World Religions CP Syllabus Mercyhurst Prep School 2015-2016 Teacher: Mrs. Osborn Room: 204 E-Mail: Text: Exploring the Religions of Our World Source: Ave Maria Press / Digital Copy Author: Nancy Clemmons, S.N.J.M. Curriculum: RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD #0015 Senior 1.00 credit Yearlong Students may choose to study one, two, or three terms of this course. A three-term study would constitute a yearlong Theology course. One term will focus on Eastern Religions, one term will explore Western Religions and one term will examine Contemporary Religions. For more details on each class, please see the course description below the individual course listings. TERM I: EASTERN RELIGIONS-COLLEGE PREP #0513 Senior .33 credit Term course Explore some of the oldest and most enduring religions from the East, including primarily Buddhism and Hinduism and the way in which they have addressed the important issues of life and death, worship and the formula for how life ought to be lived. This course will shed light on the lifestyles and values of a significant portion of the world population. TERM II: WESTERN RELIGIONS-COLLEGE PREP #0515 Senior .33 credit Term course Explore the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. These three religions, connected by a common ancestry and sharing origins in the Bible, have had an incredible impact in shaping the world we know. Delve deeply into these fascinating religions and discover some of the greatest thinkers the world has known. TERM III: CONTEMPORARY RELIGIONS-COLLEGE PREP #0519 Senior .33 credit Term course Ever wonder what Scientologists believe or about the intricacies of Mormonism or Taoism? This course will explore several of the minor religions, both new and old, and the impact being felt in the current culture by adherents of those religions. Some of your preconceived notions may be challenged and replaced by a more systematic approach to studying these intriguing styles of worship. CLASS INFORMATION and CLASS EXPECTATIONS (All school rules apply. Refer to MPS Handbook for details): *Class information will be posted on the MPS teacher website under Osborn, Anne. The initial website used will be My web address is: WordPress will be used for student assignments, upcoming projects, quizzes, tests and other important information. Students must check this site daily for updates and necessary communication. eBackpack will be used some assignments and online submission. *Please keep a copy of all your computer generated work in your school folder on eBackpack and keep a hard copy of all your other work. In case of a question regarding a grade or missing assignment, the burden of proof rests with you. *Parent, as well as student, communication is very important. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. *Students are expected to be prepared and on time for class daily. Late attendance or lack of preparation may result in demerits. *Please be at your seat and ready to begin when class starts. *No food or drink, except plain water, is allowed in the classroom (unless otherwise indicated by teacher). *Students must own class text and bring text to class each day. *Note taking supplies, class handouts, homework folder and hard copy folder along with 2 pens and your book must be brought to class each day. *The dress code will be enforced. *The school discipline policy will be followed in this class. *No gum, no food, no cell phones – period! *Use the lavatory between classes NOT during class time. *Students must be silent for any announcements on the loudspeaker or classroom announcements. *PIA students will be expected to speak English in class at all times to enhance their English-speaking skills. STUDENT ASSISTANCE: Please let me know if you are struggling with the material or have any questions about what we cover in class. Never be embarrassed to ask for help. I am happy to help. INTEGRITY POLICY: It is expected that the student will exhibit respect for everyone in the classroom in both word and action. Disrespect for another student or for the teacher will not be tolerated nor will cheating on tests or assignments. Plagiarism in any form is equal to cheating. No credit will be given for the assignment and detention will be issued. GRADE BREAKDOWN: All assignments will be graded on a total points system. We will follow the grading scale as published in the Mercyhurst Prep School handbook. CLASS PARTICIPATION: The material in this class can't be fully absorbed by simply reading and listening. It must be engaged. Dialogue is a necessary tool to understand and internalize this information. Dialogue is also the natural result of the study of religion. Religion, by nature, looks at central beliefs and big issues. It's the sort of stuff that generates opinions. Ask your questions. Raise your observations. The class will be so much the better for them. Participation in class and group discussions will be counted in your participation grade. HOMEWORK: Homework will come in a variety of forms in this class. The student can expect a reading assignment from the text or accompanying handouts almost every class. There will also be a variety of written work. This will be seen most commonly in smaller reflection papers and projects scattered throughout the year. More information on these papers will be forthcoming as they are assigned. It is expected that the students come to class every day having read the assigned section and be ready to participate in a class discussion about the material. They also need to have any written work that may be due that day. Assignments will be considered late if they are not completed by the beginning of class the day they are due. Printing, copying and stapling MUST BE DONE prior to the class that the work is due. Class time is not to be used for final completion of papers and/or projects. (See more on late work below.) If an assignment is late, the assignment will still need to be completed and turned in for a grade. LATE WORK: Late work will be accepted. Should an assignment be late, the grade will be lowered every calendar school day that it is late. (Note: eBackpack records date and time of assignment submission – do not be late). All assignments are to be completed and turned in for grading. A late assignment does not exempt completion of work. QUIZZES AND TESTS: Students will be given quizzes and tests throughout the year. The exams will be the primary means for measuring their content knowledge of each section. However, quizzes may become more frequent if the material warrants it or if a lack or regular reading is apparent. Quizzes may be given without notice. Students will always be given a few days notice for a test. SUPPLIES/MATERIALS NEEDED: Students are required at each class to have a notebook or binder, 2 pens, folder for class handouts, folder for student hard copy of homework, tests and projects and iPad (charged). NOTE TAKING: The notes from the class discussion and lectures are vitally important to the student's understanding of the material. Students are required to maintain a paper notebook and must have a class notebook/binder at each class along with two pens and a hard copy folder. Student notes may be randomly checked for content and neatness. All notes written on the board are to be taken each day, along with the date and topic covered. Each student is responsible for his or her own notes. Notebook checks will be random and will be included in the participation grade. iPAD USAGE: Students are to follow all school policies in regard to their iPad use in this class. The iPad will be used as a tool in conjunction with the lessons but doesn't serve as a replacement for an actual notebook. Students must have a class notebook/binder at each class along with two pens and a hard copy folder. Technology problems will not be accepted as an excuse for not having notes or being prepared for homework, quizzes, tests, etc. Students using the iPad for uses other than class directed activity will surrender their iPad for the remainder of the class and must produce an account of the day's class notes and content at the end of class. Failure to do so will result in a demerit. Continuous infractions will result in a detention. Student iPad's are the property of Mercyhurst Prep and must be surrendered upon request of teacher or administrator. Use of the iPad is a privilege and not a right. GRADING: Grading will be according to the Standard Grading Scale as listed on page 6 in the MPS Student Handbook. RECORDS: Students should keep a copy of all computer generated work in their eBackpack portfolio; they should also keep a hard copy of all other work/tests/quizzes until the final grade is posted. In the event of a missing or lost assignment, the burden of proof rests with the student. COMMUNICATION: ALWAYS check for information on assignments and communication. Most student homework submissions (unless otherwise indicated by me) will be through eBackpack. Students are responsible for all material covered in class, this includes notes, handouts and any materials covered. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY WHEN ABSENT: Students are responsible for all material covered in class, this includes notes, handouts and any materials covered. Students absent for an exam will have exactly one week from their first day back to make-up the exam. If they fail to meet with me to schedule a time for the make-up exam or if they fail to take the exam within the allotted week they will receive a "0." TEACHER NOTE: I look forward to spending the next year with you! As we seek a deeper understanding of Scripture may we listen to, discover, and come to know the Word.