Study Guide and Test Pronoun, Noun, Action Verb.pptx

Grammar Study Guide
Pronoun, Noun, Verb
Friday, October 24th
* A pronoun is a word that takes the place of one or more
nouns. A pronoun must match the noun it replaces.
Singular Pronoun:
I , you, he, she, it, me, him and her.
Leo cleaned the kitchen.
He cleaned it.
Plural Pronoun:
we, you, they, us, and them
Nicole and I read books.
We read them.
A noun is a person, place or thing. It can be common or proper.
*Common noun- are general and not capitalized.
Example: ocean, park, zoo
*Proper noun- are capitalized because they name specific
people, places, and things.
Example: Atlantic Ocean, Central Park, San Diego Zoo
*A verb is a word that shows action. Verbs tell what the
subject of the sentence does.
Examples: *Emiiy baked cupcakes for her friends.
* Superman dashed to catch the criminal.
* Harold asked Dr. Kennedy a question.