The Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution
The History of Russia
• The Romanov Dynasty
– Peter the Great
• Westernization of Russia
– Tsar Alexander II
• He made some social reforms by
freeing the serfs
• Caused a growing gap between the
rich and poor
• Class tensions increased
– Tsar Nicholas II
• Revolutionaries stir the pot of
– Vladimir Lenin
– The Bolshevik’s
Causes of the Russian
• The Russo-Japanese
War 1905
– Imperialism
• Revolution of 1905
– Bloody Sunday
• Landless Peasants
• Incompetence of Tsar
Nicholas II
– Rasputin
• Military defeats in World
War I
– High Casualties
– Fuel and Food Shortages
Russia Begins to Crumble
• By 1917 , disasters on
the battlefield combined
with fuel and food
shortages on the home
front brought the
monarchy to collapse.
• On the advice of military
and political leaders, the
tsar abdicated.
• A provisional government
is established and
continued to fight WWI
November Revolution Brings Vladimir
Lenin and the Bolsheviks to Power
• Revolutionary Socialist, influenced by
the works of Karl Marx.
• In 1917 the Bolsheviks overthrew the
provisional government and took
control of Russia.
• Withdraws Russia from WWI to focus
on troubles at home.
• Treaty of Brest-Litovsk giving a
huge chunk of land and population to
Germany in exchange for peace.
• Civil War between the Reds and
Building the Communist State of the
Soviet Union
• In 1922, Lenin’s communist government
united much of the old Russian empire
into the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republic (USSR), or Soviet Union.
• Bolsheviks rename themselves the
Communist Party.
• Adopted the New Economic Policy
(NEP). These included:
– Farmers could now sell their surplus
– Individuals could buy and sell things
for profit
– Some private business ownership
was allowed
Lenin’s Death and Successors
• In 1924 Lenin Dies
• Struggle of leadership of the
– Trotsky
– Stalin
• Trotsky exiled to Mexico
– Murdered by a axe to the head
• Stalin emerges as new Russian
• Under Stalin’s totalitarian rule, the
Soviet Union grew to become one
of the worlds super power.
Let’s Review
1. The major leader of the Bolsheviks and first leader of
the USSR was ____________.
2. The man who succeeded Lenin as leader of the USSR
was _________.
3. Lenin believed that a small group could run Russia in
the interest of the people (working class). This was
called the "Dictatorship of the ___________“
4. Name one event that weakened Russia's royal family
prior to the revolution.
5. Russia's first revolution replaced the tsar. The
provisional government that ruled next failed mainly
because it continued Russia's participation in ______.