civil rights - Aurora City School District

 Public
Accommodations, Schools, Housing,
Marriage, Workplace, and Politics were
 The Civil Rights Act of 1875 outlawed segregation
of all public facilities stating that all people should
be considered equal, but in 1883 the Supreme
Court (all white) declared the act unconstitutional
 Plessy v Ferguson- 1896-SEPARATE BUT EQUAL was
 Plessy v Ferguson was in the midst of Jim Crow
Laws which were various laws separating the races
and limiting rights of African Americans.
 De
facto segregation: practice and custom of
segregation Example: Restrictive covenantagreement among neighbors to not sell or
rent to African Americans
 De jure segregation: segregation by law
example: racial zoning- laws defining where
different neighbors could live
 Miscegenation
or interracial
marriage was illegal in ½ of the
states. Childbirth through racial
mixing “threatened the purity of
white races” Other ethnicities
were also included.
 Median income of a black mad was
½ that of a white man (often due
to poor education of blacks)
 African Americans were also
denied the right to vote in the
south, through white primaries,
and gerrymandering- redrawing
lines of voting districts.
 Jackie
Robinson was one of
the 1st African Americans to
cross the colorline when he
signed a contract with the
Brooklyn Dodgers in 1945.
 Football became integrated
in 1946 and basketball by
 Truman desegregated the
troops in 1948 with
Executive Order 9981.
Congress of Racial Equality- founded in 1942
by students in Chicago, committed to nonviolence as a direct action for a means of
 1943- CORE staged a sit-in in a Chicago coffee
shop. Spread desegregation throughout
northern cities, but trouble arose when they
started to focus on the south.
NAACP- fought for
desegregation and
equality of African
Americans- founded in
 Charles Hamilton,
Houston, legal counsel for
NAACP from 1934-1938
 Thurgood Marshall 1940
legal counsel for NAACP,
law student of Houston,
won 29 out of 32 cases
argued before the
Supreme Court.
Brown v Board of Education of Topeka- 1954 desegregation of
public schools (Marshall’s greatest victory)
 Georgia and Texas resisted
 Within a year 500 schools were desegregated
 In 1955 the Supreme Court handed down a second ruling called
Brown II to speed the process up
Shelly v Kraemer- desegregation in housing 1948
Morgan v Virginia- Supreme Court declared laws unconstitutional
that mandated segregated seating on integrated bussing
Sweatt v Painter- state law schools must accept black applicants
even if a black school exists
 Earl
Warren- Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court from
 Warren Court- Name given
to the Supreme Court
because they were known
for their activism on civil
rights and free speech.
December 1st 1955 Rosa Parks refused
to give her seat up on the bus and was
 Martin Luther King Jr. (26 yr old
Baptist Preacher) elected as leader of
the Montgomery Improvement
Association and chosen to lead the
 Montgomery Bus Boycott- African
Americans organized an elaborate
carpooling system as well as walked,
rode their bikes, hitchhiked and took
taxis for 381 days until Nov 1956 when
courts ruled desegregation on bussing
 Southern
Christian Leadership
Conference (SCLC)- ministers and Civil
Rights leaders (King) joined together to
carry on nonviolent crusades against
the evils of second-class citizenship.
SCLC was organized by Ella Baker.
 King and the SCLC used non-violent
resistance called “soul force.” King
refused to hate anyone but refused to
obey unjust laws aka Civil
 Little
Rock governor Orval Faubus
supported segregation and the school
board supported desegregation.
 In Sept. 1957 the Governor ordered the
Arkansas National Guard to turn away the
“Little Rock Nine” (9 black students).
 Eisenhower and the Supreme Court
backed the students and the National
Guard (under federal control) escorted
them to school.
 1957 Civil Rights Act- Federal Government
took over the power to desegregate
public schools
 James
Meredith- Air Force
Veteran who won a federal
court case that allowed
him to enroll in the allwhite University of
Mississippi in Sept 1962.
But when he arrived on
campus Governor Ross
Barnett refused to let him
sign up for classes.
 -Sept 30th riots broke out
on campus resulting in 2
 -Meredith was
accompanied to class by
Federal Marshals following
the incident
Sit-in- Students sat down
in “whites only” public
places and refused to
 Student Nonviolent
coordinating Committee
(SNCC) –pronounced
“snick” Organized by
Ella Baker used civil
disobedience and fought
for equality through a
commitment of justice,
peace, and nonviolence.
