Key Elements of a Great Campaign

It all started in
“Join me in imagining our
country as it could be… a
smart and caring nation,
where all Canadians can
succeed, contribute, and
develop their talents to their
fullest potential.”
Smart & Caring Communities
Governor General’s call to build a ‘smart & caring nation’
Serve every community
by ensuring every
community has access to a
community foundation
Connect the country
through common Smart &
Caring Community Funds
Connect the country
By establishing Smart &
Caring Community Funds
from coast to coast
What is ‘Smart & Caring’
Looking out for each other
Creating opportunity
Open to possibilities
Doing things better
Taking care of what’s important to us
Developing Your Smart and Caring
Community Fund Strategy
Defining Resource Development
It’s More than Dollars
• Fund development is at the heart of our work – we build
• Holding a broader view of “resources” and long-term
development is critical
• We are conduits of a community vision and dream –
resource development is a means to an end
Defining Resource Development
Factors for Success
• Exhibit strategic thinking
• Reflect careful planning and organization
• Owned and developed locally - utilizing local strengths,
capacities and resources
• Engage community members directly - sense of ownership
• Effective use of volunteers/leaders and use of community
resources and networks – champions are key to success!
• Focus on the principle of leveraging (of people, ideas, and
networks, etc.)
Defining Resource Development
Factors for Success
• Look at long-term, lasting relationships with donors and supporters –
cultivation and stewardship!
• Increase awareness of your communities’ issues – superlative
• Provide a physical focal point for generating new ideas and skills and
building community
• Visionary, creative and fun
• Build organizational skills and capacity - initiatives inherently build
resources and capability so you feel operationally rich
• Lead with passion, integrity and excellence
• Ultimately mobilize community members and stakeholders to make
legacy gifts and support funds towards your vision
Our Context and Reality
Increased Complexity and Challenges
• Roles of government, business, community associations charities and
non-profits are all in flux with a dramatic impact on local communities.
• Competition for philanthropic support has never been fiercer.
• Donor fatigue, especially in smaller community settings is very real.
• Local organizations face greater demand for their programming - with
less resources and funding; community foundations have a critical and
important role to play in this climate.
Our Context and Reality
Increased Complexity and Challenges
• Community donors and corporations are much more deliberate,
strategic and thoughtful about how they support non-profits, charities
and foundations.
• Donors are more sophisticated and have greater expectations; they
measure the impact of their investments (outcomes).
• Increasingly complex challenges transcend the ability of any sector to
work alone - collaboration is essential. This is a strength.
Defining Resource Development
Factors for Success
• Exhibit strategic thinking
• Reflect careful planning and organization
• Owned and developed locally - utilizing local strengths,
capacities and resources
• Engage community members directly - sense of ownership
• Effective use of volunteers/leaders and use of community
resources and networks – champions are key to success!
• Focus on the principle of leveraging (of people, ideas, and
networks, etc.)
Our Context and Reality
Increased Complexity and Challenges
• Community foundations have a unique role to play in building
endowments and legacies for communities
• This climate of change presents challenges and also opportunities.
• We need to build our entrepreneurial muscle to identify exciting
possibilities. This includes monitoring emerging trends/best
practices and keeping our eyes open.
SMART & CARING COMMUNITIES provides a unique
Positioning Your Smart & Caring
1. A strategic and issues-oriented response
In action:
• Victoria Foundation selected physical literacy as it ties to local and
national Vital Signs® reports
• Perth & District Community Foundation selected child and youth
mental health due to high teen and adolescent suicide
• The Community Foundation of Mississauga – with a focus on
children and youth for $1 million
Positioning Your Smart & Caring
2. A capacity-building and infrastructure response
In action
• South Okanagan is building financial and organizational
infrastructure in some of their smaller communities
“Solutions to help friends and neighbours…developing a volunteer
base in every community…to build models for supporting
sustainable local initiatives from within…”
• Stratford & Perth Community Foundation is launching 6 SMART &
CARING COMMUNITIES Fund across 6 catchment areas
Positioning Your Smart & Caring
3. To build the brand for a new community foundation and
community fund
In action:
• Community Foundation of Halton North:
• Newly founded community foundation
• Embracing SMART & CARING COMMUNITIES and using its
• Aim to distribute $10,000 in 2016 , with $300,000 raised by
Key Elements of a Great Campaign
Pre-Campaign Planning
• Organizational readiness and feasibility process
Preparing Your Organization
• Overall set up, sourcing prospects and acquiring leadership
Building Campaign Momentum - Action!
• Case for support, launch, solicitation, monitoring and follow-up
• Measuring metrics, impact and outcomes and ensuring strategies
for continual improvement plus ongoing stewardship activities
Key Elements of a Great Campaign
Pre-Campaign Planning:
Internal Readiness - Organizational Assessment
• A process for identifying campaign needs along with a compelling case
for support (focus on mission, vision and outcomes
• A clearly defined process for how endowment(s) will be used
• Image, reputation and credibility - well known and respected
• Quality grants, partnerships, programs, services, and outcomes - with a
history of demonstrated achievement
• Quality financial structures that support the campaign
• Commitment from Board, community champions, staff, volunteers,
supporters and the community you serve
Key Elements of a Great Campaign
Pre-Campaign Planning - Objectively identify and evaluate:
• Inhibitors: other financial demands, time and availability of staff,
strength of volunteer base, etc.
