Mountain Lake Colloquium for Teachers of General Music Methods May 17-20, 2015 Traditions and Transformations May 17-20, 2015 Colloquium Coordinators Diane Persellin, Trinity University Janet Robbins, West Virginia University ~~~ Program Committee Janet R. Barrett, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign Janet Cape, Westminster Choir College of Rider University Brent Gault, Indiana University Lori Gray, University of Montana Lisa Huisman Koops, Case Western Reserve University Jeananne Nichols, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign Diane Persellin, Trinity University Kathy Robinson, University of Alberta Janet Robbins, West Virginia University Sandra Stauffer, Arizona State University Evan Tobias, Arizona State University Institutional Support from Middle Tennessee State University School of Music 2 Colloquium Schedule At-A-Glance Sunday, May 17 3:30 PM 4:00 6:00–7:15 7:30–9:00 Registration Opens (Lobby) Nature Hike (meet in Lobby) Cookout (Mary’s Barn) Opening Session (Ballroom) Monday, May 18 6:30 AM 7:00 8:45 9:00–10:00 10:00–10:30 10:30-11:45 11:45-1:00 PM 1:00-1:50 1:50-2:00 2:00-3:15 3:20-4:15 4:15-5:30 4:15-5:30 5:30-7:00 7:00-8:15 8:30-9:30 Nature Hike (meet in Lobby) Breakfast (Harvest Restaurant) Songs to Build Community Keynote Address: Patricia Shehan Campbell (Ballroom) Break Plenary Session (Ballroom) Lunch and Lunchtime Conversations Keynote Address: Martha Gonzales (Ballroom) Break Simultaneous Sessions (Ballroom, Cascade Room, Giles Room, Oak Room) Idea Fair and Discussion Groups (Ballroom) Nature Hike (meet in Lobby) Newcomer’s Happy Hour (Stony Creek Tavern) Dinner (Harvest Restaurant) Fireside Chat (Ballroom) Jam Sessions (Ballroom, Cascade Room, Giles Room, Oak Room) Tuesday, May 19 6:30 AM 7:00 8:45-9:00 9:00-10:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:45 11:45-1:00 PM 1:00-1:50 1:50-2:00 2:00-3:15 3:15-4:30 4:30-5:30 5:30-7:00 7:00-9:30 Nature Hike (meet in Lobby) Breakfast (Harvest Restaurant) Songs to Build Community (Ballroom) Plenary Session (Ballroom) Break Simultaneous Sessions (Ballroom, Cascade Room, Giles Room, Oak Room) Lunch and Lunchtime Conversations Keynote Address: Quetzal Flores (Ballroom) Break Simultaneous Sessions (Ballroom, Cascade Room, Giles Room, Oak Room) Research Gallery (Ballroom) Nature Hike (meet in Lobby) Dinner (Harvest Restaurant) An Evening in the Barn (Mary’s Barn) Wednesday, May 19 6:30 AM 7:00 8:30-8:45 8:45-9:00 9:00 – 12:00 PM 12:00-1:00 Nature Hike (Lobby) Breakfast (Harvest Restaurant) Book Giveaway (Ballroom) Songs to Build Community (Ballroom) Plenary Session (Ballroom) Lunch (Harvest Restaurant) Program May 17, Sunday 3:30 PM Registration (Lobby) Sign up for Luncheon Roundtable Conversations at the Colloquium Registration Desk. 4:00 Nature Hike Meet in the lobby if you would like to go for a hike around Mountain Lake with Buckey Boone. 6:00 Cookout (Mary’s Barn with cash bar) 7:30-9:00 OPENING SESSION (Ballroom) Welcome Diane Persellin, Trinity University Janet Robbins, West Virginia University Songfest and “Meta”-morphosis Mixer Brent Gault, Indiana University Ann C. Clements, Pennsylvania State University ~~~ May 18, Monday 6:30 AM Nature Hike (Lobby) Meet Buckey Boone for a morning walk. 7:00 Breakfast (Harvest Restaurant) 8:45-9:00 Songs to Build Community (Ballroom) Martina Vasil, West Virginia University Rob Amchin, University of Louisville 4 9:00-10:00 KEYNOTE ADDRESS (Ballroom) Musings, Fusings and Mistaken Identities: The Checkered History of Ethnomusicology and Education in Scholarship and Practice Patricia Shehan Campbell, Professor of Music Education and Chair of Ethnomusicology, University of Washington Carol Scott Kassner, host 10:00-10:30 Break 10:30-11:45 PLENARY SESSION (Ballroom) Design & Iteration for Transformation Evan Tobias, Isaac Bickmore, Ryan Bledsoe, and Jesse Rathegeber, Arizona State University This interactive session features collaborative currere to reconceptualize, analyze, and synthesize accounts of transformative work. We describe themes of design, experience, and iteration in relation to traditional and innovative practices. Abigail Van Klompenberg, host Monday Afternoon 11:45-1:00 PM LUNCH AND LUNCHTIME CONVERSATIONS Lori Gray, Coordinator Organizing the Methods Class—A Roundtable Forum Rob Amchin, University of Louisville Share ideas on how you structure your elementary methods class. Bring ideas and a sample syllabus to share. One example from the University of Louisville will be presented for comparison. Homelessness in Music Education Corrie Box, Arizona State University Current research on music and homelessness often focuses on use of music outside the classroom. Our discussion will raise awareness about interactions with children who are homeless in our schools. What’s It (Your Career) All About, Alfie (Your Name Here)? Joanne Rutkowski, Pennsylvania State University We will explore themes that may assist us in prioritizing the many facets of our professional lives (teaching, research/creative activity/service) to keep a focus on what truly matters. 5 Breaking the Mold: Transforming Music Education Within a Traditional Standards-Based System Michelle McConkey, California State University, Chico Lori Gray, University of Montana Participants will explore ways in which music teacher educators can prepare pre-service teachers for the National Core Music Standards and the Common Core while maintaining their creativity and contemporary delivery. Life is What Happens to You While You're Busy Making Other Plans: Narratives of Male Elementary General Music Teachers Raychl Smith, East Carolina University Chris Watson, Greene Valley School, Boone, NC Doug Baker, Easton Elementary School, Winston-Salem, NC We will discuss a recent narrative research study that described and documented how three male elementary general music teachers recount and interpret their professional and personal lives. 1:00-1:50 KEYNOTE ADDRESS (Ballroom) Collective Songwriting: Theory and Knowledge Production Martha Gonzales, Chicana artivista (artist/activist) and Assistant Professor at Scripps /Claremont College Drawing from over 20 years of professional music experience, Gonzalez will discuss how she has developed and implemented the "collective songwriting" technique in various community sites and in her own classroom. Gonzalez will demonstrate how the collective songwriting technique can be an important dialectic tool that has the potential to engage and/or build community in new and innovative ways. Sandra Stauffer, host 1:50-2:00 Break 2:00-3:15 SIMULTANEOUS SESSIONS “Extending the Conversation” BALLROOM (Janet Cape, host) Transformation Through Policy and Advocacy “At the Table or On the Menu?: Policy and General Music Education" Lauren Kapalka Richerme, Indiana University Using policy frameworks developed by Kingdon and Mehta, this paper examines how education and music education policymakers frame discourse regarding standards and accountability and offers practical suggestions for general music educators. 6 “Leading Notes: Changing Policy to Make Music Education Stronger in Your Community” Alexandra Eaton, National Association for Music Education (NAfME) An overview of how politics and public policy are shaping the education landscape at a national level and what grassroots tactics teachers can successfully use to create meaningful, positive change. “Standards and Curriculum as Advocacy” Ed Duling, Kent State University Can we music teacher educators help future (and inservice) teachers craft standards and curricula into advocacy tools to transform and solidify music's place in our schools? CASCADE ROOM (Ryan Bledsoe, host) Transforming Music for Students with Disabilities: A Social Justice Approach Kimberly McCord, Illinois State University Deborah VanderLinde, Oakland University Jennifer Thomas, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign Learners with disabilities continue to struggle with accessibility in education. In this session, we will focus on law regarding disability on university campuses, rights of students and faculty with disabilities, and possibilities from the US and abroad. GILES ROOM (Mara Culp, host) Honoring the Ear: Expanding Our Definition of Music Literacy Constance McKoy, Karen Thomas and Jacqueline Secoy, University of North Carolina at Greensboro This panel will interrogate perceptions of the value of aural learning in music from 3 perspectives: Gordon’s Music Learning Theory and both formal and informal music learning contexts. The Transformation of World Music Content in Elementary General Music over the Past 20 Years Kathy Robinson, University of Alberta This session addresses the specific musics that have been filling Michigan’s elementary music classrooms over the past twenty years and how this repertoire and contexts for sharing have changed over time. OAK ROOM (Amy Gwinn-Becker, host) Experiencing the Transformative Power of World Music: Teachers, Students, & Communities Sharon Davis Gratto, University of Dayton This session will include sounds, pictures, and narrative commentary about personal experiences that demonstrate the transformative power of world music to stir emotion and facilitate change in the lives of teachers, students, families, and community members. 