Fairness, Privacy and Social Norms

Fairness, Privacy, and Social
Omer Reingold, MSR-SVC
“Fairness through awareness” with Cynthia
Dwork, Moritz Hardt, Toni Pitassi, Rich Zemel
+ Musings with Cynthia Dwork, Guy Rothblum
and Salil Vadhan
In This Talk
• Fairness in Classification (individual-based
– Connection between Fairness and Privacy
– DP beyond Hamming Distance
• A notion of privacy beyond the DB setting.
• Empowering society to make choices on
Fairness in Classification
Concern: Discrimination
• Population includes minorities
– Ethnic, religious, medical, geographic
– Protected by law, policy, ethics
• A catalog of evils: redlining, reverse tokenism,
self fulfilling prophecy, … discrimination may
be subtle!
Credit Application (WSJ 8/4/10)
User visits capitalone.com
Capital One uses tracking information provided by the
tracking network [x+1] to personalize offers
Concern: Steering minorities into higher rates (illegal)*
Here: A CS Perspective
• An individual based notion of fairness – fairness
through awareness
• Versatile framework for obtaining and
understanding fairness
• Lots of open problems/directions
– Fairness vs. Privacy
Other notions of “fairness” in CS
Fair scheduling
Distributed computing
Cake cutting
Stable matching
• More closely related notions outside of CS
(Economics, Political Studies, …)
– Rawls, Roemer, Fleurbaey, Young, Calsamiglia
Fairness and Privacy (1)
• [Dwork & Mulligan 2012] objections to online
behavioral targeting often expressed in terms of
privacy. In many cases the underlying concern is
better described in terms of fairness (e.g., price
discrimination, being mistreated).
– Other major concern: feeling of “ickiness” [Tene]
• Privacy does not imply fairness
– Definitions and techniques useful.
– Can Fairness Imply Privacy (beyond DB setting)?
Ad network
V: Individuals
(capital one)
O: outcomes
A: actions
Our goal:
Achieve Fairness in the first step (mapping)
V: Individuals
unknown, untrusted,
un-auditable vendor
O: outcomes
First attempt…
Fairness through
Fairness through Blindness
• Ignore all irrelevant/protected attributes
– e.g., Facebook “sex” & “interested in men/women”
• Point of failure: Redundant encodings
– Machine learning: You don’t need to see the label to
be able to predict it
– E.g., redlining
Second attempt…
Group Fairness (Statistical Parity)
• Equalize minority S with general population T
at the level of outcomes
– Pr[outcome o | S] = Pr[outcome o | T]
• Insufficient as a notion of fairness
– Has some merit, but can be abused
– Example: Advertise burger joint to carnivores in T
and vegans in S.
– Example: Self fulfilling prophecy
– Example: Multiculturalism …
Lesson: Fairness is task-specific
• Fairness requires understanding of
classification task (this is where utility and
fairness are in accord)
– Cultural understanding of protected groups
– Awareness!
Our approach…
Individual Fairness
Treat similar individuals similarly
Similar for the purpose of
Similar distribution
(fairness in) the classification task
over outcomes
Metric – Who Decides?
• Assume task-specific similarity metric
– Extent to which two individuals are similar w.r.t. the
classification task at hand
• Possibly captures some ground truth or society’s
best approximation
– Or instead: society’s norms
• Open to public discussion, refinement
• Our framework is agnostic to the choice of metric
• User control?
Metric - Starting Points
• Financial/insurance risk metrics
– Already widely used (though secret)
• IBM’s AALIM health care metric
– health metric for treating similar patients similarly
• Roemer’s relative effort metric
– Well-known approach in Economics/Political
• Machine Learning
Maybe not so much science fiction after all…
Randomized Mapping
V: Individuals
O: outcomes
Towards Formal Definition
Close individuals according
to Metric d: V  V  R
Mapped to close
V: Individuals
O: outcomes
Fairness and D-Privacy (2)
Close databases
to Hamming
Metric d: Vd:VV
Mapped to close
V: databases
O: outcomes
Key elements of our approach…
Efficiency (with utility maximization)
L: V  O  R
d-fair mapping M
d: V  V  R
V: Individuals
O: outcomes
Minimize vendor’s expected loss
subject to fairness condition
More Specific Question we Address
• How to efficiently construct the mapping
M: V -> (O)
• When does individual fairness imply group
fairness (statistical parity)?
