Name of Teacher: School: HCPSS Student Learning Objective Social Studies - Sociology Content Component Description Student Learning Objective 100% of students in will demonstrate growth towards mastery of (SLO) the content of Sociology as measured by performance on a range of HCPSS approved performance tasks Population “11th and 12th grade”; students enrolled in Sociology Learning Content HCPSS Social Studies Curriculum Instructional Interval School year 2014- 2015 Evidence of Growth 1. First quarter administration of baseline teacher- developed inquiry analysis task based on Sociology concepts (Sociological Imagination, Structural Functionalism, Social Conflict or Symbolic Interaction) and graded using districtapproved Inquiry and Analysis Rubric. 2. Quarterly administration of inquiry analysis task using district-approved Inquiry and Analysis Rubric. Baseline Baseline scores on the performance task are on the attached class roster. Summary of scores: (insert number) students earned a score of 1 on the baseline performance task. (insert number) students earned a score of 2 on the performance task. (insert number) students earned a score of 3 on the performance task. (insert number) students earned a score of 4 on the performance task. (Attach class roster to share students’ scores on Beginning-of-theYear Assignment/Performance Task/Assessment.) Rationale for Student Learning Objective . Growth in social studies skills, processes, concepts, and content will be measured by district and teacher-developed formative, summative, and performance assessments. Social studies content, skills, and processes are based on the State Social Studies Standards and the College Career and Civic Life (C3) Social Studies Framework. These standards increase in rigor and complexity each year, and are designed to prepare students for high school social studies coursework and advanced level classes in history and other social sciences. Target Criteria for Effectiveness Strategies . Students will show growth in the application of social studies skills, processes, concepts, and content (as determined by HCPSS on district measures/or determined by social studies team for locally developed measures) on a range of summative assessments and/or performance tasks. Teachers should collect student work samples throughout the year to assess ongoing growth in student understanding. *Please note: Students identified by IEP teams as having significant cognitive disabilities will have individual targets. Full Attainment of Partial Attainment Insufficient Target of Target Attainment of Target More than 90% of Between 75% and Less than 75% of students meet agreed 90% of students meet students meet upon learning targets. agreed upon learning agreed upon targets. learning targets. Provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding of social studies skills, processes, and content by representing knowledge in multiple ways. Examples include experiential exercises, processing assignments, maps, graphics, debate, political cartoons, teacher and/or districtdeveloped assessment tools, and formal and informal writing. Have students review their own performance data and develop individual targets for improvement in identified areas. Have students collect work samples throughout the school year that will demonstrate their mastery of key ideas and concepts in social studies content, skills, concepts, and processes. Inquiry Analysis Rubric Process Criteria Exemplary 4 Product Developing 2 Basic 1 Claim/Topic Selection Succinctly states a manageable claim/topic that addresses potentially significant yet lessexplored aspects of the topic States a manageable claim/topic that appropriately addresses relevant aspects of the topic States a claim/topic that while manageable, is too narrowly focused and omits relevant aspects of the topic States a claim/topic that is far too general and wide-ranging as to be manageable Evidence/ Background Research Synthesizes in-depth information and data from multiple credible sources (primary and secondary) and various points of view Presents in-depth information and data from relevant sources (primary and secondary) representing various points of view Presents information and data from a few relevant sources and cites limited points of view Presents information and data from irrelevant sources and cites limited points of view Analysis of Evidence and Reasoning • Thoroughly identifies and evaluates major points of view Accurately interprets evidence without any misconceptions Cites patterns, differences, or similarities related to the question • Identifies and evaluates obvious points of view Interprets evidence without interfering misconceptions Cites some patterns, differences, or similarities related to the question • States or briefly includes more than one point of view Interprets evidence with minimal misconceptions Cites limited patterns, differences, or similarities related to the question • The question is fully answered citing textual and/or statistical evidence that skillfully addresses the claim The conclusions accurately address future limitations or implications • The question is answered citing textual and/or statistical evidence based on research and plausibly addresses the claim The conclusions adequately address future limitations or implications • Some attempt is made to answer the question citing textual and/or statistical evidence that minimally addresses the claim The conclusions ineffectively address future limitations or implications • • • Conclusion/ Implications • • 0 = A blank or incoherent response . Proficient 3 • • • • • • • • • Does not take into account more than one point of view No interpretation due to significant misconceptions Does not cite patterns, differences, or similarities related to the question Little or no attempt is made to answer the question using textual and/or statistical evidence and the claim is not addressed The conclusions are minimal or missing Sociology Lesson Stems The following are suggestions for inquiry and analysis topics listed in a roughly chronological order based on HCPSS suggested units for Sociology. Teachers may select the student created product or mode of presentation. Each broad topic has several links to specific examples that teachers may use. The questions above the links are designed to guide students through the task analysis. Topic : Social Construction o o o o Students can use any or all of the following links to answer the following questions; What social construct is being described? Is this a construct you have? Explain. How did this idea develop or change over time? Why is this idea an example of a social construct? Is this a construct we should keep or change? Explain. Topic: Culture (Language) o Students analyze the use and effect of language based on one of the three sociological theories (Structural Functionalism, Social Conflict, Symbolic Interaction) Students can use any or all of the following links to answer the any of following questions ; Structural Functionalism How does the use of language by certain groups help or hurt society maintain stability and order? Social Conflict How does language reflect the major patterns of social inequality How do some categories of people attempt to challenge the status quo? . Symbolic Interaction How do human beings interact to create, sustain, and change social patterns? How do individuals attempt to shape the reality perceived by others? Topic : Socialization o Students analyze how each theory ((Structural Functionalism, Social Conflict, Symbolic Interaction) would explain conformity or deviance. Conformity Deviance Possible end of year assessment o o . Students use evidence of choice to rank how the agents of socialization effect their behavior. Topic: Conformity/Deviance o _Pizza_30 Students can use sociology concepts to analyze any current event or pop culture trend. Examples of possible topics could include the following;