Quiz Time!! AGAIN 1. A major reason for the founding of the Maryland colony was to a. establish a defensive buffer against Spanish colonies in the South b. create a refuge for the Catholics c. help the Protestants d. allow Lord Baltimore to keep all the land for himself e. repudiate the feudal way of life A major reason for the founding of the Maryland colony was to a. establish a defensive buffer against Spanish colonies in the South b. create a refuge for the Catholics c. help the Protestants d. allow Lord Baltimore to keep all the land for himself e. repudiate the feudal way of life 2. Maryland’s Act of Toleration a. was issued by Lord Baltimore b. abolished the death penalty c. gave freedom only to Catholics d. protected Jews and atheists e. actually sanctioned less religious toleration than what previously existed 2. Maryland’s Act of Toleration a. was issued by Lord Baltimore b. abolished the death penalty c. gave freedom only to Catholics d. protected Jews and atheists e. actually sanctioned less religious toleration than what previously existed 3. In Puritan doctrine, the “elect” were also referred to as a. Separatists b. patroons c. visible saints d. Pilgrims d. Anglicans 3. In Puritan doctrine, the “elect” were also referred to as a. Separatists b. patroons c. visible saints d. Pilgrims d. Anglicans 4. According to Anne Hutchinson, a dissenter in Massachusetts Bay, a. predestination was not a valid idea b. the truly saved need not bother to obey the laws of God or man c. antinomianism was heresy d. direct revelation from God was impossible e. a person needs only to obey the law of God 4. According to Anne Hutchinson, a dissenter in Massachusetts Bay, a. predestination was not a valid idea b. the truly saved need not bother to obey the laws of God or man c. antinomianism was heresy d. direct revelation from God was impossible e. a person needs only to obey the law of God 5. As the founder of Rhode Island, Roger Williams a. established religious freedom for all but Jews and Catholics b. supported some types of special privileges c. established complete religious freedom for all d. demanded attendance at worship e. became a very wealthy man 5. As the founder of Rhode Island, Roger Williams a. established religious freedom for all but Jews and Catholics b. supported some types of special privileges c. established complete religious freedom for all d. demanded attendance at worship e. became a very wealthy man 6. As a result of England’s Glorious Revolution a. the Dominion of the New World collapsed b. Sir Edmund Andros gained control over Massachusetts c. Massachusetts regained its original charter d. opposition to English rule in the colonies subsided e. much blood was shed 6. As a result of England’s Glorious Revolution a. the Dominion of the New World collapsed b. Sir Edmund Andros gained control over Massachusetts c. Massachusetts regained its original charter d. opposition to English rule in the colonies subsided e. much blood was shed 7. The middle colonies were notable for their a. lack of good river transportation b. unusual degree of democratic control c. lack of industry d. status as the least “American” of the colonies e. established churches 7. The middle colonies were notable for their a. lack of good river transportation b. unusual degree of democratic control c. lack of industry d. status as the least “American” of the colonies e. established churches 8. Bacon’s rebellion was supported mainly by a. young men frustrated by their inability to acquire land b. the planter class in Virginia c. those protesting the increased importation of African slaves d. people from Jamestown only e. the local Indians 8. Bacon’s rebellion was supported mainly b a. young men frustrated by their inability to acquire land b. the planter class in Virginia c. those protesting the increased importation of African slaves d. people from Jamestown only e. the local Indians 9. As a result of Bacon’s Rebellion a. African slavery was reduced b. planters began to look for less troublesome laborers c. Governor Berkeley was dismissed from office d. Nathaniel Bacon was named to head the Virginia militia e. better relations developed with local Indians. 9. As a result of Bacon’s Rebellion a. African slavery was reduced b. planters began to look for less troublesome laborers c. Governor Berkeley was dismissed from office d. Nathaniel Bacon was named to head the Virginia militia e. better relations developed with local Indians. 10. The Half-Way Covenant a. allowed full communion for all nonconverted members b. strengthened the distinction between the “elect” and all others c. brought an end to the Jeremiads of the Puritan ministers d. resulted in a decrease in church members e. admitted to baptism but not full membership the unconverted children of existing members. 10. The Half-Way Covenant a. allowed full communion for all nonconverted members b. strengthened the distinction between the “elect” and all others c. brought an end to the Jeremiads of the Puritan ministers d. resulted in a decrease in church members e. admitted to baptism but not full membership the unconverted children of existing members. 