AAA109 – H 33 crn 22595 Syllabus Advanced Academic Achievement Contact Information Instructor: Contact: Class Day/Time: Classroom: Kathleen Verner, Ph. D. Only use D2L email, cccs account Friday 8 am SO 217 Important Dates Last date to drop and receive a refund Last date to withdraw-no refund Fall Break – Classes not in session Last day of classes 09/6/12 11/18/2012 11/19/2012-11/25/2012 12/10/2012 Course Information Course Description: This course examines theories and practices associated with successful learning to enhance college success. Areas of study include education and career planning, effective communication, personal management, critical and creative thinking, development of community and awareness of diversity, leadership, and techniques for successful academic performance. Corequisite DevEd 090 classes Required Textbooks: The Community College Experience Brief (3rd Edition), by Amy Baldwin; Do not buy used textbooks ISBN: 9780132676496 Required Course Materials: 3-ring binder, Notebook paper (1pkg.), Academic Calendar / Planner, Index cards, Highlighters (2 colors), Post-it notes (1 pack-3x3) Course Objectives: Students will learn strategies for college success in the following skills: 1. Create educational and career plans - Set long-term and short-term academic goals - Identify campus resources for academic success. - Identify career interests and campus resources for career planning. 2. Demonstrate effective communication skills 1