RELATIVE PRONOUN QUIZ Decline the relative pronoun: Singular Nom. plural Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl The relative pronoun agrees with its antecedent in ___________ and ___________, but its _____________ depends upon its use in its own clause. When the relative pronoun (who) is in the Nominative, it should be written in English as ________; in the Genitive, _____________, in the Dative, ____________________; In the Accusative, ________________; and in the Ablative, _________________. In an Ablative of Accompaniment, the cum should always be placed ______________________. For the following sentences you will use the chart that follows: Identify the relative pronoun, give its antecedent, number, gender and case; then give the proper Latin form of the pronoun. 1. These are the times which we’ll always remember… a really scary nightmare! 2. The sword with which I killed the rat was plastic….it was a really weak rat. 3. The citizens to whom Caesar gave his money were happy…..wouldn’t you be? 4. The mother of the boy who is lost has called the police. 5. This is the year in which I was born….and I’m really, really old. 6. The farmers whom we saw in the field were chasing their pigs…..the most fun they’ve had all day. 7. The friends with whom I was talking left……I’m such an interesting person. Rel. Pro. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Antecedent Number Gender Case Latin form RELATIVE PRONOUN QUIZ Multiple Choice: Pick the correct answer and put the letter in the blank to the left of the sentence. 1. _________ Villa ____ imperator aedificavit (built) magna erat. a. Qui b. quam c. quī d. quod 2. _________ Hostes vastaverunt (destroyed) pontem _____ a Anco Martio factus est. a. qui b. quem c. quos d. quod 3. _________ The boys to whom I gave my I-Pod decided not to beat me up. a. cui b. quos c. qui d. quibus 4. _________ Templum _______ Romani amavit in Foro (the Forum)erat. a. which b. of which c. to which d. by which 5. _________ Romani a rege ______ erat iustus et aequus regebantur. a. quī b. quem c. cui d. quā Translate the following sentences: 1. Timeo periculum quod timetis. 2. Milites a quibus urbs defensa est bene pugnaverunt. 3. Homo de quo dicebas est meus pater. 4. In flumine fuit pons in quo hostes iter ad urbem faciebant. 5. Vidistine viros quibus pecuniam tradidi, aut a Foro fugerunt?