Anatomy and Physiology Review Test 3: Latin Terms, Skeletal System, Nervous System Define latin terminology Skeletal System 1. What four tissues that make up the skeletal system? 2. What are 5 functions of the skeletal system? 3. What are the four bone types and an example of each? 4. Draw a long bone and label the diaphysis, medullary canal (marrow), epiphyses, epiphyseal line/plate, articular cartilage, and periosteum. 5. What is the difference between red and yellow marrow? 6. Define osetoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes. 7. Draw a piece of compact bone to include a couple osteon haversian systems of concentric lamella with the central blood vessel (in the central canal). Add in a volksmann canal/channel (perforating vessel) and the lacunae (where the osteocytes are found). 8. Explain the general process of endochondral ossification of a long bone from cartilage to compact bone. 9. What is a fontanelle? 10. If Ca levels decrease the para-thyroid gland releases PTH (hormone) – why? If Ca levels increase the thyroid releases calcitonin – why? 11. Describe a greenstick, depressed, comminuted, compressed, and compound/open fracture. 12. What are the 3 phases of bone healing? 13. Know the following parts of a human skull: frontal bone, nasal bone, lacrimal bone, zygomatic bone, maxilla, mandible, temporal bone, parietal bone, occipital bone, coronal suture, hard palate, occipital chondyle, foramen magnum. 14. What is the function of the hyoid bone? Why is it unique? 15. Know the following parts of the human vertebral column: (true moveable) cervical C1-C7, atlas, axis, thoracic T1-T12, (false fixed) sacral (5) and coccygeal (4). 16. Know the generalized functions of each section of the vertebral column. 17. Draw the superior view of a basic vertebrae. Label the body, foramen, spinous process, and transverse processes. 18. Know the following parts of the human thorax/ribcage: true ribs, false ribs, floating ribs, sternum (manubrium, body or gladiolus, and xiphoid process), and coastal cartilage. 19. Know the following parts of the pectoral girdle, arm, and hand: clavicle, scapula, humerus, ulna, radius, carpels, metacarpals, and phalanges. 20. Know the following parts of the pelvic girdle: coxal bone (illium, pubic bone, ischium), iliac crest, pubic symphysis, acetabulum. 21. Know three ways in which male and female pelvic girdles differ. 22. Know the following parts of the lower limb (leg, knee, foot): femur, patella, tibia, fibula, calcaneous, tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges. 23. Describe a bursa. What is its function? 24. What are the two kinds of joint classifications? 25. Give an example of a synovial joint, fibrous joint, and cartilaginous joints. 26. Give an example of the 6 kinds of synovial joints. 27. Define origin and insertion. 28. Why are ligament and cartilage injuries slow to heal? 29. Describe rheumatoid arthritis. 30. Describe osteoporosis. 31. Differentiate between abduction and adduction & flexion and extension. Nervous System 1. Explain the function of the Nervous System 2. Distinguish the CNS and PNS 3. List the 2 general types of nervous cells that are formed from neural tube and their function 4. Illustrate and label the basic neuron structure 1 5. Differentiate presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons 6. What are the 5 sensory types of neurons? 7. What are neurontransmitters? Give an example. 8. Explain why increased drug volume is needed for response 9. Differentiate between grey matter and white matter 10. Why does the brain have so many gyri and sulci? 11. What are the 3 main regions of the brain? 12. What are the 4 main lobes of the brain? 13. What part of the brain ‘handles’ drives such as thirst, hunger, anger, and sex? 14. What are the three layers of the meninges? What is the subarachnoid space? 15. Id the function of the olfactory, optic, vestibulocochlear, and vagus cranial nerve pairs. 16. Describe the 4 types of brain waves examined in electroencephalography 17. Differentiate between affector (afferent – sensory) and effector (efferent – motor) 18. Explain (with diagram) the resting potential of a typical neuron 19. Describe the step by step nerve firing process starting with stimulus 20. Explain what is meant by the salutatory effect of myelinated sheaths. 21. Describe the process that occurs across the synaptic junction. 22. What are the two ways neurotransmitters are inactivated? 23. Illustrate and label a simple diagram of a spinal cord transverse section. 24. What is the path of the involuntary reflex arc? Give an example of this reflex reaction. 25. What are the two divisions of the peripheral nervous system? 26. What nerve is being affected when you hit your ‘funny bone’? 27. What is meant by adaption? 28. What controls the ANS? 29. Differentiate the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems of the ANS including examples of responses 30. What is the name given to the specialized neurons which allow babies to mimic what their mother or father does? 31. What is the function of a lumbar puncture? 32. Describe 5 causes of neural pathology. 33. Describe inflammation, neuralgia, plaque, and tangles as relates to nervous pathology 34. How might acupuncture work to reduce chronic pain of arthritis? 35. Explain hydroencephaly. 36. Explain refraction, ROYGBIV, focal points, convex & concave lenses 37. Illustrate and label the front surface view of the eye 38. Explain the process of tears including pathway and function 39. Illustrate and label the side internal view of the eye. 40. What protein found in the epithelial cells of the lens aids in vision? 41. Describe the effect and cause of cataracts. 42. Differentiate between the dilation and constriction of pupils including system 43. Differentiate between rods and cones including location and functions 44. Define emmetropic, hyperopic, myopic, and astigmatism 45. What does an opthalmoscope examine? What diseases can be identified? 46. Distinguish pitch/frequency and decibel/amplitude of sound (compression) waves. 47. Illustrate and label a side internal view of the ear. 48. What is the pathway of sound from the air to your brain? 49. What are the two general categories of deafness? 50. The semicircular canals and vestibule function to detect? 52. Balance is a combination of what three systems? 53. What is the function of olfaction? 54. Where are olfactory bulbs that sense the volatile (gas) compounds found? 55. What is the function of gustation? 56. What are the 5 sensations identified by the taste buds found in the papillae of the tongue & their functions. 57. What are two functions of saliva? 2