7 Leaving the Yellow Brick Road: Transformative Learning in a University Music Program Katy Strand, Indiana University I will share research that examined service learning in a university choir and findings that indicated students’ transformations in receptivity to new ideas, recognition of value, and beliefs about themselves as performers. Musical Identity Podcasts: A Culturally Responsive Practice Vanessa L. Bond, Hartt School of Music, University of West Hartford Come explore podcasts through the lens of culturally responsive pedagogy. I will give a brief overview of CRP tenets prior to outlining the step-by-step process and sharing student examples. 3:20-4:15 IDEA FAIR & DISCUSSION GROUPS (Ballroom) Evan Tobias, Coordinator Viewing Our Musical World Through the Eyes of a Neuroscientist Penny Dimmick, Butler University This session will consider the benefits and implications of a unique collaboration between music professors and neuroscientists in a Psychology of Music class, along with the interdisciplinary and inter-professional research project that began as a result of this partnership. Music for the Every Person: Descriptions of Three Inclusive Music Communities: Music for People, InterPlay, and Creative Motion Raychl Smith, Eastern Carolina University Mary Cohen, University of Iowa The purpose of this research is to describe the evolution, purposes, and practices of three inclusive music communities that encourage any person at all levels to express him- or herself through music-making. Why Didn’t I Learn That in College?: Connecting Teacher Preparation Programs to the Realities of Public Education Today Abigail Van Klompenberg, Castle Hills Elementary, San Antonio, TX An elementary teacher connects her experiences and conversations with other practicing educators to explore the disconnect between teacher preparation programs and the realities new educators face in public schools today. Structured Improvisation and Modular Design David Edmund and Jian-Jun Chen-Edmund, University of Minnesota Duluth Join us for sequential improvisation modules with a balance between freedom and structure. Selections are derived from Kodály and Orff practices. Procedures and materials for planning modular improvisation are included. 8 Steps to Transformation: Formative Assessment in General Music Methods Courses Laura Artesani, University of Maine Sarah H. McQuarrie, Bridgewater State University Formative assessments can be used effectively to provide feedback from students and inform decisions about General Music Methods courses in the form of graphic organizers, collaborative activities, and reflections. Pre-Student Teaching Practicum Experiences: Tried-and-True and New Sharon Davis Gratto, University of Dayton Pre-student teaching practicum placements vary widely among certification programs. Some may be 'tried-and-true;’ others may be new. Share in a panel discussion of both traditional and innovative pre-student teaching practice. Puppets, Tuning Forks and Folk Songs for Tenure Becky Halliday, University of Montevallo Ted Hoffman, University of Montevallo Amy Spears, Nebraska Wesleyan University Ann Harrington, University of Kentucky This session will examine the relevance of practitioner-directed professional development for instructors of undergraduate teacher education courses. The researchers conducted respective self-studies after completing a Level 1 Kodály certification course. 4:15-5:30 Nature Hike Meet Buckey Boone in the lobby for an afternoon walk. 4:15-5:30 Newcomer’s Happy Hour (Stony Creek Tavern) We welcome those attending the Colloquium for the first time to join us at the bar. Vanessa Bond, Host 5:30-7:00 Dinner (Harvest Restaurant) 7:00-8:15 FIRESIDE CHAT (Ballroom) Convivencia Patricia Shehan Campbell, Martha Gonzalez, and Quetzal Flores Join our keynote speakers for an informal conversation. Brent Gault, host 9 8:30-9:30 JAM SESSIONS BALLROOM (Chengcheng Long, host) New Compositions Inspired by Traditional Indonesian Music Amy Gwinn-Becker, Northwestern University Utilizing traditional Indonesian instruments, music, and folktales to inspire new compositions is exciting to witness and experience. Do both in this session that showcases student work with Gamelan and your work with Angklung and Smartphones. CASCADE ROOM (Ann Harrington, host) Afro Peruvian Music Amy Beegle, College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati Afro-Peruvian music is a percussive and lyrical blend of Spanish and African music and dance traditions. Participants will play, sing, move, and discuss how this music can be incorporated into methods courses. GILES ROOM (Jacqueline Secoy, host) The Ukulele Hour: Perspectives and Practice from School and Community “Using Ukulele with Pre-Service Elementary Classroom Teachers” Kathy King, Auburn University This presentation will focus on teaching ukulele in a music methods course for preservice elementary classroom teachers. Students purchased ukuleles, learned basic chords and strumming patterns, and used the instruments in lab teaching. Examples of course activities, successes, problems, and student feedback will be shared. “Exploring Community Ukulele Groups: Implications for Classroom Music” Adam Kruse, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign Robin Giebelhausen, University of New Mexico This presentation will highlight diversity and commonalities among multiple community ukulele groups. Examples will focus on potential applications and implications for classroom music settings. “Sing and Strum: Ideas in Action” Based on the best practices and research findings presented, session attendees will participate in a group ukulele "sing and strum.” Session presenters will lead the group through various songs employing a variety of strategies appropriate for both community and classroom settings. OAK ROOM (Deborah VanderLinde, host) Musical Making Ryan Bledsoe and Jesse Rathgeber, Arizona State University Making music is at the core of music education, but how else are we musical makers? Join us in a hands-on experience with music technology that encourages making. ~~~ 10 May 19, Tuesday 6:30 AM Nature Hike (Lobby) Meet Buckey Boone for a morning walk. 7:00 Breakfast (Harvest Restaurant) 8:45-9:00 Songs to Build Community (Ballroom) Constance McKoy, University of North Carolina-Greensboro Katy Strand, Indiana University 9:00-10:00 PLENARY SESSION (Ballroom) The Way of the Warrior: Transformative Practice for Renewing and Awakening the Self in Higher Education Ann C. Clements, Pennsylvania State University This presentation provides a theoretical model of how courage, sacrifice, strength, controlled folly and impeccability can lead to renewal of self in higher education and reconnect us to our individuality. Transformation through Poststructuralist Philosophizing: Lessons from The LEGO Movie Lauren Kapalka Richerme, Indiana University Drawing on the characters and plot of The LEGO Movie, this presentation offers an introduction to poststructuralist philosophy and posits possible applications for general music education. Jeananne Nichols, host 10:00-10:30 Break 10:30-11:45 SIMULTANEOUS SESSIONS BALLROOM (Sharon Morrow, host) How Can We Help?: Supporting Early Career Music Teachers Through a Virtual Community of Practice Janet Cape, Westminster Choir College of Rider University This presentation will examine the impact of an online mentorship group for music education graduates in their first years of teaching. Inspiring Innovation in Pedagogical Practice Vanessa L. Bond, Hartt School of Music, University of West Hartford Joanne Rutkowski, Pennsylvania State University Good teachers are inquirers in their classrooms; therefore, how can we assist future teachers in developing an action researcher identity? We will share one possible strategy: the vocal case study project. 