
Inquiry Project
Genetics & Heredity
SCE 572 (01)
Karen Daddona
Jon DeMeglio
Darryl Nicholson
Janine Walsh
What will be modified/added/eliminated from the existing unit?
For over two decades the foundation for state K-12 science standards has been based upon both
the National Science Education Standards and the Benchmarks for Science Literacy. In the
summer of 2011, the National Research Council unveiled the Framework for K-12 Science
Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas. The Framework presents, “key
scientific ideas and practices” all students should learn by the end of grade 12. The objectives
set forth by the Framework creators, the Committee on a Conceptual Framework for New
Science Education Standards, are for all science learners:
to have some appreciation of the beauty and wonder of science, possess sufficient
knowledge of science and engineering to engage public discussions on related
issues; are careful consumers of scientific and technological information related to
their everyday lives; are able to continue to learn about science outside school;
and to have the skills to enter careers of their choice, including careers in science,
engineering, and technology. (NRC 1)
Yes, this Framework will provide a new foundation for science education standards, as it
replaces the previously established standards with the Next Generation Science Standards
(NGSS), but how does it compare to present Life Science grades 6-8 content standards?
As with any well developed course framework, both the Framework for K-12 Science
Education and the Connecticut Prekindergarten–Grade 8 Science Curriculum Standards, present
curriculum developers with critical information important to unit planning. Each framework
provides an overview of the life science standards by outlining each unit topic that make up the
course, as well as, addressing major concepts in each unit; both with a grade 8 endpoint band.
When comparing the Framework and CT Standards side by side they are quite comparable with
a few noted differences. Case in point, Framework Core Idea LS3: Heredity: Inheritance and
Variation of Traits are comparable to CT Standard 8.2a with key concept word differences, with
the addition of the terms allele and mutation referenced in the Framework. However, it should
be noted that CT Standard 8.2.b. - Some of the characteristics of an organism are inherited and
some result from interactions with the environment, is not directly comparable to the new
Framework. Although both the Framework and the CT Standards focus on how characteristics
are inherited by way of sexual reproduction, the CT Standards invite science instructors to
explore how environmental conditions like “eating and exercising habits” are exhibited in human
traits, while the Framework calls for teachers to concentrate more on human trait variation via
New Generation Science Standards Compared to Current Standards
Essential Question
How are
characteristics of one
generation related to
the previous
Why do individuals
of the same species
vary in how they
look, function and
Framework for K-12 Science
Education: Practices,
Crosscutting Concepts & Core
July 2011
Core Idea LS3: Heredity:
Inheritance and Variation of
LS3.A: Inheritance of Traits
LS3.B: Variation of Traits
Connecticut Pre K -8
Science Curriculum
Standards Including
Grade-Level Expectations
March 2009
Comparison Notes
8.2.a. Heredity is the
passage of genetic
information from one
generation to another.
Comparable with the
exception that CT does not
mention mutations.
8.2.a. Heredity is the
passage of genetic
information from one
generation to another.
Comparable with the
addition that the
Framework uses the term
What is the sequence of the teaching/learning activities?
Essential Question:
Lesson Objectives:
What processes are responsible for life’s unity and diversity?
Students will describe human traits.
Students will distinguish between single gene and
polygenic traits.
Students will use tables to organize data and create
histograms to graphically represent data.
Students will identify patterns in data and draw
conclusions from those patterns.
The students will understand the role of probability in
The students will be able to perform theoretical
genetic crosses through the construction and use of
Punnett Squares.
The students will be able to apply probability
principles to genetic crosses.
The students will be able to determine phenotypes and
genotypes using Punnett Square crosses.
Students will learn important terminology used to
explain inheritance.
Students will explain the relationship between
genotype and phenotype.
Students will explain the inheritance of single gene
traits using dominant/recessive relationships.
Students will take genotype information from two
parents, model the creation of gametes by independent
assortment, and use those gametes to create offspring.
Students will see that Mendel’s experiments
demonstrate how characteristics are transferred from
parent to offspring.
