
Final Review
1. Skinner, Pavlov, and Maslow were all
in one specific field of study
a. Psychology
b. classical conditioning
c. operant conditioning
d. sociology
Final Review
2. This specific person trained his dog by
using treats, which scientist used this
a. Maslow
b. Pavlov
c. Leeroy
d. Darwin
Final Review
3. What is an example of a stereotype
a. Only Germans have blonde hair
b. Brown is cool
c. Mr. Trahey is mean
d. The school is ugly
Final Review
4. What is an example of a folkway
a. Common Sense
b. table manners
c. More
d. Law
Final Review
5. The study of how the mind and body
work together.
a. Simpsonology
b. Sociology
c. Psychology
d. Anthropology
Final Review
6. What is the most common family type in
the U.S
a. Nuclear
b. Blended
c. Extended
d. Mr. Trahey and his Cat
Final Review
7. Which of the following is not a defense
a. Denial
b. Repression
c. Empathy
d. Projection
Final Review
8. How do you learn the rules of society?
a. Socialization
b. social learning
c. From Trahey’s Cat
d. From your little sister
Final Review
9. Why do institutions exist in all societies?
a. to help learn the rules
b. to make friends
c. to meet needs
d. Because Sarah has no friends
Sarah and Izzy
Final Review
10. What is not an example of how
culture changes.
a. diffusion
b. invention
c. perception
d. innovation
Sarah and Izzy
Final Review
11. Which type of group is more loving
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Community
d. Society
e. Your FAC’s family
Final Review
12. Which has a bigger impact on your
a. Heredity
b. Trahedity
c. Food
d. Environment
e. Both A&D
Final Review
13. Who described Id, Ego, Superego as
parts of the human personality?
a. Maslow
b. Pavlov
c. Freud
d. Skinner
Final Review
14. People join groups to
a. to belong
b. to satisfy needs
c. to work
d. all of the above
Final Review
15. What is a norm established by the
a. More
b. folkway
c. Law
d. norm
Final Review
16. What type of learning shapes
behavior through positive and
negative reinforcement?
Final Review
17. The resources necessary to start and
maintain a business are known as?
Final Review
18. This scientist categorized human needs
into 5 levels.
Final Review
19. In a command economy, this group
owns all factors of production
Final Review
20. The social science that deals with
making choices about resources
Final Review
21. If a good or service is priced too low,
this will occur?
Final Review
22. What degree is the axis of the earth
tilted at?
Final Review
23. This branch of the U.S government is
responsible for appointing department
heads and enforcing the laws
Final Review
24. These two houses make up the
legislative branch of the federal
Final Review
25. When a historian collects several
pieces of evidence that tell the same story
he is doing this?
Final Review
26. Information gathered from the actual
event is known as?
Final Review
27. Germans only have blonde hair and
blue eyes is an example of _________?
Final Review
28. Name the 5 groups that have existed
in all societies.
Final Review
29. Norms in society that are enforced by
the government are known as_______?
Final Review
30. This type of family may contain step
siblings and half-siblings
Final Review
31. Freud identified these three parts of
the human personality.
Final Review
32. Most Americans live in this type of
Final Review
33. A guess based upon evidence.
Final Review
34. In a market economy, this person
provides a good or service.
Final Review
35. These two types of government give
power to the people.
Final Review
36. On the economic spectrum, these types
of economies are on the opposite
Final Review
37. This social science deals with how
human movement impacts the environment
Final Review
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. C
11. A
12. E
13. C
14. D
15. C
16. Operant Conditioning
17. Factors of Production
18. Abraham Maslow
19. Government
20. Economics
21. Shortage
22. 23 1/2
31. Id, Ego, Superego
23. Executive
32. Nuclear
24. Senate, House of 33. Inference
34. Producer
25. Corroborating
35. Democracy, republic
26. Primary Evidence
36. Free Market, Command
27. Stereotype
37. Geography
28.Religion, Family, Education,
Economy, Government
29. Laws
30. Blended