 Direct
action- political
acts including protests
of all types
 Freedom
Riders- civil
rights activist who rode
buses through the south
in the early 1960s to
challenge segregation
 Riders brutally beaten
and buses bombed
 JFK sends 400 US
Marshals to protect
 Interstate Commerce
Commission Actbanned segregation in
all interstate travel
Martin Luther King Jr- MLK Jr flew to
Birmingham to hold a meeting on
April 3rd 1963, because Birmingham
was the most segregated city in
 -King was arrested on April 12th
“good Friday” and wrote an open
letter to a religious leader from jail.
 -April 20th King posted bail and began
planning more demonstrations
(protests and boycotts)
 The entire month of April riots and
protests continued
 In May students left school and
gathered at the 16th street Baptist
church to plan a march to the City
Center. When students tried to
march Fire hoses and dog attacks
were used by police to stop them.
 The public watched in terror.
August 28th 1963- 250,000 people assembled on the
lawn of the Washington Monument and Martin Luther
King Jr gave his “I have a Dream” speech.
 Civil rights Act of 1964- Prohibited discrimination
because of race, religion, natural origin, and gender.
It gave citizens the right to enter public libraries,
parks, washrooms, restaurants, theaters, and other
public accommodations.
Freedom Summer- project to
get African Americans the right
to vote in the South focusing
on Mississippi. SNCC and CORE
workers began registering
African American voters to get
the voting rights act passed.
 - Civil rights groups recruited
college students and trained
them in non-violent resistance
 Fannie Lou Hamer- daughter
of Mississippi sharecroppers
would be the voice for SNCC at
the Democratic National
 -she was jailed for registering
African American’s to vote and
police forced other prisoners
to beat her. Hamer spoke of
her experiences
Selma Campaign- King organized a march (50 miles) from
Selma to Montgomery the capital on march 7th 1965 as a
protest. That night mayhem broke out and ten days later
President Johnson presented congress with a voting rights
act of 1965 and asked for a swift passage.
 Voting Rights Act of 1965- this act eliminated the literacy
tests, and stated that federal examiners could enroll
voters who had been denied suffrage by local officials.
Urban Ghettos- part of a
city belonging to a single
ethnic group
 Watts Riots- August 19656 days, 34 deaths, 900
injured, 4,000 arrested,
and $45 million in
property damage in
Watts, LA.
 Newark, NJ and Detriot
Mi experienced many
riots resulting in deaths
 Kerner
Commission- an appointed group
which President Johnson had appointed to
study urban violence and the conclusion was
that our nation was moving toward two
Malcolm X- African
American leader who
urged their followers to
take complete control of
their communities,
livelihoods, and culture.
Malcolm X went to jail for
burglary at age 20 and
studied Elijah Muhammad.
Nation of Islam-a religious
group, popularly known as
the Black Muslims,
founded by Elijah
Muhammad to promote
the Islamic religion and
black nationalism- a
doctrine that called for
complete separation of
the races.
Malcolm broke with Elijah over differences of strategies
 Stokely Carmichael- Led SNCC and called for black
power with no white people allowed to work with them.
 Black Power- “a call for black people to begin to define
their own goals and lead their own organizations.”
 Black Panthers- political party which fought police
brutality in the ghetto. The party also wanted selfsufficiency for African-American communities, as well
as full employment and decent housing. Black leather
jackets, black berets, and sunglasses.
 Afrocentrism-
pride in their African
heritage focusing on
African History,
culture, and
achievements of
African people.
 Roots- 12 hour
television miniseries
of African American
life- enslaved black
 http://www.youtu
 http://www.youtu
 Kings
Death- King died on April 4, 1968 by
James Earl Ray on his hotel balcony in Memphis
 Riots broke out- due to Kings death. Over 100
cities exploded in flames.
 Civil
Rights Act of 1968- ended
discrimination in housing. This led to better
jobs and a more educated African American
 Alexander
v Holmes Country Board of
Education- schools taking a long time to
desegregate, court ruled “with deliberate
speed” should be done away with completely
 Swann v Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of
Education- school districts were segregated
by housing and the judge ordered different
neighborhoods to be bussed to outside school
Affirmative Action- Employers were to
actively seek to increase the number of
minorities in their workforce
 Preferential treatment- giving preference
to a minority or female job applicant
because of that persons ethnicity or
gender. White males viewed this
treatment was unfair discrimination.
 Regents of the University of California v.