Students will determine the appearance of their child’s
Student will determine the bits of information that will
contribute to the complete appearance of the child’s
face by flipping coins
Key Words
Punnett square
Learning Activity
Human Traits
In this activity,
students will
themselves and
others for a wide
array of traits.
Dare to be
Punnett Square
This lesson
familiarizes the
students with
Punnett squares,
application and
Making Babies
This is an
extension of the
Human Traits
survey activity
designed to
introduce students
to genes,
genotypes, and
Lesson Objectives:
Students will extract DNA.
Students will recognize that DNA is found in all cells.
Students will explain the steps needed to isolate DNA
from a cell.
Students will begin to describe the structure of DNA –
that it is a long, invisibly thin polymer.
Students will discover how codes work by reading and
writing secret messages written in Morse code.
Students will make up their own secret codes and
trade messages written in their self-created code.
Students will learn how DNA codes for a “secret”
protein message in a two step coding system – the
genetic code.
Students will model and describe the general structure
of DNA.
Students will apply base pairing rules to assemble a
DNA molecule.
Students will infer that the sequence of the nucleic
acids in DNA is the key to how DNA provides
instructions to the cell.
Students will relate this DNA puzzle activity to
Franklin, Watson and Crick’s original discovery of the
structure of DNA
Students will discover the link between meiosis and
the work of Mendel in genetics.
Key Words
Amino acids
Morse code
Genetic code
double helix
base pairing
Learning Activity
DNA Extraction
In this activity,
students extract
DNA from
strawberries using
diluted dish soap
and alcohol.
Secret Codes
Have Your DNA
and Eat It Too
Students build an
edible model of
DNA while
learning basic
DNA structure
and the rules for
base pairing.
Chromosomes of
a Frimpanzee
How will hands on (inquiry) activities be incorporated/changed?
As we prepare to teach within the new Framework standards, it has become apparent that
there is a clear overlap between the instructional strategies presented within the Process Skills,
Core Scientific Inquiry Performances, Framework Scientific/Engineering Practices and the
current trend of utilizing the 7-E Learning/Teaching Cycle. With the 7-E Instructional Model
operating within the current CT Inquiry Expected Performances as well as the newly released
Framework, it permits teachers to extend beyond lesson planning and development allowing for
the broadening of unit study incorporating not only current scientific practices, but incorporating
newly added engineering practices. Within the realm of genetics and heredity, science educators
can “expand” the unit of study into biotechnology with discussion of genetically modified foods
and eugenics. Units can be further developed to incorporate genetic technology opening
dialogue of the Human Genome Project, stem cell research, cloning and gene therapy, which
naturally lends itself to debate of bioethics and other social issues. The understanding of DNA
allows for inquiry based activities in forensic investigation, DNA fingerprinting and human
genetics disorders to name a few. As the Framework states, integrating engineering practices
along with scientific practices will encourage students not only to ask questions of genetics, but
define problems within the unit of study. In addition students will not only see how scientists
construct explanations, but how engineers design solutions.
Interdisciplinary Activities:
Is there an integration component?
The unit on genetics and DNA incorporates several other subjects for the interdisciplinary
activities. The interdisciplinary integrated unit in Math will allow the teacher to do a couple of
activities. The first activity entitled: Overview: How Punnett Squares May Be Used as a
Mathematical Tool will focus on the use of ratios, proportions and percent to solve problems.
Students will be able to calculate ratios and probability of each outcome and represent each
outcome as a decimal, percent and fraction. The other activity will be: Solving Real World
Problems through Math and Science. Students will be able to identify graphs, slope of graphs,
and dependent and independent variables.
The history teacher will incorporate a DNA Genealogy Timeline into their classroom.
Students will be able to pin point significant findings in the history of genetics. The language
arts section will allow students to create a comic strip using the Protein synthesis comic strip
assessment. This will reinforce and assess students’ understanding of the central dogma of
molecular biology. The students will also read The Disagreement of Mitosis and Meiosis by
Corey E. Nagle. Students will learn about the basics of cellular division for producing body cells
and gamete cells.