• Resources required: staff and volunteers
• Roles and responsibilities: committee structure, leadership, staff,
board, etc.
• Marketing & communications strategy
• A detailed budget (with projected expenses and cost per dollar)
• Related policies connected to fund development (named,
undesignated, minimums, etc.)
• A timetable that is achievable and aligned to your broader needs and
organizational realities
Key Elements of a Great Campaign
Pre-Campaign Planning: Internal Readiness
• Commitment to investing resources with an understanding of the
intensity of the process
• Access to community leaders to open doors for support – community
champions and advisors are key
• A donor base of support (potential prospects - with capacity to give)
• Expertise and know-how (in-house and/or external consultants)
• A clear structure to support the work
• Feasibility work to assess the campaign concept and goal(s)
Key Elements of a Great Campaign
Campaign Preparation - Adequate time and energy to establish:
A plan with targeted goals that maximizes your strengths, focuses on priorities,
targets key markets, provides a timetable of strategies/tactics and provides a
budget - against the plan for developing and allocating the fund
A campaign theme, materials and promotions (proposals, letters, pledge
forms, website, social media, marketing strategies, etc.)
A thoughtful, well-timed and focused communications and PR effort
Efficient administrative systems: tax receipt issuance and thank you letters,
appraisals for non-cash gifts, accounts receivable and financial structures, fund
statements and accounts, follow-up on annual pledges, etc.
A database and an information management system
Donor agreements, as appropriate
A clearly defined reporting and accountability process
Key Elements of a Great Campaign
Building Campaign Momentum: Action, Action, Action!
Mobilize your Fund Development/Campaign Committee
Follow your detailed action plan and timetable to build momentum
Continually compile and approach prospect lists
Secure leadership gifts - from key leaders, Board, and volunteers
Identify/review/rate/assign prospects for face-to-face meetings
Prepare appeals, target markets and points of influence, e.g.
professional advisors, networks, etc.
• Ensure ongoing solicitation and identification/recruitment of
additional task team members, as required
• Develop and implement PR/media strategies
Key Elements of a Great Campaign
Building Campaign Momentum: Action, Action, Action!
• Ongoing cultivation and appeals: knock, knock, knock on doors!
• Implement ongoing communication strategies with Campaign Team
(monthly Board/team reports, regular updates to all constituents,
newsletter, ongoing exploration of media opportunities, campaign
launch, celebration event(s) and final reports)
• Implement accounting and evaluation procedures to allow for
measurement of outputs and impact
• Celebrate successes and evaluate progress
Key Elements of a Great Campaign
The Overall Steps for Donor Cultivation and Solicitation
Gaining Support for your Smart & Caring Community Initiative
Initial Preparation and Planning
Research and Strategy Development
Developing Relationships with Donors/Investors
Developing a Compelling Case for Support
Making the Ask
Follow-up and Cultivation/Stewardship
Key Elements of a Great Campaign
Monitoring and Follow Up
• Follow-up on calls and appeals
• Host ongoing report meetings with volunteers and share key
• Measure progress against set goals, deadlines and desired results
• Provide verbal and written reports
• Receipt all donations and fulfill all recognition and donor
• Collect on all pledges - involve your top leadership in pledge
redemption, as needed
Key Elements of a Great Campaign
Monitoring and Follow-up
• Keep excellent files of all communication and findings including
updating campaign reports and records
• Thank people for meeting with you and helping you to move the
funding opportunity forward
• Send a thank you letter and receipt promptly
• Submit reports regularly to donors on campaign status and impact
of donation
Key Elements of a Great Campaign
Evaluation - Did the campaign achieve its goals?
 Financial Returns (on Finances Invested)
 Goal met; % of goal met
 Gross and net income and cost per dollar for campaign
 Average gift, # of new donors, etc.
 Fulfillment rates on pledges
 Increased support for operations
 Non-financial returns on $’s and time invested
 Public relations and increased exposure
 Increased donor and supporter base
 New contacts and new volunteers
 Proactive fundraising culture with enhanced
 Gifts-in-kind/gifts-of-service
 Other spin off effects, e.g. new programs, etc.
Key Elements of a Great Campaign
Evaluation - Involve all stakeholders and assess:
the plan
goals - monetary/non-monetary
volunteers' training sessions
public relation and
policies and procedures
volunteers and leadership
success of types of solicitations
revenue by donor category
pledge fulfillment rates
Strategies for Building Board and Community
Leadership and Ownership for Fund Development
Board Engagement
• Recruit and develop directors with clear expectations around fund
development and personal giving
• Engage them strategically in planning and case for support development
• Provide fund development training and “how to make a pitch”
• Utilize individual directors’ unique skills and assets and then celebrate
their success individually and collectively
• Undertake a networking exercise to develop and define points of
influence in the community and then animate it
We’re here to support you!
National Ad
• Smart & Caring made it
• Phase one: Introduce CFs
to Canadians
• Connect us with a passion
for community
• Campaign launched in
January 2014
Smart & Caring Communities
Connecting your CF with Smart &
Caring Communities
• We can help coordinate someone to come speak to
your Board
• We can match you with another CF already engaged in
Smart & Caring Communities
For more information visit