11 CASCADE ROOM (Michelle McConkey, host) Active Approaches to Teaching Singing in a General Music Setting: Transforming and Preserving the Traditional Julie Scott, Southern Methodist University Brent Gault, Indiana University Diane Lange, University of Texas at Arlington The purpose of this session is to increase understanding of approaches to teaching singing in a general music class through active music making. Activities demonstrating ways to teach songs and choral music will be presented. A Process of Evolution: Transforming Perceptions of Traditionally Identified Music Education Approaches Judy Bond, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point Kimberly McCord, Illinois State University Deborah VanderLinde, Oakland University Panelists will analyze differences and similarities between three teaching segments presented by teachers trained in one or more of the traditionally identified general music approaches. The relationship to constructivism will be examined. GILES ROOM (Christa Kuebel, host) Music Education in South Africa Transformed Nicola F. Mason, Eastern Kentucky University Kerri-Leigh Wayne, Case Western Reserve University Lisa Huisman Koops, Case Western Reserve University We discuss the strengths and challenges of general music education reform in South Africa and propose a vision for transformation toward a child-centered system that acknowledges the nation's rich diversity. To Ghana and Back Again: The Challenges and Benefits of Including Multicultural Music in the General Music Methods Classroom Bridget Rinehimer, Indiana University In this presentation I explore my experiences in a Ghanaian cultural immersion music pedagogy program and the challenges and benefits of adapting these experiences for the general music methods course. OAK ROOM (Corrie Box, host) Internships with Children of Substance Abusing Parents Amy Beegle, University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music This session will provide a description of attitudes and behaviors of pre-service music teachers who have worked with children of substance-abusing parents through a prestudent-teaching community-based after school internship program. 12 Invisible No More: Democracy for Sexual Minority Students in the Music Classroom Connie Nokes, University of Arizona This session explores inclusion practices in music education, which challenge heteronormativity. Suggestions are derived from qualitative interviews and available research. What We Can Learn from Music in Corrections: Applying Prison Music Pedagogies in the Public School Music Classroom Chris Bulgren, University of Michigan Mary Cohen, University of Iowa Catherine Wilson, Iowa Medical and Classification Center Studies on music education in prisons suggest that the teacher as facilitator encourages expression and community. Participants will discuss the facilitator model in meeting social and emotional needs of students. Tuesday Afternoon 11:45-1:00 PM LUNCH AND LUNCHTIME CONVERSATIONS Lori Gray, Coordinator Pitch Matching Transformations in Young Singers Sharon L. Morrow, Westminster Choir College of Rider University I will share a study that mapped learning curves for 250 young students while developing the ability to match pitch. Results yielded provocative findings related to gender and age and point to the importance of early exposure. Calling Dr. Mom: Navigating The Dual Vocation of Young Mother and Professor Ann C. Clements, Pennsylvania State University Elizabeth Bucura, Eastman School of Music Lisa Huisman Koops, Case Western Reserve University We explore the experience of being music education professors as well as mothers of young children, with an emphasis on the strengths that have come along with challenges and barriers. The Arts at the Center: Are You Serious? Sue Snyder, The Total Learning Institute at aeIDEAS We say music and the arts should be at the center of learning? Serious research supports, model programs, challenges, processes and action steps for arts-integrated programs will be shared and discussed. 13 Where Have All the Morals Gone? Promoting Reciprocal and Reflective Conversations for Ethical Choices in the Music Classroom Laura Dunbar, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire Shelly Cooper, University of Arizona Copyright law can be difficult to navigate in the Information Age. A dialogue is needed to help music education students make ethical decisions regarding copyright and fair use. Voices in a Meeting Place: Classrooms as Peaceable Places Deborah VanderLinde, Oakland University This conversation will explore issues of church and state, the paradox of inclusion and diversity, ethics of care, and the notion of classrooms as peaceable places. 1:00-1:50 KEYNOTE ADDRESS (Ballroom) In Community with Music Quetzal Flores, Artivista and Community Organizer Quetzal Flores will discuss his musical trajectory and the synthesis of social movement, community organizing, and culture production. Dan Sheehy, Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, host 2:00-3:15 SIMULTANEOUS SESSIONS BALLROOM (Evan Tobias, host) iPads and Cover Songs: Alternative Routes to Music Making in Elementary General Music Donna Gallo, Westminster Choir College of Rider University The session focuses on sequential processes to engage 4th grade students in using Garageband for iPads across an informal music learning unit. Videos of student work are included. Popular Music and Informal Music Learning Practices in a Traditional University Recorder Course: Balancing Innovation and Tradition Martina Vasil, West Virginia University This session examines the integration of popular music and informal music learning practices in higher education and describes a recorder “Pop-Tune Project” from the perspectives of the instructor and students. Reflecting In Action: Preservice Teacher and Graduate Student Reflections on a Middle School Songwriting Project Isaac Bickmore, Jesse Rathgeber, Tyler Cano and Nicole Sanchez, Arizona State University Two graduate students and two undergraduates discuss their experiences facilitating a middle school songwriting project. We address tradition and change in the realms of reflection and practice in teacher preparation. 14 CASCADE ROOM (Lauren Kapalka Richerme, host) Just When We Thought We Were Teaching Digital Natives: Apping Up Sandra Stauffer and Jesse Rathgeber, Arizona State University What assumptions have teacher educators made about music, technology, and the current generation of pre-service teachers? How do pre-service teachers think about the uses of technology in their pedagogical practices? The Collaborative Music Education Series: Traditions Meet Innovation Through a Cross-University Platform for Teaching, Learning, and Sharing Ann C. Clements, Pennsylvania State University Katy Strand, Indiana University This presentation will describe and provide a walk-through of the newly created Collaborative Music Education Series (CMES). CMES is the first online multi-university collaborative teaching and learning experience in music education. Using Game Theory and Virtual Learning Environments to Develop Professional Behaviors in Preservice Music Teachers Corin Overland, University of Miami This session will show how crafting virtual “worlds” can be used to present realistic scenarios to pre-service teachers in which professional teaching behaviors (organization, cultural sensitivity, communication) can be practiced and analyzed. GILES ROOM (Connie Nokes, host) Looking Back, Now, and Forward: Do Preservice Students Experience Transformation Over Three Semesters of Field Experience? Martina Miranda, Angela Munroe and Sarah Van Dusen, University of Colorado Boulder Since 2004, we have incorporated ethnographic techniques and Schwab’s commonplaces in semester-long preservice observations with desirable results. This study followed one preservice cohort over three semesters to determine any lasting impact, patterns over time, and implications for course content. Flipping the Research: A New Approach to Collaborative Inquiry in Music Teacher Education Lori Gray, University of Montana Michelle McConkey, California State University Chico Participants will engage in a real-time study, utilizing personal electronic devices in an attempt to “flip” the traditional research model and begin a collaborative article for the Mountain Lake Reader. Out with the OLD/In with the NEW: Research Project Students WANT to Do Sarah E. Burns, Shenandoah University Teachers glean insight into secondary general music students’ musical tastes through innovative research projects that resonate with the Montessori approach by allowing individual choice of research within parameters. 