Steadies talk/argue From the Robert Hopper Collection, UT Austin Digital Repository Keyword: “Dating Couples (Unmarried)” Circa 1980 File name: d02-a-xxx.mp3 12.32Mb – 12:51 minutes URI: Retrieved 10/15/2014 1 M: ° Tom was coming today 2 F: ° Tom was there? 3 M: mm 4 (2.0) 5 F: ° You think we're gonna go? 6 M: ° Yeah, I'm sure we're gonna go. 7 M: He's kind of a spoiled brat you know 8 F: Is he? 9 (1.0) 10 M: He doesn't do anything, you know, we got that truck stuck that night 11 F: =un huh 12 M: and we're trying to 13 M: =I was trying to dig the mud out from 14 M: =like cl:ay mud 15 M: =out from behind the tires, y'know, cause it had built up 16 F: =yeah 17 M: =And, um, I'm out there with a hatchet 18 M: =trying to dig the mud out from the back of 19 F: 20 M: = you know on my hands and knees getting all dirty and everything— 21 M: (.) He never got out of the truck. 22 F: Are you kidding? 23 M: Never got out of the (f--king) 24 F: What, did you say anything to him? [ hhhh .hh ((breath in)) ] Steadies Talk/argue 2 25 M: nnnn 26 F: I would:'ve. 27 M: I'm mean °obvious obviously he was (being a pussy about it). 28 (1.0) 29 M: °He did admit it. 30 F: So he killed those two turk- 31 F: he killed another deer today. 32 F: He killed one yesterday and another one today and those two turk- 33 (keys) 34 M: 35 M: 36 (.) 37 M: 38 (.) 39 M: 40 (0.5) 41 M: But today? 42 F: hmm nnh? 43 M: Last night? 44 (1.0) 45 F: You told me that you: killed one yesterday mornin' (.) 46 M: I killed one yesterday mornin'. 47 M: He killed one yesterday. 48 (4.0) 49 F: °that's great 50 M: It was a beautiful eight-point 51 M: =and it had a point (.) chipped off of it. 52 F: Part, it's uh, horn had a chip on it? So. I mean, that's why he didn't get out. [I know] I =guess some of Tom's. Tom's weird. Tom killed a deer. I told you (.) Steadies Talk/argue 3 53 M: 54 point? 55 F: Uh-huh 56 M: They have you know 57 M: They have (----- like this) 58 M: you know eight of them? 59 F: 60 M: Well the last one was broken off 61 M: it had gotten into a fight 62 F: uh huh 63 M: broken off 64 F: Over a doe, I bet 65 (5.0) 66 F: (----) 67 M: 68 M: (---) ° about territory. 69 F: 70 (4.0) 71 F: 72 (2.0) 73 F: 74 (4.0) 75 F: No:o. 76 M: No >it's not.< 77 F: ° It's snooot. ((softly, a joke?)) 78 (1.0) 79 F: Well, um, why didn't you call me and tell me you were gonna be late? 80 M: ts .hhhh Chipped off. You know how they come up like this, they come up to a [Yeah] (----) ° Land is only important. Kinda like you, huh? # Nah. ° Better not be. Steadies Talk/argue 4 81 F: aha 82 M: Tracy, I've been trying to get out of there, 83 M: =buddy, 84 M: =alright: 85 M: I didn't get off the deer lease until six 86 M: I thought I'd done a hell of a job. 87 F: W-well I know but 88 (1.0) 89 F: you know I told you I was gonna be done with school at 3:00 90 F: =and you said you'd be home right around then (.) [cause I wanted to 91 s::ee you] 92 M: 93 M: =There aren't any phones at the ranch. 94 F: Yes there are. 95 (2.0) 96 M: °Yeah. 97 F: I just was really starting to worry because nobody's heard from you. 98 M: You're calling around (.) 99 F: I went over, and everything. 100 F: =I went over at like 101 F: =I called when I got home from school 102 F: =And then I kept thinking I'll meet him. 103 M: °I know at three 104 M: (---) °but then four and five and six o'clock (.) 105 F: Well you should have to:ld me 106 F: = you were gonna be home at six o'clock. 107 M: I said after three. 108 (.) [There aren't any] You've called me be:fore:: °I know. Steadies Talk/argue 5 109 M: I said after three. 110 F: =>ten is a little bit after three< 111 M: Well I really planned on leaving the deer lease at three instead of 112 leaving at six. 113 F: Well I know (.) 114 M: Well.. 115 F: tshhhh 116 M: You should have called me.::: 117 M: IIIII:::I was trying to get out of there and 118 M: he didn't call Jennifer so I didn't call you. 119 F: Ah well, let's just do what TOM does then, okay that makes it 120 alright. 