Bakke- Bakke sued the school for reverse
discrimination- he was refused admission
because he was white when minorities who
were admitted had lower test scores and
Cesar Chavez- Mexican farm worker who
tried to organize a union for all
California’s Spanish speaking farm
 Latinos- large diverse group of Latin
American decent including countries of
Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican
Republic, Central America, and South
America (population grew from 3 mil to 9
mil in the 1960’s)
 Barrios- communities that started to
form in Spanish speaking neighborhoods
 Cuban Communities started to grow in
New York, Miami, an New Jersey to
escape Castro’s rule in Cuba
National Farm Workers Association led
by Dolores Huerta fought for equal
United Farm Workers Organizing
Committee (UFWOC)- a labor union
formed in 1966 to seek higher wages and
better working conditions for MexicanAmerican farm workers in California
Chavez organized a boycott of California
grapes as a bargaining tactic.
Chavez went on a three week fast and
believed in nonviolence loosing 35
In 1970 a deal was settled with the grape
growers and the union workers finally
got better wages and other benefits.
 “brown
power” similar to black power was among
Latinos and they began to demand that schools
offer Spanish speaking classes and other cultural
 Bilingual education Act of 1968- government
provided funds to develop cultural heritage
 Chicanos- “Mexicanos” young Mexican Americans
used this to express their pride
Brown Berets- led by David Sanchez
organized walkouts in schools and
tried to develop programs to prevent
Latino dropouts
 Mexican American Political
Association (MAPA) helped elect Los
Angeles Edward Roybal to the House
of Representatives. 1960’s 8
Hispanics served in the House and one
senator Joe Montoya of New Mexico.
 The
League of United Latin
American Citizens (LULAC) helped
desegregate schools and get Latinos
the right to serve on juries
 La Raza Unida (Mexican American’s
United) established by Texan Jose
Angel Gutierrez which helped in
1970 Latinos run for mayor in 5
states and get elected. Also
Positions on School boards and City
 Native
Americans are seen as a single
homogenous group unlike Latinos
 Native Americans were among the poorest
and highest unemployment rates as well as
having the highest rate of tuberculosis and
 Native Americans had twice as high death
rate than other cultures
1954 Eisenhower enacted the “termination
policy” where the Native Americans were
relocated from isolated reservations into
mainstream urban population. The plan failed
and Native Americans became poor and homeless
in the cities.
 1961- Native Americans (61) met in Chicago to
draft Declaration of Indian Purpose “Choose
their own way of life”
 1968 LBJ established the National Council on
Indian Opportunity to “ensure programs reflect
the needs and desires of the Indian people.”
 American
Indian Movement (AIM)- militant
Native Americans rights organization. 1968
were largely a self-defense group against
police brutality and grew to protect NA
 1972- Russell Means AIM leader confronted
the government and organized a march on DC
called the “Trail of Broken Treaties.” Goal
was to abolish Bureau of Indian Affairs (they
believed it was corrupt) and restore 110
million acres of land back to the NA
In 1973 AIM led 200 Sioux to Wounded Knee in
South Dakota, where US in 1890 had massacred
the Sioux village; the Sioux took hostages and
negotiated with FBI for the government to
reexamine Native American treaty rights. Shoot
Out resulted with 2 deaths.
 1972 Indian education Act
 1975 Indian Self-Determination and Education
Assistance Act- Native Americans had more
control in their children’s education
 1970- Regained possession of Blue Lake in New
Betty Friedan- wrote “The
Feminine Mystique” discussing how
women want more in life. “the
problem that has no name”
Women were dissatisfied
Feminism- belief that women
should have economic, social, and
political equality with men
1950- 1/3 women worked for
wages. Many jobs were considered
“men’s work”
Women’s jobs included: clerical
work, domestic service, retail
service, social work, teaching, and
nursing. These jobs were all paid
1961 Kennedy appointed the Presidential
Commission on the Status of women which
reported in 1963 women were paid far less than
men even doing the same jobs. Even today
women make 60 cents to the dollar of a man.
 Women became involved in civil rights and
antiwar movements although they were assigned
lesser roles and men brushed them aside.
 Women then formed their own discussion groups
to talk about problems of sexism and
discrimination. “The Feminine Mystique” and
the women’s liberation movement evolved.
The Movement Experiences Gains and Losses
National Organization for Women
(NOW)- an organization founded in 1966
to pursue feminist goals, such as better
childcare facilities, improved
educational opportunities, and an end
to job discrimination.