15 OAK ROOM (Chris Bulgren, host) Applications of Cooperative Learning in Music Method Courses Designed for Preservice Elementary Teachers John Okley Egger, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne Jennifer Shank, Tennessee Tech University The purpose of this session is to discuss: (1) theoretical foundations of cooperative learning, (2) benefits of utilizing cooperative learning, (3) effectively constructing cooperative learning groups, and (4) project ideas for instructors who teach music method courses for preservice elementary teachers. The Fluid Infusion of Musical Culture: Embodied Experiences in a Grade One Classroom Shelley M. Griffin, Brock University This inquiry focuses on children’s daily music engagement, both in- and out-of-school, understanding how music functions in a variety of contexts as an embodied component of children’s experiences. 3:15-4:30 RESEARCH GALLERY (Ballroom) Brent Gault, Coordinator Elementary Methods Students' Perceptions on Teaching—A Qualitative Study Robert Amchin, University of Louisville Ten music education majors described their ideal as a teacher and self-image and identity as teachers. They also presented metaphors for teaching. Comparisons between their responses were analyzed qualitatively. Increasing Preschool Generalist Self-Efficacy for Leading Musical Activities: Design and Implementation of an Online Training Program Terri Brown Lenzo, Kent State University Results revealed significant increases in self-efficacy for leading singing, instrumental, and movement activities. Misconceptions about musical development and music teaching were ameliorated. The training design and protocols will be presented. Accessing Humans’ Interactivities with an iPad App: The Carnival of the Animals Catherine Ming Tu, Texas A & M University-Kingsville Using finger movement tracking technology, this study provides valuable information regarding the nature of humans’ (N=15, ages 3 to 70) interactions with an iPad App: Carnival of the Animals. A Qualitative Investigation of Speech-Language Pathologists' and Music Educators' Techniques Mara E. Culp, Pennsylvania State University Over a period of three months, I interviewed and observed two music educators and two speech-language pathologists to examine possible connections between techniques used that could improve speech sounds. Teaching and Learning through Inquiry in Early Childhood Music Setting 16 Alena Holmes, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater How can we bring quality music activities into the preschool curriculum? This session will discuss the benefits of university and preschool center partnerships and examples of successful collaboration and research. Theory Through Practice: A Model for Early Field Experience in General Music Methods Rebecca Petrik, Minot State University Margaret Zidon, University of North Dakota This action research, predicated on experiential learning traditions, features changes in a general music methods/practicum course that placed teaching experience at the core of learning. Preliminary transformational results will be shared. Differences in Identity Construction Between Pre-service Music Education and General Education Teachers: Literature Review, Dialogue and Discussion Ben Price, University of North Texas This research gallery presentation will explore identity construction among pre-service music and general education teachers, and highlight differences. In light of these differences, implications will be discussed, concentrating on pre-service, general education teachers. Doubling as a Variable in Singing Accuracy Research Bryan E. Nichols, University of Akron I will compare the studies from the singing accuracy literature, including my own data, and invite a discussion about the conflicting reports of singing accuracy in solo and doubled conditions. Unpacking 'General' Music: Origins and Applications Sarah Bowman, University of Miami Driven by the perpetual question, "What is general music?," the purpose of this historical research was to identify origins and aims of the term 'general music' in American music education. An Exploration of the Lived Experiences of Instrumental Music Educators in Kodály Training Ann M. Harrington, University of Kentucky Becky Halliday, University of Montevallo The purpose of this session is to explore lived experiences of instrumentally trained music educators who participated in and successfully completed a Kodály level I course. Cultural Competence in the Music Classroom: Student Perspectives Ruth Gurgel, Kansas State University What are students’ perspectives in a 7th grade music class regarding effective pedagogy, the importance of relationships, and reasons for disengagement? The students’ perspectives suggest a path to teachers’ cultural competence. 17 Igniting the Fire Within: Autonomy in the General Music Classroom Sarah Van Waardhuizen, University of Iowa The session will explore the definitions and current research surrounding autonomy and motivation in the general music classroom. This investigation will lead into current applications of autonomy in the music classroom. Students’ Perceptions of Performing and Learning the Music of West Africa Chengcheng Long, Arizona State University This study explored American college students’ perceptions of their experiences in one semester of the African Drum Ensemble at a large southwestern university, particularly their perceptions of performing and learning West African music throughout the course. 4:30–5:30 Nature Hike Meet Buckey Boone in the lobby for an afternoon walk. 5:30-7:00 Dinner (Harvest Restaurant) 7:00-9:30 AN EVENING IN THE BARN (Mary’s Barn with cash bar) “Honoring Our Accomplishments” Nancy Boone Allsbrook and Mary Goetze, Mountain Lake Colloquium co-founders “Finding Fandangos” Quetzal Flores and Martha Gonzalez ~~~ May 20, Wednesday 6:30 a.m. Nature Hike (Lobby) Meet Buckey Boone for a morning walk. 7:00 AM Breakfast (Harvest Restaurant) 8:30-8:45 Book Giveaway (Ballroom) Martina Miranda and Angela Munroe, University of Colorado Boulder 8:45-9:00 Songs to Build Community (Ballroom) Julie Scott, Southern Methodist University Sharon Davis Gratto, University of Dayton 18 9:00-12:00 PM PLENARY SESSION (Ballroom) This session will consider implications of the College Music Society document, “Transforming Music Study from its Foundations: A Manifesto for Progressive Change in the Education of Undergraduate Music Majors,” focusing on the pillars of creativity, diversity, and integration and their relevance for music education. Pillars for the Progressive Reform of the Undergraduate Music Curriculum Patricia Shehan Campbell, University of Washington Pathways of Progress within the Music Education Program Patricia Shehan Campbell, University of Washington Janet R. Barrett, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign Transformations over Time: Stepping with Grace into Progressive Change Janet R. Barrett, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign Janet Barrett, host 12:00-1:00 Lunch (Harvest Restaurant) ~~~ A special thanks to those who assisted us: Heidi Stone, Leanza Kauffman, and staff, Mountain Lake Lodge Buckey and Joan Boone, nature guides and photographers Eve Shockley, Middle Tennessee State University Registrar Nancy Boone Allsbrook and Jennifer Vannatta-Hall, Middle Tennessee State University liaisons Martina Miranda and Angela Munroe, materials coordinators Janet Cape, webmaster Jeananne Nichols, listserv manager Martina Vasil, coordinator of session equipment Kathy Robinson, song coordinator Vanessa Bond and Lisa Huisman Koops, welcoming newcomers We also thank those who reviewed the proposals for this colloquium: Carlos Abril, Sarah Bartolome, Cathy Benedict, Linda Berger, Deborah VanderLinde, Vanessa Bond, Janet Cape, Regina Carlow, Mary Cohen, David Connors, Shelly Cooper, Laura Ferguson, Brent Gault, Sharon Gratto, Lori Gray, Karen Howard, Lauren Kapelka Richerme, Jacqueline KellyMcHale, Michelle McConkey, Kim McCord, Martina Miranda, Jeananne Nichols, N. Carlotta Parr, Kathy Robinson, Cathy Schmidt, Patrick Schmidt, Julia Shaw, Ann Marie Stanley, Katy Strand, Evan Tobias, and Jennifer Vannatta-Hall. 19 About Patricia Shehan Campbell Patricia Shehan Campbell is the Donald E. Peterson Professor of Music at the University of Washington, where she teaches courses at the interface of education and ethnomusicology. She is the author of Songs in Their Heads, Musician and Teacher: Orientation to Music Education, Tunes and Grooves in Music Education, Teaching Music Globally of Oxford’s Global Music Series (co-edited with Bonnie Wade), Lessons from the World, Music in Cultural Context, co-author of Music in Childhood, and co-editor of the Oxford Handbook on Children’s Musical Cultures. Campbell has lectured on the pedagogy of world music and children’s musical culture throughout the United States, in much of Europe and Asia, in Australia, New Zealand, South America, and South Africa. Dr. Campbell received the MENC Senior Researcher Award in 2002, and in 2012 she received the Taiji Prize (shared with Ravi Shankar and Bruno Nettl) for her work on the transmission, teaching, and preservation of traditional music in schools and university programs of music education. She is chair of the Advisory Board of Smithsonian Folkways and immediate past president of The College Music Society. Pages 5, 9, 19 About Martha Gonzalez Martha Gonzalez was born and raised in East Los Angeles and is a Chicana artivista (artist/activist), musician, feminist music theorist and academic. Gonzalez earned a PhD from the Gender Women Sexuality Studies (GWSS) department at the University of Washington Seattle. As a Fulbright (2007-2008) and Ford Fellow (2012-2013) she has published extensively on Chican@ music and popular culture, and music as social movement. Her academic interest in music has been fueled by her own musicianship as a singer and percussionist for East L.A’s Quetzal for the last 19 years. Quetzal has made considerable impact in the Los Angeles Chicano music scene. The unique blend of East Los Angeles sounds as well as the social justice content in the work has sparked dialogue and theoretical work among various artist communities, culture theorists, and scholars across the country, Mexico and Japan. The relevance of Quetzal’s work has been noted in a range of publications from dissertations to scholarly books. As a result, the U.S. Library of Congress and Kennedy Center extended an invitation to perform and speak in September of 2011 as a part of their “Homegrown” music series. In addition, the traveling exhibit “American Sabor: Latinos in U.S. Popular Music” sponsored by the Smithsonian Institute, featured Quetzal as leaders and innovators of Chicano music. This feat coupled with their Grammy Award winning album on the Smithsonian Folkways label “Imaginaries” marks the importance of Quetzal's past and ongoing work. Dr. Gonzalez is currently an Assistant professor at SCRIPPS/Claremont college in the Intercollegiate Department of Chicana/o Latina/o Studies where she has developed courses such as Fandango as a De-Colonial Tool and Chican@ Music: From Genre to Experience. Pages 6, 9, 18 About Quetzal Flores Quetzal Flores is an artivista and community organizer. Raised in a family of social activists, he saw music as a means to work for social justice as well as a form of creative 20 expression. Flores was born in Salinas, California while his parents were organizing farm workers in that area. His first home was a housing camp provided by the farm owners, which had served as a Japanese internment camp during WWII. His awareness of being a member of a disenfranchised cultural minority directed his music performance, composition, and production, and it steeled his empathy and political alignment with other disenfranchised communities. In 1992, Flores founded Quetzal, a rock band that participates in a much larger web of musical, cultural, and political engagement. Flores’s approach to music is influenced by the East L.A. musical soundscape of Mexican música ranchera, salsa, Chicano rock, rhythm and blues, and international popular music. [Adapted from the liner notes from Quetzal’s album, Imaginaries] Pages 9, 14, 18 About the Founders of the Mountain Lake Colloquium Nancy Boone Allsbrook is Professor Emerita in the School of Music at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where she was Coordinator of Music Education and taught undergraduate and graduate music education methods classes. Page 18 Professor EmeritŠ° Mary Goetze retired from the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music in 2007. Her career was devoted to teacher preparation, children’s choirs and promoting cultural understanding through the way diverse musics are presented and performed. She continues to travel, write, compose and prepare DVDs in the Global Voices series. Page 18 About Our 2015 Mountain Lake Presenters Rob Amchin is a distinguished teaching professor at the University of Louisville where he teaches graduate and undergraduate music education courses. His interests include creative thinking, student identity, and Orff pedagogy. He has taught Orff teacher-training courses, master classes, and workshops throughout the United States and around the world. Pages 4, 5, 16 Laura Artesani is Associate Professor in the Division of Music at the School of Performing Arts at the University of Maine where she teaches music education and music history courses. She has been the recipient of a research grant from the American Orff-Schulwerk Association. Page 9 Doug Baker teaches elementary music at Easton Elementary School in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He maintains a successful practice teaching guitar privately in Greensboro. Page 6 Janet Revell Barrett is the Marilyn Pflederer Zimmerman Scholar and Professor of Music Education at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, where she teaches graduate 21 courses in research, curriculum, philosophy, and music teacher education. She is editor of the Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education. Pages 2, 19 Amy Beegle is Assistant Professor of Music Education at the College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati where she teaches courses in general music methods, urban music education, and curriculum and assessment. Her research interests include children's musical creativity and the pedagogy of world music traditions. She studied Afro-Peruvian music in Seattle and Peru. Pages 10, 12 Isaac Bickmore is a second year doctoral student in music education at Arizona State University. His research interests include critical pedagogy, the use of popular music in public schools, and adolescence. Pages 5, 14 Ryan Bledsoe is a fourth year doctoral student at Arizona State University. Her research interests include making, maker culture, technology, and creativity. She teaches at the New Century Montessori Academy in Dallas, Texas. Pages 5, 7, 10 Judy Bond is Professor, Coordinator of Music Education, and Conductor of the Women's Choir at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point. She is a Past President of AOSA, co-chair of the Alliance for Active Music Making, and an author of Share the Music and Spotlight on Music, music textbook series published by McGraw-Hill. Page 12 Vanessa L. Bond is Assistant Professor of Music Education at The Hartt School where she specializes in choral music education, early childhood/elementary general music education, and world music pedagogy. Her research has focused on the musical lives of young children, culturally responsive teaching, and choral experiences of underrepresented populations. Pages 8, 11 Sarah Bowman is a doctoral candidate at the University of Miami. Originally from Michigan, her background surrounds general, choral, and world musics. She is passionate about enabling all people to feel comfortable singing. Her current research interests include singing in everyday life, musical self-efficacy, and internationalizing music teacher education. Page 17 Corrie Box received her Masters in Music Education from Texas State University. She has presented on Kodály pedagogy, technology, and popular music in Texas, Louisiana, Arizona, and Minnesota. A doctoral student at Arizona State University, her research interests