Exam preparation 2010 VCE Sociology Unit 3 Outcome 2 Australian Cultural Communities What to do • Pay attention to requirements of each question • Define and/or explain key concepts • Support discussion with evidence • Use a logical essay structure What to know • Definitions and examples of Australian culture • Definitions, policies and examples of: – Multiculturalism – Immigration – Refugees • Indigenous Australians – Examples of inequality and disadvantage – Past and present government policies What to expect • Topics on previous exams – 2009: Invasion Day and multiculturalism – 2008: The Apology and Indigenous “problems” – 2007: Indigenous inequality and multiculturalism – 2006: Australian values and multiculturalism What to expect • Types of questions on previous exams – Literal meaning of representation (2 marks) – Underlying meaning of representation (4 marks) – Context of representation requiring external information to support response (4 marks) – Greater understanding of topic requiring external knowledge of government policy (10 marks) What to expect • Representations – Newspaper article, cartoon, advertisement, etc – Contemporary issue – Refer to the representations directly – Use external information to elaborate/explain What to study • 2008 Face the Facts – Chapter 1: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples – Chapter 2: Migrants and Multiculturalism – Chapter 3: Asylum Seekers and Refugees • Produced by the Australian Human Rights Commission – Draws on primary research information from a variety of sources, including laws made by the Australian Parliament, government policies, academic research and statistics gathered by the Australian Bureau of Statistics including the 2006 Census data • www.hreoc.gov.au/racial_discrimination/face_facts/index.ht ml Culture • Culture includes the learned practices and beliefs that become associated with a group and leads to its distinctive identity • Australian national culture includes shared behaviours, values, symbols and other abstract creations – Norms/values: individualism, equality, democracy, egalitarianism, mateship, fair go, etc – Symbols: flag, beach, thong, g’day – Institutions: government (overarching), ANZAC Day (social) • Australian identity refers to how Australians see themselves being perceived by others National culture: Australia Day Cartoon by Nicholson from “The Australian” newspaper: www.nicholsoncartoons.com.au National culture: Australia Day • The representation shows 2009 Australian of the Year Professor Mick Dodson being interviewed about “Invasion Day” while a non-Indigenous Australian spends “Australia Day” at the beach complaining about the nuisance Indigenous Australians make, ruining his day. • Australia Day is on January 26 every year. • January 26 1788 was the day the British Empire began its colonisation of Australia. To the British this was a celebratory occasion. • Having Australia’s national culture celebrated on January 26 emphasises British cultural ties. • For Indigenous Australians this was the day their country was “invaded” by the British. E.g. Day of Mourning, Invasion Day, Survival Day, etc. • Some Indigenous Australians are suggesting Australia Day should be changed to a more inclusive date that does not have negative connotations. National culture: Australian flag Cartoon by Nicholson from “The Australian” newspaper: www.nicholsoncartoons.com.au National culture: Australian flag • The representation replaces the Union Jack (UK flag) with images of Indigenous Australians. – The Union Jack symbolises Australia's history as a collection of six British colonies – The representation suggests that Australia’s history should acknowledge the original inhabitants before colonisation • The Australian flag was designed through a competition following Federation on 1 January 1901 and was judged according to: loyalty to the Empire, Federation, history, heraldry, distinctiveness, utility and cost of manufacture. • As a gesture of reconciliation, in 1995 the Aboriginal Flag and the Torres Strait Islander Flag were also appointed flags of Australia. Multiculturalism • Multiculturalism describes a cultural heritage consisting of a number of cultures in parallel • It is often used to describe the diverse cultural make-up of a society and the set of norms that uphold the right to retain and enjoy one’s culture • It is also the name of a government policy to recognise, manage and maximise the benefits of diversity – In the early 1970s, “White Australia” ended and Australia began experimenting with an official commitment to multiculturalism – There is currently no federal government policy on multiculturalism Multiculturalism Cartoon by Nicholson from “The Australian” newspaper: www.nicholsoncartoons.com.au Multiculturalism • The representation implies the Victorian police are deliberately ignoring the racial violence towards Indian students • Racial discrimination goes against the concept of multiculturalism • Multiculturalism has not adapted to meet the needs of transient international students – Some international students feel exploited by tertiary institutions (e.g. considered “cash cows”) – Treatment of some international students suggests they are not valued members of Australian culture Multiculturalism • Benefits: – Reduced racial discrimination – Promotes integration through the blending of cultures (e.g. heterogeneous culture) – Enhanced self-esteem of minority groups through acceptance of difference • Limitations: – No assimilation of minority group into dominant group leading to loss of social cohesion (e.g. no homogeneous monoculture) Immigration • Know your policies: – Immigration Restriction Act 1901 – Assimilation (1947-1965) – Integration (1965-1972) – Multiculturalism (1973-2006) – Australian Citizenship Act (2007-) • Requires basic understanding of English and adequate knowledge of Australia and Australian values before applying for citizenship Immigration Cartoon by Nicholson from “The Australian” newspaper: www.nicholsoncartoons.com.au Immigration Cartoon by Nicholson from “The Australian” newspaper: www.nicholsoncartoons.com.au Immigration • Benefits: – Economy: fills skills shortages, creates demand for goods and services, invests in economy – Employment: creates jobs through demand for goods and services – Population: reverses negative impact of declining fertility and aging population • Limitations: – Environment: puts natural resources under strain (e.g. water) – Infrastructure: existing infrastructure has not kept up with population growth in cities so has caused contentious highdensity suburban dwellings in surrounding suburbs – Culture: “ethnic” clashes, racism and xenophobia Refugees • Recent times: – Beginning in 1991 the Howard Coalition government introduced punitive measures to deal with “unauthorised” asylum seekers to deter them from seeking asylum in Australia • • • • Mandatory detention until refugee visa granted Detention debt for time spent in mandatory detention Temporary Protection Visas reviewed every 3-years Pacific Solution to change Australia’s migration zone – The Rudd Labor government reversed these measures Refugees Cartoon by Nicholson from “The Australian” newspaper: www.nicholsoncartoons.com.au Refugees Cartoon by Nicholson from “The Australian” newspaper: www.nicholsoncartoons.com.au Refugees • Benefits: – Raising Australia’s status in the international community as humanitarian – Directly helping victims of persecution – Promoting human rights – Fulfilling global responsibilities • Limitations: – Reports of ethnic-based youth gangs – Expensive process – Possible welfare dependency Indigenous Australian Inequality • • • • • • • Health: Lower standards of health, lower life expectancy and higher infant mortality rates. Education: Lower standard of education (29% rural and 13% remote area Year 10 completion). Employment: Lower standards of employment, half of all jobs are CDEP and adult unemployment three times higher than non-ATSI. Housing: Lower standards of housing and less home ownership. Homelessness is three times higher than non-ATSI. Justice: Over-represented in criminal justice system. 13 times higher imprisonment rate than non-ATSI. Welfare: Over-represented in care and protection systems nationally. Children nearly four times more likely to be abused or neglected. 18.3% of women experienced physical or threatened abuse in past 12 months (compared with 7% non-ATSI). Income: Average weekly income is $460 (compared to $740 for non-ATSI). Government policies: ATSI • • • • 1788 Terra nullius End of 1800’s: Protection policies 1937: Assimilation policies (and Stolen Generations) 1967: Referendum (census / federal laws) – then equal pay, self-determination policy, self-management policy • 1976: Land Rights Law • 1992: Native Title (e.g. Mabo) • 2007: Northern Territory Emergency Response (Intervention) – 73 remote Northern Territory communities • 2008: The Apology Government policies: ATSI • Close the gap campaign (cluster of initiatives) – Reduce inequality • Self-determination (National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples to replace ATSIC) – Follow UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – Advocacy and advisory role on national level – Monitor and evaluate government performance – Develop and influence policy and legal reform – Conduct research Government policies: ATSI Cartoon by Nicholson from “The Australian” newspaper: www.nicholsoncartoons.com.au Government policies: ATSI Cartoon by Nicholson from “The Australian” newspaper: www.nicholsoncartoons.com.au Impact of globalisation • Indigenous Australians – The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples required a redesign of the Northern Territory Emergency Response to lift the suspension of the Racial Discrimination Act • Multiculturalism – The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination claimed the Victorian government and police were failing to address the problem of racial discrimination of Indian students • Immigration – The Australian Human Rights Commission claim the English-language citizenship test discriminates against applicants from developing countries and non-English speaking backgrounds (based on International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and Article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) • Refugees – The UN told the government that suspending the processing of asylum seekers from Sri Lanka and Afghanistan went against the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees