The Sociological Point of View

The Sociological Point of View
Examining Social Life
Chapter 1, section 1
Pgs. 2-8
Life In Society
• Sociologists study areas that affect all of us
Mental Health/Suicide
Adolescents/Teen Dating
Life in Society
• We all view our culture in different ways
and that gives our society great diversity.
• At the same time, most of us share many of
the same characteristics and ideas. This
diversity and similarity is the main interest
to sociologists.
Examining Social Life
• Sociology is the
systematic study of
human society.
• It is the social science
that studies human
society and social
• Social Sciences are
the disciplines that
study human social
behavior in a
scientific manner.
– Anthropology,
economics, history,
political science,
psychology &
Examining Social Life
• Social Interaction:
• Social Phenomena:
how people relate to
observable facts or
one another and
events that involve
human society.
influence each other’s
– Sociologists use these
– Sociologists focus on
the group rather then
the individual.
facts and events to
study human behavior.
Sociological Perspective
• Sociology helps you gain a new view of
yourself and the world around you.
• In order to do this you need to have a
sociological perspective: that is you must
look beyond commonly held beliefs to the
hidden meanings behind human actions.
• Through this you will learn to see the
world through the eyes of others.
Sociological Perspective
• This perspective will
help you see all
people as social
• It shows you that your
behaviors are
influenced by social
factors and that you
have learned your
behavior from others.
• It will also help you find
a balance between your
personal desires and the
demands of your
environment. You can’t
always do what you want,
but you also can’t always
do what others want you
to do. In order to grow as
an individual you must
find this balance.
Sociological Imagination
• Last, the sociological perspective helps you
view your own life with a larger society
and historical context.
• The ability to see the connection between
the larger world and your personal life is
what is known as the sociological
imagination. These phrase was coined by
C. Wright Mills.
Social Sciences
• Anthropology: the
comparative study of
the past and present
• Anthropology focuses
on past cultures and
simple or less
advanced societies
• This area is the most
similar to sociology in
its subject matter.
• Sociology focuses on
more advanced and
complex societies.
Social Sciences
• Psychology: deals
with the behavior and
thinking of
• Areas of interest
include personality,
motivation, and
• It differs from
sociology because it
focuses on the
individual instead of
the group.
• It also draws on the
tools of the natural
Social Sciences
• Combining
psychology and
sociology gives you
social psychology.
• This is the study of
how the social
environment affects
and individual’s
behavior and
• Social Psychology is a
growing major at
many schools and
offers careers in both
Social Sciences
• Economics: is the
study of the choices
people make in an
effort to satisfy their
needs and their wants.
• Examines the effects
of government
policies on economic
growth and stability.
• Economics and
sociology share
interests such as the
effect of economic
factors on various
– What examples can
you think of?
Social Sciences
• Political Science: the
examination of the
organization and
operation of
• Sociology and
political science share
many interests
• These interests
– Voting patterns
– Concentration of
political power
– Formation of
politically based
Social Sciences
• History: is the study
of past events.
• Sociologists study
past events in an
effort to explain
current social
behaviors and
• What past and current
events could be
studied by
– The Great Depression
and today’s economy.