass around,
editable so instructors can customize content,
cross-platform compatible,
Printable, and accessible so it works with adaptive
Open Textbooks
• Open textbooks are textbooks
distributed free digitally under an open
license. The key feature of an open
license is that it permits users to make
copies of the textbook and translate it
into different formats.
Open Textbooks
• Open textbooks start as digital
textbooks, but can become printed
pages, a hardbound book, or even
audio files.
Open Textbooks
• Open textbooks accomplish what
e-textbooks do not:
– Low Prices
– Printing Options
– Accessibility
Open Textbooks are Affordable
Open textbooks are free digitally and students have the option
to use the book online or print or purchase a hard copy of the
Open textbooks are Easy &
Inexpensive to Print
An open license allows students to reproduce the textbook in
any format at any time.
Open Textbooks are Accessible
Accessibility: online, offline, on any computer, future access.
Who’s Doing What?
Fall 2009
• Florida State Universities: Free
downloads w/Orange Grove Text Plus
• California State Universities are
creating a digital marketplace
• Rice University created a digital
• NW Missouri State, Penn State &
Princeton are giving out EReaders
Florida: 124 books in an open text format
University of Florida Press with support from the state’s digital library database
California State University System
Rice University: Connections
Private Sector Initiatives
• Flatworld Knowledge
• Freeload Press
Flatworld Knowledge
Freeload Press
Places to Buy Digital
Textbooks ( But I wouldn’t)
Students can save up to 50 percent when they forgo print textbooks for the digital textbooks offered
through Zinio. The site offers textbooks in a wide range of categories. If you've never tried digital
textbooks before and want to check them out, download the free sample offered though Zinio.
More than two million people visit iChapters each month to save a guaranteed 50 percent on digital
textbooks. iChapters sells entire texts and also offers individual chapters and audio books for as little as
$1.99 each.
Students can save significant cash when they buy one of the 5,000 textbook titles available though
CourseSmart. The average CourseSmart shopper saves $60 on every digital textbook purchased.
This website has always been a popular source of low-cost textbooks and has recently expanded to begin
offering digital textbooks. More than 3,000 titles are currently available.
McGraw-Hill eBookStore
McGraw-Hill offers more than 900 of their print textbooks in digital form though their eBookstore. The
digital versions are identical to print versions, but cost an average of 50 percent less. McGraw-Hill's digital
versions can be highlighted, annotated and bookmarked.
Places to Buy Digital
Textbooks ( But I wouldn’t)
Taylor and Francis eBookstore
Taylor and Francis is another academic publisher that has decided to make their books available for
download online. Students can buy entire books, chapters or specific pages.
Books on Board
Books on Board does not have as many digital textbooks as some of the other sites on this list, but
the site is still worth checking out. Students can save anywhere from a $2 to $100 off the cover price.
Vital Source Bookshelf
Students can quickly and easily download their required textbooks through Vital Source Bookshelf. The
site works with a wide variety of publishers and campus resellers to bring students digital versions of the
most popular textbooks.
#9 CafeScribe
CafeScribe is dedicated to helping students save both money and trees via digital textbooks. The site
offers a number of interesting features that other sites don't offer, including the ability to share notes,
start groups and highlight text inside digital textbooks.
#10 Universal Digital Textbooks
Universal Digital Textbooks, also known as or, isn't a direct
source for ebooks, but it is a site that can be used to activate the digital textbook cards that you can buy
from your local/campus bookstore. The site has a test section that will tell you whether or not your
system is eBooks-capable.
Online Swap Site
• Publishers should adjust their course
to meet the criteria
– Heavily restricted & costly format
– Old traditional sales model is bust
– Redesign the model to fit the product
• Faculty should give preference to open
textbooks whenever pedagogically
• Colleges should provide support for open
textbooks/digital content
• Recognize that 700 years of experience with
paper is a huge challenge to surmount
Digital Textbooks
Open Textbooks
• Affordable
• Printable
• Accessible
• Costly
• Limited
• Restrictive
A Torrent of Textbooks
College Bookstores/Online Sites
Young, Jeffery. "College Bookstores Move to Put Electronic Textbooks on Their Shelves." Chronicle of Higher Education: The Wired Campus 16 April 2009: Web. 12 Oct
Young, Jeffery. "College Bookstores Hope to Turn Their Web Sites into E-Book Portals." Chronicle of Higher Education: The Wired Campus 24 September 2009: Web.