– For a specific metric, which sub-communities are
treated similarly?
• Framework for achieving “fair affirmative
action” (ensuring minimal violation of fairness
Fairness vs. Privacy
• Privacy does not imply fairness.
• Can (our definition of) fairness imply privacy?
• Differential Privacy [Dwork-McSherry-NissimSmith’06], privacy for individuals whose
information is part of a database:
Privacy on the Web?
• No longer protected by the data of
others – my traces can be used directly to
compromise my privacy.
• Can fairness be viewed as a measure of privacy?
– Can fairness “blend me in with the (surrounding) crowd”?
Relation to K-Anonymity
• Critique of k-anonymity: Blending with others
that have the same sensitive property X is a
small consolation.
• “Our” notion of privacy is as good as the metric!
• If your surrounding is “normative” may imply
meaningful protection (and substantiate,
currently unjustified, sense of security of users).
Simple Observation:
Who Are You Mr. Reingold?
• If all new information on me obeys our fairness
definition with metrics where the two possible
Omers are very close then your confidence won’t
increase by much …
Do We Like It?
Challenge – Accumulated Leakage:
• Different applications require different metrics.
• Less of an issue for fairness …
DPrivacy with Other Metrics
• This work gives additional motivation to study
differential privacy beyond Hamming distance.
• Well motivated even in the context of database
privacy (there since the original paper).
• Example: Privacy of social networks [KiferMachanavajjhala SIGMOD ‘11]
– Privacy depends on context
• Privacy is a matter of social norms.
• Our burden: give tools to decision makers.
What is the Privacy in DP?
• Original motivation mainly given in terms of optout/opt-in incentives. Worry about an individual
deciding if to participate.
• A different point of view: a committee that
needs to approve a proposed study in the first
– Does the study incur only tolerable amount of
privacy loss for any particular individual?
On Correlations and Priors
• Assume that rows are selected independently,
and no prior information on the database:
– DP protects the privacy of each individual.
• But at the presence of prior information, privacy can be
grossly violated [Dwork-Naor ‘10]
• Pufferfish [Kifer- Machanavajjhala] A Semantic
Approach to the Privacy of Correlated Data
• Protect privacy at the presence of pre-specified adversaries
• Interesting case may be when there is a conflict
between privacy and utility
Individual-Oriented Sanitization
• Assume you only care about the privacy of Alice.
• Further assume that the data of Alice is correlated
to the data of at most 10 others.
• Enough to erase these 11 rows from the database.
• Even if correlated to more, expunging more that 11
rows may exceed the (society defined) legitimate
expectation of privacy (e.g., in a health study).
• Differential privacy simultaneously gives
“comparable” level of privacy to everyone.
Other variants of DP
• Suggests and interprets other variants of DP –
defined by the sanitization we allow individuals.
• For example: in social networks, what is the
reasonable expectation of privacy for an
– Erase your neighborhood?
– Erase information originating from you?
• Another variant: change a few entries in each
• Adam Smith: this informal interpretation may
lose too much. For example, the distance in the
definition of DP is subtle
• Jonathan Katz: How do you set up epsilon?
• Omer Reingold: How do you incorporate input
from machine learning into the decision process
of policy makers?
Lots of open problems/directions
• Metric
– Social aspects, who will define them?
– How to generate metric (semi-)automatically,
metric oracle?
• Connection to Econ literature/problems
– Rawls, Roemer, Fleurbaey, Young, Calsamiglia
– Local vs global distributive fairness? Composition?
• Case Study (e.g., in health care)
– Start from AALIM?
• Quantitative trade-offs in concrete settings
Lots of open problems/directions
• Further explore connection and implications
to privacy.
• Additional study of DP with other metrics.
• Completely different definitions of privacy?
• …
Thank you.