121 M: Sure. 122 F: Yeah. 123 (1.0) 124 F: 125 (1.0) 126 F: Maybe Jennifer doesn't get worried, but I worry. 127 F: So would you call me next time? 128 M: Yea 129 F: hft! ((lip smack)) D-darryl! 130 F: Ye:s, you'll call me? 131 M: hahahaokay. 132 M: I'll call you. 133 M: I said I'm gonna be in and I'd come by and see you. 134 (2.0) 135 F: 136 (1.0) hh hh hh So there goes my three hours right there. Well, he doesn't have to live with it. You do. So. So there. I didn't think I made a promise to see you. But I know you wanted to see me. Steadies Talk/argue 6 137 F: Of course you do. 138 M: Been a long time. 139 F: Mm humm. 140 (kiss) 141 M: 142 (2.0) 143 M: °I've got a lot of shit 144 M: I've got to get my life together (.) 145 F: You are back at school 146 F: There are two and half weeks of school 147 (1.0) 148 M: Is that all? 149 F: Three weeks. 150 (4.0) 151 F: You got anything due at school? 152 M: I got a quiz on Thursday I can come up nights 153 from on Tuesday's class 154 F: 155 (2.0) 156 M: Have you done any? 157 F: Some of it. 158 M: Why are you running this all the way backwards? 159 M: Oh it's recording all this bullshit. 160 (-----break in tape-----) 161 F: So, did you have a good time. 162 M: Yeah, I had a real good time. 163 M: the weather was real good 164 M: The wind started blowing real hard last night °I've got a lot of shit to do. Finals are in two weeks This week? I got a paper due tomorrow and a paper due Thursday The weather was Steadies Talk/argue 7 165 F: Mmm [to bad] 166 M: [It was] 167 M: We had a tornado watch. 168 F: Yeah, hmmm I heard about that. 169 M: Tom, Tom called it a hurricane watch 170 M: but no, it's not a hurricane 171 M: I don't think you're having a hurricane in Central Texas. 172 F: I don't kn:ow 173 M: But it was (.) 174 M: it was good. 175 M: in Santa Ana Texas. 176 F: Mmm 177 M: Population two hundred and three 178 (2.0) 179 M: But of course I wan't looking, right? 180 F: yeah, right 181 M: yeeeah 182 F: I'm sure you weren't 183 M: There was this one little girl at Best fried chicken place 184 F: Mmm hmm. 185 M: Had a couple hickeys on her neck. 186 M: that's usually a dead give away. 187 F: For what? 188 M: Huh, huh nothing. 189 (kiss) 190 F: Okay. 191 M: Just one of those things. 192 F: Did you kill anything. It was really bad Lots of wild and crazy women (.) ((starting over? Contrived?)) Steadies Talk/argue 8 193 M: Yeah, we killed two turkey, and a couple of dear 194 M: Believe it or not, we shot a bunch of stuff. 195 M: We shot you know, some cats. 196 F: You killed a cat? 197 M: We killed a cat. 198 F: Did you really? 199 (1.0) 200 F: 201 (1.0) 202 M: yeah 203 F: nah, 204 M: yeah haha 205 M: just a real dog 206 M: a regular [dog] 207 F: [Why?] 208 M: Because it scares off the deer 209 M: and it eats the quails 210 F: Daryl, that is awful. 211 (1.) 212 M: Tracy. 213 F: Are you serious, did you really kill a de- dog? 214 M: Yes, we really killed a dog. 215 F: That is aw-ful.: 216 M: We had to [Tracy, alright?] 217 F: [No you] didn't have to. 218 M: For the lease, we had to for the le:ase. 219 F: That's bu:ll. 220 M: To keep - It it disturbs up the wild animals (cat. Some dogs. cat.) You killed a dog? And a ca- : That is gross. Steadies Talk/argue 9 221 (1.0) 222 F: 223 [and keeping you from (hunting)] 224 M: [Yes it does] 225 M: I promise you it does. 226 M: It it stirs up the qu-, the quail, it ruins their nest, it eats their 227 eggs and stuff. 228 F: 229 kill it. 230 M: 231 to shoot 'em. 232 (1.5) 233 F: What, so it's just a wild dog, it just is like a coyote? 234 M: I'm sure it is, I mean you're millions of miles 235 M: =from any civilization it's just out there wondering around 236 M: =usually they're in like a pack 237 M: =a pack of dogs and they're just running around scaring up everything 238 M: =eating eating you know chasing the cougars and the bobcats 239 F: I think you'all are °probably just bored because 240 F: °you couldn't kill anything 241 M: Well, pro:bably, a little of that t:oo. 242 M: But still, they have to be exterminated. 