12 Oct 2009.
Terris, Ben. "Florida Lightens the Financial (and Physical) Burden of Textbooks." Chronicle of Higher Education: The Wired Campus 25 September 2009: Web. 12 Oct
Thibodeaux, Brandon. "Do Study Sites Make the Grade?" Wall Street Journal 09 April 2009: Web. 12 Oct 2009.
Gross, Sylvia. "Paper cut; Missouri College Embraces E- Textbooks." NPR. 23 February 2009. National Public Radio, Web. 13 Oct 2009.
"Open Textbooks." Orange Grove: Open Textbooks. 28 September 2009. Florida Distance Learning Consortium, Web. 12 Oct 2009.
"10 Places to Buy Digital Textbooks Online." Degree Directory. 10 October 2009., Web. 12 Oct 2009.
"Sick and tired of overpriced college textbooks?." Textbook Revolt. 10 October 2009. Textbook Revolt, Web. 12 Oct 2009. <>.
"Welcome To Flat World Knowledge." Flat World Knowledge. 10 October 2009. Flat World Knowledge, Inc. , Web. 12 Oct 2009.
Make Textbooks Affordable. 10 October 2009. Web. 13 Oct 2009. <>.
Digital Textbooks
Wiley, David. "Digital Textbooks Call for New Business Models." The Chronicle of Higher Education: The Wired Campus 08 July 2009: Web. 13 Oct 2009.
Catone, Josh. "Digital Textbooks: 3 Reasons Students Aren't Ready." Mashable: The Social Media Guide. 17 August 2009. Edgecast, Web. 12 Oct 2009.
Baker, Judy. "It Takes a Consortium to Support Open Textbooks." Educause Review 44.1 (January/February 2009): Web. 13 Oct 2009.
Allen, Nicole. "Course Correction: How Digital Textbooks Are Off Track & How To Set Them Straight." Educause Review 44.1 (January/February 2009): Web. 13 Oct
Pauli, Michelle. "Libraries of the Future." Ariadne 55 April (2008): Web. 12 Oct 2009.
Carr, John. "A Torrent of Textbooks." Information Today November (2008): 51.
Golshani, Forouzan. "Digital Textbooks." IEEE 15.2 April- June (2008): 63-64
Nelson, Mark. "Is Higher Education ready to Switch to Digital Course Materials?" The Chronicle of Higher Education: Commentary 28 November 2008: Web. 12 Oct
Carlson, Scott. "Online Textbooks Fail to Make the Grade." Chronicle of Higher Education: Technology 11 February 2005: Web. 12 Oct 2009.
Carty, Susan. "The digital textbook is coming!." Information Searcher 12.1 (2000): 3-7. Web. 12 Oct 2009.
Safley, Ellen. "Demand for E-books in an Academic Library." Journal of Library Administration. 45.3/4 (2006): 445-457. Print.
Carlson, Scott. "How to Channel the Data Deluge in Academic Research." Chronicle of Higher Education: Information Technology 04 April 2008: Web. 12 Oct 2009.
Lewis, David. "Library budgets, open access, and the future of scholarly communication." November 2007. Creative Commons Attribution, Web. 12 Oct 2009.
Future of the Book
Birkerts, Sven. "The fate of the Book." Antioch Review. 59.2 (2001): 259-270. Print.
Giraldi, William. "A Conversation with Sven Birkerts." Missouri Review. Summer. (2006): 29-40. Print.
Wright, Alex. Glut: Mastering Information Through the Ages. Washington D.C.: Joesph Henry Press, 2007. Print.
Roediger, Henry. "Why Are Textbooks So Expensive." APS Observer 18.1 (2005): Web. 12 Oct 2009.
Darnton, Robert. "Google & the Future of Books." New York Review of Books 12 February 2009: Web. 12 Oct 2009.
Stross, Randall. "Will Books Be Napsterized." The New York Times 04 October 2009: Web. 12 Oct 2009.