Training Programs Richard Jones, Head Coach Devising Training Programs • • • • • Base fitness Lifestyle review Goal setting Medical History Current training methods • Dietary Requirements • Motivation • Strengths and Weaknesses • Previous experience • Support – Coach, family, friends What do you want to achieve on race day? • Defining the demands of your event • Have clear aims & objectives • Your body is only as strong as you make it! • Pay attention to intensity If your training & racing is to change (improve) Then you must be willing to change first Periodisation • Macro Cycles – – – – Base (Nov – April) Pre Comp (May/June) Competition (July - Sept) Recovery (Oct) • Meso Cycles – 4 weeks • Micro Cycles – 7 days Macro Cycles; Training Phases in a typical year • • • • Phase 1- Base Phase 2- Pre Comp Phase 3- Competition Phase 4- Recovery Nov - April May/June July - Sept Oct Traditional Meso Cycles 120 Load % 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 We e k 4 Typical Triathletes Meso Cycle! 120 Training load % 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 week 6 7 8 Micro Cycle -> Annual Plan • • • Each training session should have a specific objective Active recovery aids recuperation Micro cycles provides focus on particular objective Base Phase • Slow is smooth and smooth is fast • Strength & endurance • Improve technique, skills, weaknesses • Prepare body for higher build phase/period Examples of Base Phase training. Swim: • Aerobic mix 6 x 400 + 30 (mixed with KWF P&P) Bike: • Aerobic ride 90mins - 3hr (include chain gang!) Run: •Fartlek 5 Ez / 5 steady 80% 4/4/3/3/2/2/1/1/3/3/2/2/1/1 Pre Comp Phase • To Prepare for the specific demands of the A – priority race • Increase of intensity and possible duration • Possibly more recovery will be required Examples of Pre Comp Phase Training Swim: • Aerobic endurance 20 x 100m + 10/15 sec • Threshold 10 x 150 + 10/15 Bike: • Wattage/ HR 5 x 3/5 mins 2min spin rec Run: • Track 4 x 800-400-200-200 • Miles at Goal RP Sunday: • Group ride 2hrs (chain gang) with a 20min easy run off Competition Phase • • • • • Physiological peak for your first sprint / Olympic / IM distance triathlon Eliminating all training fatigue Tactics / Nutrition TAPER Race evaluation Examples of Competition Phase Training Swim: • 10 x 150 Threshold pace – Short recovery • Aerobic session – 10 x 200 + 30 Bike: • Aerobic ride (Possibly include chain gang of 20-30mins) Run: • 4 x 1km (Full recovery) Monitoring and Evaluating • All the key workouts depend on the objective & the goal of each athlete • The athlete must decide/evaluate what part of training will require “topping up” & continually assess whether this goal is being achieved • Design key workouts to ascertain whether the athlete is at the desired conditioning level Getting faster & fitter is like sharpening a pencil The sharper the tip, the more easily it will break Recovery and Over-training • Possibly/Arguably the most important part • Is to allow body to adapt to the training load • Function to help the body remain healthy Traditional Meso Cycles 120 Load % 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 We e k 4 Gradual Adaptation Principles in Action RECOVERY FATIGUE COMPETITION WEEK 7 ENERGY LEVEL WEEK 3 WEEK 6 WEEK 2 WEEK 5 INTENSITY OF WORKLOAD WEEK 1 WEEK 4 WEEK Typical Triathletes Meso Cycle! 120 Training load % 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 week 6 7 8 Over-training Harder may not be better! • It takes a long time to get good (WC Scott Molina) • Consistency is the key • Moderation in training leads to consistency in training and continuous improvement • Quality of training with adequate recovery is far superior. The 10 Commandments of training 1. Train Moderately 6. Plan to Peak 2. Train Consistently 7. Improve Weaknesses 3. Get Adequate Rest 8. Trust your Training 4. Train with a Plan 9. Listen to Your Body 5. Train with Groups infrequently 10. Commit to Goals RACE SMART ANY QUESTIONS? • Training programs • One to one coaching •Corporate team coaching •Endless Pool swim stroke analysis • Day camps • Swim clinics •Overseas training •Bike set up and power analysis Once at a high level of fitness the aim is to hold things in place, then move to a higher level again • Holding onto fitness has to be carefully managed. • Due to the nature of working with three disciplines, work over a 4 weekly cycle inside each phase of training. • Once we are happy again with our aerobic stability we can then start to develop and build in our critical velocity [ race pace work]. 2010 WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL? • SWIM: • 200/400m: Goal time 1500m: • BIKE: MAP & LTP: watts at target weight of ? kg. • RUN: Flat 5/10km in: Target goal Add meaning to heart rate monitoring • Monitoring heart rate tells you how fast your heart is pumping not how well you are improving on you bike or how hard you are working • HR is dependant on many outside variables (levels of hydration, air temperature, core body temp, quality of sleep, etc. • A power meter measures your rate of work, that is how hard you push on the pedals (amount of horsepower you are using) Analyze your race • Understand why you succeed of failed • Are you pedalling “too much”? • Was your gearing correct? • Replay the race in your head for a better understanding of the specific demands of the race • Once your strengths and weaknesses are known, then and only then will you be able to develop a plan of action to improve those weaknesses LTP/FTP Testing (every 6 weeks) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10min warm up in small chain ring 3 x 10sec spin ups (max cadence) with 1min spin easy recovery 2min easy 5min max effort 10 minute easy spin 20minutes all out effort 10minute spin down