Schooling in Italy

Italian School System
Nursery School (not compusory)
Primary School (compusory)
Low Secondary School (compusory)
Secondary School (compusory up the age of 16)
Schooling in Italy
Education in Italy is state-controlled
The Ministry of Public Education decide the
National Curricula.
Education is compulsory and free of charge for all
children between the ages of 6 and 16.
Primary School from the ages of 6 to 11
Lower secondary level from 11 to 14
Secondary-High School from 14 to 19
Nursery School
For children aged from 3 to 5.
Generally kids are at a school 8 hs a day from Monday to
They have only fun activities : drawing, playing games
dramas, and some time they learn English, too.
Children in nursery schools have the possibility to develop
their creativity, expression and knowledge of the world.
Primary School
Pupils are from 6 to 11 .
At the beginning children learn writing and reading.
Then pupils study: Italian, History, Geography, Science, Music,
Art, P.E. , Maths, English and Religion (not compulsory)
There are two kinds of Primary School System:
Full time school: from Monday to Friday; 8hs a day. Children
have lunch in the canteen and lesson in the morning and
Pupils have two teachers: one for Linguistic Subjects, History,
Geography and Art and one for Scientific Subjects, Music and
Primary School
Morning time school: from Monday to Saturday
5hs a day.
Pupils have three teachers: one for Linguistic
Subjects; one for Scientific Subjects and P.E. and
one for History, Geography, Music and Art.
Low Secondary School
Children are from 11 to 13
8:20 to 13:20. Monday to Saturday.
FULL TIME SCHOOLS: (very rare) from 8.20 to 16.20
Monday to Friday.
SUBJECTS: Italian, English, French, Maths, History,
Geography, Science, Art, Physical Education and
Religion (not compulsory).
Secondary schools in Italy
• Students from 14 to 19
• Students start Sec. schools at the age of 14 and finish
when they are 19.
• Students can choose different courses depending on
subjects that they prefer :
• Gymnasium Liceo based on the study of Classical
subjects (Latin and Greek)
• Science Liceo based on the study of Maths and
Science without neglecting Latin and Philosophy
Language Liceo based on the study of modern
languages (English, French, German and Spanish
Music Liceo based on the study of music and singing.
Art Liceo based on the study of Art and Fashon
Technical Schools for:
accountants --- surveyors --- experts in computer,
chemistry, media of communications, mechanics …
Vocational Schools for mechanic, workers, plumbers.
Languages Liceo
Students can attend the Secondary School of languages
after the Low Secondary School.
This school lasts 5 years.
Schedule for the first two years.
27 classes a week of 60 minutes each.
4/3 classes of French (1 class with a native speaker)
3 /4 classes of English (1 class with a native speaker)
4 classes of German or Spanish (1 class with a native speaker)
4 classes of History and Geography 3 classes
3 classes of Maths: Latin 3 classes Science 2 classes
2 classes of P.E.
Languages Liceo
(part 2)
Schedule for the following three years.
30 classes a week of 60 minutes each.
Instead of Latin we study
Philosophy, Physics and History of Art
Human Science Liceo
This Diploma allows students to attend University to
become Primary School teachers:
Schedule for the first two years
27 classes a week of 60 minutes each
Italian Language and Literature
History and Geography
Latin ---- English
Law and Economics
Maths---- Science ---- Physics
Human Science (Psychology - Sociology Pedagogy and Statistics)
Physical Education
Religion (not compulsory)