include identity, participatory culture, and social justice. Pages 5, 12 22 Elizabeth Bucura is Assistant Professor of Music Education at the Eastman School of Music where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in general music education, including secondary general music methods, student teacher supervision, and a graduate seminar, and is an advisor for graduate research. Page 13 Chris Bulgren is a doctoral student and Graduate Student Instructor in the Department of Music Education at the University of Michigan where he assists in instrumental and general music courses. Before coming to Michigan, he taught in Kansas Public Schools for seven years where he taught elementary general music, beginning band, and high school band. Pages 13, 16 Sarah Burns is a full-time doctoral candidate for the D.M.A. in Music Education degree at Shenandoah University and has 25 years’ experience teaching Pre-K through university music. She has completed both Kodály and Orff-Schulwerk certification. Interests include general and choral music assessment strategies, curriculum design, world music explorations and historical research. Page 15 Tyler Cano is an undergraduate student at Arizona State University studying music education. He is an accomplished performer on tuba and trombone and has a keen interest in popular music styles. Page 14 Janet Cape is Assistant Professor of Music Education at Westminster Choir College of Rider University where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in secondary general music, instrumental methods, and research. Her research interests include alternative models of music education, music technology, and narrative research. Pages 2, 6, 11 Ann C. Clements is Associate Professor of Music Education at the Pennsylvania State University. Her recent work has focused on application of gaming theory to music education, modern learning in virtual environments, and instructional design in virtual and blended environments. She is mother to a wonderfully creative boy named Charles, an award-winning gardener, and a budding café songstress. Pages 4, 11, 15 Mary Cohen is Associate Professor of Music Education at the University of Iowa. Her research area is music-making and wellness with a focus on music in prisons, improvisation, and collaborative communities. Page 23 Shelly Cooper is Professor of Music and teaches music education courses at the University of Arizona. She is editor of General Music Today and the Book/Media Review Editor for the JHRME. She has choral arrangements published with Hal Leonard and teaches Kodály certification courses at Arizona State University and the University of New Mexico. Page 14 23 Mara E. Culp is a Ph.D. candidate in music education at The Pennsylvania State University. Teaching experiences developed her interests in elementary general music, music education for students with special needs, and improving speech through music. She has been an invited presenter and published work related to improving speech by using music. Pages 7, 16 Penny Dimmick is Professor of Music and Coordinator of the Music Education program at Butler University where she teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in music education. She is also an Assistant Director with the Indianapolis Children’s Choir and is the Music Director and Worship Leader in her church. Page 8 Ed Duling, semi-retired, currently teaches and advises as an adjunct in Kent State University’s masters program. He maintains an avid interest in the areas of integrative teaching, arts advocacy, curriculum teacher professional development, language and words, and rural living. Page 7 Laura Dunbar is Assistant Professor of Music Education at the University of WisconsinEau Claire. A University of Arizona graduate with Ph.D. in Music Education, she has presented at local, state, and national conferences. Her public school teaching experiences include band, general music and steel drums. Page 14 Alexandra Eaton is Policy Analyst/Coordinator at the National Association for Music Education. Page 7 David Edmund is Assistant Professor and Chair of Music Education at the University of Minnesota Duluth. He specializes in elementary methods and foundational improvisation. He taught elementary music and beginning band for ten years in Florida schools and holds Orff and Kodály certifications. Page 8 Jian-Jun Chen-Edmund is Assistant Professor of Music Education at the University of Minnesota Duluth. She teaches Music in the Elementary Classroom and graduate courses in music education. Her specialties include Taiwanese folk songs and children’s world music. She holds Orff and Kodály certifications. Page 8 John Okley Egger is the Instructor/Director of Music Education at Indiana UniversityPurdue University Fort Wayne where he teaches undergraduate courses in the areas of elementary music methods, secondary music methods, supervises student teaching, and introductory courses to music education. He received his M.A. from Teachers College Columbia University and B.M.E. from the University of Southern Mississippi. Page 16 24 Donna Gallo is an Assistant Professor of Music Education at Westminster Choir College where she teaches courses in critical pedagogy, choral methods, and philosophy of music education. Donna is currently completing her Ph.D. at Northwestern University. She has presented her research at national conferences including AERA and NAfME. Page 14 Brent Gault is Associate Professor of Music Education at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, specializing in early childhood and elementary general music education. He has training in Kodály, Orff, and Dalcroze approaches to music education. He is past president of the Organization of American Kodály Educators. Pages 2, 4, 9, 12, 16, 16 Robin Giebelhausen is Assistant Professor of Music Education at the University of New Mexico and specializes in secondary and elementary general music. Page 10 Sharon Davis Gratto is Professor and Chair in the Department of Music at the University of Dayton in Ohio. Her K-12 teaching experience has included American schools in Germany, Spain, and Nigeria. She was honored with Oberlin’s Music Education Alumni Award. The focus of her professional work is on multicultural music teaching in choral and classroom settings. Pages 7, 9, 18 Lori F. Gray is Associate Professor of Music Education at the University of Montana. She teaches elementary and secondary music methods courses for undergraduate music education majors and non-majors, and graduate courses in music education. Lori’s research interests include music teacher identity, reflection, professional development, mentoring, and the preparation of future music teachers. Pages 2, 6, 13, 13, 15 Shelley M. Griffin is Associate Professor of Elementary Music Education at Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Her research interests include children's music narratives, pre-service music teacher education, narrative inquiry, informal faculty mentorship, and collaborative scholarship. She is published in several music education journals and edited books, and has presented at various international conferences. Page 16 Ruth Gurgel, Assistant Professor of Music Education at Kansas State University, is a specialist in elementary music education. She teaches general music methods, music for elementary teachers, and works with student teachers. Her research interests include culturally relevant pedagogy in music education. Page 17 Amy Gwinn-Becker teaches undergraduate methods courses and coordinates the student teacher program at Northwestern University. She has experience facilitating the study of music from West Africa, Indonesia, Japan, and Ancient Mexico in collaboration with culture 25 bearers. In each case, traditional music was learned and became the framework for new student compositions. Pages 7, 10 Becky Halliday is an Assistant Professor of Music at the University of Montevallo, where she teaches courses in music education, specializing in elementary general music. Prior to this appointment, she spent 15 years teaching elementary music in Georgia and Mississippi. She holds certification in Orff Schulwerk, and is progressing toward Kodály certification. Pages 9, 17 Ann M. Harrington is a doctoral student at the University of Kentucky where she teaches undergraduate courses in elementary music methods and is the assistant director of the Lexington New