Look Windwards! How is Rafique affected by Mrs Wilson’s shopping? Copyright © 2006 Farming and Countryside Education Where are we going to study? Key Question How is Rafique Fitzpatrick affected by Mrs Wilson’s shopping trips? Learning Objectives •To develop thinking skills (Sorting, Sequencing and Classification.) •To understand the term interdependency. •To understand that local decisions can have economical, social and environmental consequences on a global scale. How is Rafique affected by Mrs Wilson’s shopping trips? Who is Rafique and where does he live? Who is Mrs Wilson and where does she live? How is Rafique Fitzpatrick affected by Mrs Wilson’s shopping trips? YOUR TASK • Open the Envelope and read the statements (are there any words you don’t understand) • Sort all the cards so that you classify them into groups so that you can start to piece together the story. (There is no right or wrong way in which to group the cards) • How have you classified the cards? • How did you classify them? • Think again and make links between the groups. • When you are happy with your classification stick down the statements and start to make links between them by writing them on the large sheet. • Where do Rafique and Mrs Wilson live and how are they linked? • What are the impacts of Mrs Wilson’s shopping decision on the Social, Economic and Environment of Windward Islands? What do these images tell you about interdependency? The Banana Industry – The main industry in the Windward Islands ASDA WAITROSE SAINSBURYS AND OTHER SUPERMARKETS ALSO SELL WINDWARD ISLES BANANAS Social Impacts (Affects on people such as health, education and jobs) What paid for this new road? What paid for Simeon’s new desks? How can new desks help improve the quality of life for Rafique’s friend? How does it help the rural islanders? How does the government pay for its health care? Life expectancy is currently 73 years. What would the impact be on health? Environmental Impacts The blue plastic bags protect the bananas. How does Fairtrade help the environment? What do farmers use less of and what are the impacts? Social and Economic Impacts Without the banana industry what else could the farmers grow? What could the impact of this be on the Windward Isles and the UK? Economic Impacts (Affects linked to money) How would the loss of trade affect the government? Agriculture such as the banana industry employs what % of the islands workforce? What would the impact of this loss have? Ashbourne is a Fairtrade town. What does this mean and how does this impact on the Windward Isles? Mrs. Wilson always buys Fairtrade. What are the Social, Economic and Environmental Impacts of this? Key Question How is Rafique Fitzpatrick affected by Mrs Wilson’s shopping trips? How would you feel to be in Rafique’s position? What questions would you like to ask him? Your task is now to write an extended piece of work to answer the key question of the Mystery. Use the resources given plus any of your own knowledge and investigation. GOOD LUCK! Everyone is happy with Fairtrade!! Key Question How is Rafique Fitzpatrick affected by Mrs Wilson’s shopping trips? Learning Objectives •To develop thinking skills (Sorting, Sequencing and Classification.) •To understand the term interdependency. •To understand that local decisions can have economical, social and environmental consequences on a global scale.