Women felt that the Civil Rights act and
Equal Employment Opportunities
Committee did not address women’s
NOW had 175,000 members by 1969 and
was growing rapidly
Gloria Steinem- political advocate for
women and a journalist who coined Ms.
So women could have a status that was
not based on marriage. MS also became
a magazine and a voice for women.
 -Girls
exclusion from sports became a
 -women refusing to adopt their husbands last
 - Ms over Miss or Mrs.
 -1972 government banned gender
discrimination in education as a part of the
Higher Education Act. Many all male colleges
opened the door to women
 - 1972 government gave a tax break to
women for childcare
Roe v. Wade- NOW supported women’s right to
have an abortion and the Supreme Court case
stated women were allowed to have an abortion
in the first 2 trimesters (1st 6 months). After
this case many thought it would solve the issues
but it still divides American today
 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)- 1972 a
proposed and failed amendment to the US
constitution that would have prohibited any
government discrimination on the basis of sex.
 Many women opposed the amendment and
launched a Stop-ERA.
Phyllis Schafly- conservative felt
that ERA would “lead to a parade
of horribles” drafting women,
ending laws protecting
homemakers, end the husband
providing for the family, and
promote same sex marriages.
Schafly felt that feminist hated
Men, Marriage, and Children.
 New Right- Pro-family movement
and pro-life coalition who focused
on social cultural and moral
problems strongly against the
women’s movement
 The
New Right clashed with the women’s
movement over ERA. In 1977 ERA won
approval in 35 states but needed 38 and
went down in defeat. The women’s
movement made an impact on society and
lasting impressions today.
 Counterculture-
a movement made up of
mostly white, middle class college youths
who had grown disillusioned with the war in
Vietnam and injustices in American during
the 1960’s. Rather than challenging the
system they turned their backs on traditional
America and established a whole new society
of Peace and Love.
Hippies- shared beliefs in the new left movement but
specifically felt that American society and its materialism,
technology, and war –had grown hollow. Influenced by the
Beat movement they formed a philosophy “Tune in, tune on,
drop out”
Hippie culture- The hippie era aka the Age of Aquarius
marked by:
- Rock’n’roll music
- Outrageous clothing (ragged jeans, tie-dyed shirts, military
garments, love beads, and Native American ornaments.
- Long hair (many conservatives felt it was disrespectful and
would have signs that said “make American beautiful give a
hippie a haircut
- Sexual license
- Illegal drugs (marijuana, LSD/Acid a new hallucinogenic)
Haight-Ashbury- Hippie capital in San Francisco
The movement only
lasted a few years
because their peace and
love gave way to
violence. The philosophy
of “do your own thing”
did not provide enough
guidance on how to live.
 By 1970 many had fallen
victim to drug addiction
and mental breakdowns.
Janis Joplin and Jimi
Hendrix both died of drug
 By 1970 thousands of
hippies lined up at
government offices to
collect welfare and food
Art- popular art led by Andy
Warhol was attempted to
bring into the mainstream.
Pop Art was famous for bright
silk-screen portraits of soup
cans, Marilyn Monroe, and
other icons of mass culture.
“Cookie cutter” lifestyle.
 Rock Music- Rock’n’roll was
the countercultures anthem
of protest. The movement
was offset by African
American rhythm and blues
 Beatles-
band that more than
any other propelled rock
music into the mainstream.
British band made up of four
youths from working class
Liverpool, England arrived in
American in 1964. Although
the Beatles had inspired
countless numbers of other
youths and other bands they
broke up in 1970.
 Woodstock-
A music and art fair in 1969 on a
farm in upstate New York which represented
“the 60s movement of peace and love and
some higher cultural cause. For three days
the most popular bands and musicians
preformed, including Jimi Hendrix, Janis
Joplin, Joe Cocker, Joan Baez, The Greatful
Dead, Jefferson Airplane. Although it was
one of the biggest festivals even today it was
not the greatest experiment because of the
rain, over crowdedness (400,000 people) and
 Sexual
behavior became more casual and
permissive leading to the sexual revolution.
Magazines, books, and TV started to address
subjects that had once been prohibited
particularly sexual behavior
 -Although many hailed to the permissiveness
other felt it was a decline and moral decay
 At
the 1968 Republican convention Richard Nixon
expressed his anger and that American society was
plummeting and anarchy rising. This growing
conservative movement would propel Nixon into the
white House and set the nation to a more
conservative course.