Horizons Concert Band. She holds certification in Orff-Schulwerk and is progressing through Kodály certification courses. Pages 9, 10, 17 Ted Hoffman is Assistant Professor of Music and Head of Music Education at the University of Montevallo, Alabama. In addition to teaching music education courses, he coordinates and supervises student internships, instructs the tuba/euphonium studio, and is the Collegiate Advisor for Alabama Music Educators Association. Page 9 Alena Holmes is Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Music Education at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. She is also chair of Early Childhood Music Education at the Wisconsin Music Education Association. In addition, she volunteers to teach music at a preschool in Madison. Page 17 Kathy King is a clinical lecturer in the Auburn University Department of Curriculum and Teaching, where she teaches music education courses, including music method courses for non-music pre-service teachers. She has assisted with distance music education at Auburn University and also teaches distance arts courses for Alabama public high schools in the state. Page 10 Lisa Huisman Koops is Associate Professor of Music Education at Case Western Reserve University where she specializes in early childhood music, general music, and world music education. She researches the interplay of enjoyment and agency in musical play. She is the mother of three young musicians, ages 8, 3, and 1. Pages 2, 12, 13 Adam Kruse is Assistant Professor of Music Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in music education technology and popular music. His current research interests include race and gender issues in music education and vernacular musicianship focusing on hip-hop. Page 10 26 Diane Lange is Professor of Music Education at The University of Texas at Arlington. She oversees the music education area and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Early Childhood and Elementary Music Education. Page 12 Terri Brown Lenzo has taught infants through adults as a band director, private clarinet teacher, general music teacher, and university instructor. She received her Ph.D. in music education from Kent State University in December of 2014. Interests include early childhood music education, generalist and specialist teacher education, and music education history and sociology. Page 16 Chengcheng Long is a doctoral student majoring Music Education. She is currently studying at Arizona State University. Pages 10, 18 Nicola F. Mason is Assistant Professor of Music Education in the School of Clinical Educator Preparation at Eastern Kentucky University. Originally from South Africa, she is president of the Kentucky Orff Schulwerk Association and frequently presents and publishes her research on multicultural musics and the Orff Schulwerk. Page 12 Michelle S. McConkey is Assistant Professor of Music Education at California State University in Chico, California. Her research interest includes the music teacher’s role as an emotional model in the emotional development of children. She has presented workshops and research poster sessions at various state and national conferences as well as local school districts. Pages 6, 12, 15 Kimberly McCord is Professor of General Music and Special Music Education at Illinois State University. She teaches courses in general music, special music education and a redesigned course in general music with an urban education focus that includes clinical teaching experiences in the Chicago Public Schools. She currently serves on the ISME Board of Directors. Pages 7, 12 Constance McKoy is Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Music Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro where she teaches courses in elementary general music methods and multicultural issues in music education. Her research focuses on the cultural competence of pre- and in-service music teachers, and culturally responsive music teaching practices. Pages 7, 11 Sarah H. McQuarrie currently serves as Associate Professor of Music Education and Graduate Coordinator at Bridgewater State University in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Before transitioning to higher education full-time she taught for ten years in both urban 27 and rural school systems. She regularly presents on assessment and elementary methods at regional, national, and international conferences. Page 9 Martina Miranda is Associate Professor of Music Education at the University of Colorado Boulder, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in general music, the inclusive classroom, and historical research. She specializes in elementary general music pedagogy, early childhood music, Orff Schulwerk methodology, and children’s folk song literature. Pages 15, 18 Sharon L. Morrow is Associate Professor of Music Education at Westminster Choir College where she teaches Elementary Praxis and Choir Training for Young Singers. Her background includes K-12 choral/general music and string instruction and she brings an eclectic pedagogical approach that incorporates Critical Pedagogy, Comprehensive Musicianship, Orff, Kodály, Dalcroze and Suzuki and emphasizes active music-making at all levels. Pages 11, 13 Angela Munroe has earned a Bachelor’s degree from Western Michigan University and a Master’s degree from Northwestern University. Currently she is a Ph.D. student at the University of Colorado Boulder where she supervises student teachers and teaches general music methods. Pages 15, 18 Bryan Nichols is an Assistant Professor of Music at The University of Akron, where he teaches choral and general music education classes, supervises student teachers, and directs the University Singers. He has been published in the Journal of Music Teacher Education, Contributions to Music Education, and the Choral Journal. Page 17 Jeananne Nichols is Assistant Professor of Music Education at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Her research interests include narrative as a means of inquiry in music education, the history of United States WAF Band, and LGBT issues in music education. Pages 2, 11 Connie Nokes, Music Education Ph.D. candidate, has taught music for 20 years. As a researcher she has presented at national and international conferences, focusing on social justice and community musicking. She is a recipient of the Medici Research Award and was awarded Rowland Hall’s “Teacher of the Year.” Pages 13, 15 Corin Overland is Assistant Professor of Professional Practice in Music Education at the University of Miami Frost School of Music, where he teaches courses in choral conducting, choral literature and secondary choral methods. Page 15 28 Diane Persellin is Professor of Music and Coordinator of Music Education at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. Her research interests include early childhood music, applications of cognitive science in music education, teacher education, and professional development and mentoring of new faculty in liberal arts schools. Pages 2, 4 Rebecca Petrik is Assistant Professor of Music Education in the Division of Music at Minot State University in North Dakota. Having taught 29 years, she continues her work with youth by adjudicating and directing honor choirs and her community children’s choir. She is presently pursuing her Ph.D. in Teaching and Learning at the University of North Dakota. Page 17 Ben Price is a doctoral candidate in music education at the University of North Texas. He has taught classes for music and general-education majors, supervised student teachers, and assisted music education classes and the New Horizons Band. Prior to pursuing his doctorate, Ben taught band (grades 6-12) for nine years. Page 17 Jesse Rathgeber is a second year doctoral student at Arizona State University. His primary research interests involve exploring the intersections of music creation, technology, and popular music pedagogy through the lenses of disability studies and critical pedagogy. Pages 5, 10, 14 Lauren Kapalka Richerme is Assistant Professor of Music Education at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Her research interests include philosophy, education policy, and secondary general music. Her work has been published in Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education, Arts Education Policy Review, and the Music Educators Journal. Pages 6, 11, 15 Bridget Rinehimer is a third-year doctoral