MEMORANDUM Date: March 20, 2015 To: Alicia Stewart, Professor of Business, San Joaquin Delta College From: Thuy Bui, San Joaquin Delta College Student Subject: MLA documentation On March 20, 2015 SJDC Writing department offered MLA documentation workshop for all of students with the instructor Hannah. The workshop took only one hour, but it is very helpful for all of students attended. Hannah covered all-important points of MLA documentation formatting from how to do basic MLA documentation paper layout, how to avoid plagiarism, how to use the quote in an essay, and how to do works cited and its formatting layout. I feel very lucky and proud of myself that I attended this workshop. It gives me comprehension about MLA documentation and how to use it in my Bus 17 class or business writing. MLA formatting and basic paper layout As a new student is learning English, I should understand what is MLA documentation? MLA standards for Modern Language Association that developed this MLA documentation. Many researchers or people who write or work related to language art and humanities such as reporter, book authors use this style. Writing in MLA style has to follow its formatting and paper layout. Any information, ideas, and quotations from any sources that must be showed in the writing paper as works cited to let people who read your paper see where you get them. About MLA basic college paper layout, the paper is 1-inch margins, 10 to 12 point font Times New Roman or Arial, double-spaced, writer’s last name and page number in upper right corner half inch from the top on every page. Title must be centered, bolded, not underlined, or in the quotes. Every paragraph indentation is five spaces or half inch. On the first page has heading in upper left corner one inch from the top, and it has your name, professor’s name, course name, and due date. Following all those steps above, a new student like me will do well for MLA writing style and get good score. Works Cited formatting Works cited is one of the most new things for me as college student when I learn about writing in English. It seems like easy for me now, after I was attending the MLA documentation workshop. I have comprehension about works cited and its format. Especially, it is easier than before when I know how to use Microsoft Word 2013 to do works cited for my college writing paper. Works cited will begin on a last new page. “Works Cited” words must be centered on the top of the page, and the cited page must be double space. All the sources put in alphabetical order if you do manually. If you use Microsoft Word 2013, it will automatic putting all sources in alphabetical order, and each entry starts with the second line and indentation in five spaces. With Microsoft Word 2013, works cited is easy and convenience for college students. Conclusion The MLA documentation workshop provides all information about how to making sense of MLA style from how to do college paper layout, how to avoid plagiarizing, and how to do works cited. All these good and helpful information above really help me to do well in my business writing report or Business 017 class. I think this workshop is very helpful for all students who are taking any business class, because most of business classes require writing reports. A student wants to have a good grade for business class, he or she has to take this workshop to understand how to write in MLA style. It also helps students in real life, when they do business that sometimes requires for writing report too.