11. The special characteristics of New England’s population led to the observation that these colonists “invented” a. premarital sex b. grandparents c. family life d. religious piety e women’s rights 11. The special characteristics of New England’s population led to the observation that these colonists “invented” a. premarital sex b. grandparents c. family life d. religious piety e women’s rights 12. In contrast to the Chesapeake colonies, those in New England a. had a more diversified economy b. expanded westward in a less orderly fashion c. had a more ethnically mixed population d. were more oriented toward the individual than toward community interests e. followed the land use pattern established by the local Indians 12. In contrast to the Chesapeake colonies, those in New England a. had a more diversified economy b. expanded westward in a less orderly fashion c. had a more ethnically mixed population d. were more oriented toward the individual than toward community interests e. followed the land use pattern established by the local Indians 13. The major purpose of England's mercantilist policy was to A. protect the infant industries of England's young colonies B. increase England's prosperity C. discourage other European powers from colonizing North America D. reduce the need for an overseas empire E. open the Atlantic to free trade 13. The major purpose of England's mercantilist policy was to – protect the infant industries of England's young colonies B. increase England's prosperity – discourage other European powers from colonizing North America – reduce the need for an overseas empire – open the Atlantic to free trade 14. (1988) Colonial cities functioned primarily as A. Mercantile centers for collecting agricultural goods and distributing imported manufactured goods B. places where most poor immigrants settled and worked as independent artisans C. centers where large scale financial and banking operations were conducted D. places to which wage earners commuted from numerous surrounding communities E. centers of light manufacturing 14. (1988) Colonial cities functioned primarily as A. mercantile centers for collecting agricultural goods and distributing imported manufactured goods – paces where most poor immigrants settled and worked as independent artisans – centers where large scale financial and banking operations were conducted – places to which wage earners commuted from numerous surrounding communities – centers of light manufacturing 15. In the eighteenth century, colonial Virginia and colonial Massachusetts were most alike in that both A. relied on the marketing of a single crop B. were heavily dependent on slave labor C. had an established Anglican church D. were royal colonies E. administered local government through justices of the peace 15. In the eighteenth century, colonial Virginia and colonial Massachusetts were most alike in that both A. relied on the marketing of a single crop B. were heavily dependent on slave labor C. had an established Anglican church D. were royal colonies E. administered local government through justices of the peace 16. The Dutch settled New Netherland primarily to A. secure a refuge for the persecuted B. check the growth of English colonies in North America C. expand their commercial and mercantile network D. gain colonies to produce agricultural surpluses E. secure naval supplies 16. The Dutch settled New Netherland primarily to A. secure a refuge for the persecuted B. check the growth of English colonies in North America C. expand their commercial and mercantile network D. gain colonies to produce agricultural surpluses E. secure naval supplies 17. Which of the following best explains why Massachusetts Bay officials banished Anne Hutchinson? A. She challenged gender roles and Puritan orthodoxy B. She was found guilty of practicing witchcraft C. she preached the doctrine of predestination D. She gave birth to a child out of wedlock E. She opened an unlicensed tavern 17. Which of the following best explains why Massachusetts Bay officials banished Anne Hutchinson? A. She challenged gender roles and Puritan orthodoxy B. She was found guilty of practicing witchcraft C. she preached the doctrine of predestination D. She gave birth to a child out of wedlock E. She opened an unlicensed tavern 18. Which of the following was a characteristic of colonial Pennsylvania? a) There was no established church b) Founder William Penn endorsed a policy of removing American Indians to the western region of the colony c) Poor farmland in the back country aggravated the colony's economic woes d) all white males could vote e) The office of governor was an elective post 18. Which of the following was a characteristic of colonial Pennsylvania? a) There was no established church b) Founder William Penn endorsed a policy of removing American Indians to the western region of the colony c) Poor farmland in the back country aggravated the colony's economic woes d) all white males could vote e) The office of governor was an elective post