student at Indiana University where she teaches instrumental and general music methods to undergraduate and graduate students. She also currently teaches early childhood music and movement classes through Indiana University Musical Beginnings. Her research interests include improvisation, early childhood music, and world music pedagogy. Page 12 Janet Robbins is professor of music education at West Virginia University. Her research interests include practitioner inquiry and world music education. Recent involvement with Music Alive, a federally funded student-faculty exchange project, has led to the study of traditional music, dance and cross-cultural creativity in the neighborhoods and schools of northeast Brazil. Pages 2, 4 Kathy Robinson is Associate Professor of Music Education at the University of Alberta and director of Umcolo! Kimberley. She has presented and published internationally on world 29 musics in education, Ghanaian and South African musics, cultural immersion and culturally relevant pedagogy. Pages 2, 7 Joanne Rutkowski, Professor and Graduate Program Chair of Music Education at Penn State, is an early childhood/elementary general music specialist with expertise in learning theory, musical development, curriculum, and assessment. Her research has focused on the nature of children's singing voices and strategies for helping all children become successful singers. Pages 5, 11 Nicole Sanchez is a third year undergraduate student in music education at Arizona State University. She is an officer for the National Association for Music Education Collegiate division at Arizona State University, with an interest in the education of adolescence. Page 14 Julie Scott is Associate Professor of Practice at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Her teaching at the college level is informed by 30 years of experience as a music teacher of children and by presentations of over 200 workshops and classes with adults at the local, state, national, and international levels. Pages 12, 18 Jacqueline Secoy is completing a Ph.D. in Music Education and a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Ethnomusicology at The University of North Carolina Greensboro. Previously, she taught general music for 10 years in Central Ohio. Her research interests include parental involvement in music education and informal music learning using ukulele. Pages 7, 10 Jennifer S. Shank is the Dean of the College of Education and Chair of the Department of Music at Tennessee Tech University. In addition she teaches elementary methods courses and graduate foundation courses. She received her PhD. in Music Education from the University of Kentucky as well as an MM from the University of Kentucky. She earned her B.A in Secondary Education from Shepherd University. Page 16 Raychl Smith is Assistant Professor of Music Education at East Carolina University. She has presented research at regional, state, and national conferences on Creative Motion pedagogy, innovative approaches to facilitating free improvisation, community music making, and music education and social justice. Pages 6, 8 Sue Snyder is a multifaceted educator and entrepreneur who has successfully taught at all levels; authored textbooks, position papers, and media; and consulted widely (geographically and philosophically). She is founder and President of aeIDEAS, LLC; a company devoted to excellence and innovation in education. She often works “out of the box.” Page 13 30 Amy Spears is Assistant Professor of Music at Nebraska Wesleyan University. Her primary responsibilities include coordinating and teaching undergraduate music education courses. Previously, she taught K-12 music in Arizona and Alabama and music education courses at Florida Atlantic University. She received her Ph.D. from Arizona State University. Page 9 Sandra Stauffer is Professor of Music in Music Education at Arizona State University where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses. Her research interests include music creativity, teacher preparation, narrative inquiry, and place philosophy. Her other creative activities work with composer Morton Subotnick on the development of his music software for children. Pages 2, 6, 15 Katy Strand is associate professor of music at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University where she teaches courses in qualitative research, world music pedagogy, and participatory music practices. Her recent research includes a phenomenological investigation of singer-songwriters and of world music pedagogy programs. She foolishly names all of her animals after royalty. Pages 8, 11, 15 Jennifer Thomas is a doctoral student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Her current research interests include social justice, special learners, music teacher education, and early childhood music. Page 7 Karen Thomas is a Ph.D. student in Music Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Prior to her return to graduate school, she taught elementary music in North Carolina public schools for thirteen years. Her primary research interests are aural-based learning and music psychology. Page 7 Evan Tobias is Assistant Professor of music education at Arizona State University and heads The Consortium for Innovation and Transformation in Music Education. Research interests include creative uses of technology, issues of social justice, expanding beyond traditional music curricula, and approaches to integrating popular culture and music in music classrooms. Pages 2, 5, 8, 14 Catherine Ming Tu teaches elementary music methods classes at Texas A & M UniversityKingsville (TAMUK). Her research has centered on singing accuracy measures, infant and toddler music behaviors and their interactivity with the iPad. Page 16 Deborah VanderLinde is Associate Professor and Coordinator of Undergraduate Music Education at Oakland University. A qualitative researcher, her interests include the application of constructivist learning theory in general music, choral, learners with 31 exceptionalities, and the implications of constructivist learning theory for inservice and preservice teacher education. Pages 7, 10, 12, 14, 19 Sarah Van Dusen is a Ph.D. student at the University of Colorado at Boulder where her responsibilities include Teaching General Music I and II and practicum supervision. Page 15 Abigail Van Klompenberg is a K-5 general music educator in San Antonio, Texas. She is a National Board Certified Teacher in Early-Middle Childhood Music, with a vocal music emphasis. She received a Bachelors degree in Music Education from Western Michigan University and a Masters degree in Music Education from Arizona State University. Pages 5, 8 Sarah Van Waardhuizen, is in her eleventh year of teaching at the middle school, high school and collegiate levels. She is currently a Ph.D. student in Music Education at the University of Iowa. Her current research areas include autonomy in the music classroom, implications of karaoke singing, self-efficacy in solo singing, self-determination in music education. Page 18 Martina Vasil is a Ph.D. candidate at West Virginia University. Informal music learning practices and popular music are central themes in her dissertation. Her other research interests include secondary general music, Orff-Schulwerk, and culturally relevant pedagogy. She is currently teaching K–5 general music in central Pennsylvania. Pages 4, 14 Chris Watson teaches elementary and middle school music at Green Valley School in Boone, North Carolina. He holds a level one certification in Orff Schulwerk and is the author of The Melody Mountains, a children’s storybook that introduces music literacy skills to the very young. Page 6 Kerri-Leigh Wayne is enrolled in the MAL Music Education program at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, USA. She completed her bachelor’s degree in music and postgraduate certificate in education at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. Page 12 Catherine Wilson works at the Iowa Medical and Classification Center. Page 13 Margaret Zidon is an associate professor in the Department of Teaching & Learning at the University of North Dakota. Her teaching and research interests include action research, teacher educator curriculum, adolescent development, qualitative studies related to preservice teacher experience, diversity education, literature as text, and intercultural communication. Page 17 32