Formative and Summative
Summative assessment is used to test a student’s knowledge for a given period. Usually
this type of assessment is used to measure how much a student has learned up to a particular
point in time. We see this type of assessment in our graded tests and quizzes. Homework can
also be used if we use it as a grading tool. Summative assessment is what some call "assessment
of learning" and what we as teachers use to see whether our students are meeting standards set by
the state, the district, and the teacher. These assessments are conducted after a unit or certain
time period to determine how much learning has taken place. But there are other ways to assess
Formative assessments should be ongoing, repetitive measures designed to provide
information to both the student and the teacher concerning students' understanding of small
segments of course material. As an integrated approach to assessment and instruction, formative
assessments emphasize mastery of course material as opposed to evaluation of performance or
assignment of grades. Formative assessments are conducted throughout the instructional process
to monitor students' progress and provide feedback on strengths and weaknesses. The key to
formative assessment is the role of feedback; this feedback allows students to correct conceptual
errors and encourages instructors to modify instructional activities in light of their effectiveness.
Since formative assessments are designed to guide learning and are not utilized as an outcome
measure, they are generally considered a low stakes assessment. Below are some examples of
common formative assessment techniques. By no means is this list exhaustive.
1. Cooperating Teacher
2. Homework, Quizzes, and Tests
3. Exit Tickets
4. One-Minute Papers
5. Concept Mapping
6. Problem Solving Observation
7. Survey Students
8. Using feedback from students
9. Engage students in the process
10. See your teaching through your students' eyes
11. Identify Misconceptions
12. Photocopying, Saving, Reflection Tips
What learning modifications are incorporated?
An important baseline when developing and structuring science lesson plans that
incorporate all learning styles is to first create a supportive surrounding environment. In a
science class especially, a classroom environment should be set up in a way to provide a natural
engagement feel in order to set the tone for great learning to take place. Lesson plans should
then incorporate a variety of experiences that include different activities and opportunities to
utilize the range of learning styles. Science is often an easy unit of study to access the different
visual, motor, and auditory learning styles. Visual students can be engaged by performing
experiments or providing pictures. Classroom experiments and group work is an excellent
strategy to engage motor/kinesthetic learners. Planning lessons that incorporate a wide range of
learning styles is most likely to produce a group of enthusiastic and engaged learners, which is
any educator’s ultimate goal.
Differentiated instruction in a science classroom can also be a beneficial learning
modification. The technique advocates that the educator proactively plans a variety of
instruction methods so as to best facilitate effective learning experiences which are suited to the
various learning needs within the student. Continued adaptation to learners’ needs based upon
constant assessment of all students. Differentiated instruction requires teachers to tailor their
instruction and adjust the curriculum to students’ needs rather than expecting students to modify
themselves to fit the curriculum. An important pre-assessment is imperative in this process. The
goal is to continually acknowledge and aid in how a student shows they are mastering classroom
Bopp, G. (2010). DNA Genealogy Timeline. Retrieved April 13, 2012, from
Connecticut State Department of Education. (March2009). Connecticut Prekindergarten–Grade
8 Science Curriculum Standards Including Grade-Level Expectations.
National Research Council. (2012). A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices,
Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.
Nagel, C. (2012). The disagreement of mitosis and meiosis. Wilshire Press Inc. Retrieved
April17, 2012, from
North Carolina State University. (2007). Exploring genetics across the middle school science
and math curriculum. Retrieved April 12, 2012, from
Pratt, H. (2012). The NSTA Reader's Guide tp A FRAMEOWRK FOR K-12 SCIENCE
NSTA Press.
Salter. I. (n.d). My Science Box. Retrieved April 17, 2012, from
Salter, I. (n.d.). My Science Box. Retrieved April 11, 2012, from
The University of Utah. (2012). Teach.Genetics. Retrieved April 12, 2012, from
Wang, B., & Leon, E. (2011, September 9). UCLA, GK-12 Science & Mathematics in Los
Angeles Urban Schools. Retrieved March 2012, from The Chromosomes of a Frimpanzee:
Lincoln County Schools. (2012). Formative Assessment Strategies. Retrieved April 23, 2012,
from Assessment Strategies.pdf