243 (1.0) 244 F: 'kay. 245 M: They do. 246 F: You're the official exterminator now, I [guess.] 247 M: [mm] hmm. 248 (2.0) That dog does not go out in the fields and start scaring up the deer So you just kill it. You don't take it somewhere else. We just kill it. You can't catch 'em, Tra::cy. You just (0.3) You just have Steadies Talk/argue 10 249 M: And the cats eat the quail. 250 F: Oh (.) 251 M: The baby quail, alright? 252 (2.0) 253 F: 254 (5.0) 255 M: So what you do this weekend? 256 F: Well, you know. 257 F: Just trying to keep myself busy 258 M: Doing what? 259 F: I don't know. 260 M: uhhhh Can't remember? 261 M: =were you like hungover and something all day, and [went out at 262 night?] 263 F: 264 and busy without you being around = 265 M: 266 (1.0) 267 F: No Daryl. 268 M: =You went out? 269 F: =To bars. With friends= 270 M: =Who'd you see?= 271 F: =And socialized. And had a life without you being here. 272 (5.0) 273 M: Male or female: friends? 274 F: Well, both - does it matter?= 275 M: =Both? 276 F: [friends (---)] Sure. Were you (.) = [No, I mean just did] other things. I mean I can keep myself happy Needlepoint, I guess. Alright. I went out= Was this like, [is this like] a double date, or something?= Steadies Talk/argue 11 277 F: 278 (2.0) 279 M: 280 to you about Chris Green, all those guys [that you] hang around with? 281 F: 282 understand that= 283 M: 284 alright?= 285 F: [I mean I don't understand] 286 F: =Oh [you don't]= 287 M: [No] [I don't]= 288 F: =[Well then] why did I find a letter from a girlfriend in your house 289 the other day? 290 F: (.) I was going to see if you were home today 291 F: =I walk in your room and I see this cute little note 292 F: =from some girl name Patsy 293 F: =That I've never heard you talk about before 294 F: (.) Is there something going on I should know about? = 295 F: =Daryl? 296 (5.0) 297 M: I don't know. [I, I, I] 298 F: [You] don't know? 299 M: I haven't been home. I haven't [been home.] 300 F: [Well who's] Patsy? 301 (1.0) 302 M: Well, the only Patsy I know is an old old girlfriend. 303 F: An old, old, girlfriend. 304 M: [Yeah] =No, Daryl, this was friends, going out together. Now, Tracy, you know we've had this conversation before. I've talked [Well,] and I've told you that they're friends, and you should Well, [you know, I don't] hang around too many girl friends, Steadies Talk/argue 12 305 F: [Isn't that] a coincidence. 306 F: Funny. Let me tell you what the letter says. 307 M: Oh Please. 308 F: Dear Daryl. 309 F: =I just came to town and Floyd was showing me 310 F: =points of interest In Austin. °In quotations.= 311 M: I'm flattered.= 312 F: =Thought I'd stop by one and leave a little note. 313 F: =Love always Patsy something. 314 M: [Oh, excuse me,] I guess that's [in comparison to you] = 315 F: [Wa--] 316 M: =going out for margarita's [with Chris Green.] 317 F: [Wait a] minute Daryl why are you such a point of interest to some 318 girl that's a old old girlfriend? 319 M: Hey, she's in Austin, she came outta Conroe, alright? = 320 F: [Well how did she know where you live?] = 321 M: =[I'm probably the only person she] knows, uh, in Austin. 322 (.) 323 F: Shruck. 324 M: No, I'm serious. 325 F: She's really- = 326 F: =°it's all lovey. 327 M: She just came by to say hello. Don't worry about it. 328 F: Don't worry about it, Daryl? 329 M: Don't worry about it. 330 F: I mnhh, you just act so mysterious about it that maybe something 331 could be going on that I don't even have any clue that's going on. 332 mean (.) [if there's some-] I was just stopping by = [I'm just saying] = I Steadies Talk/argue 13 333 M: [If some]thing was going on I would tell you, okay? 334 F: Why would you tell me? 335 M: Tracy, I don't have any spare ti:me. 336 minute upon the minute. 337 F: >Oh no, that's not true.< 338 M: I have no time to cheat on you. 339 there's no way, I'm not fooling around on you.< (.) >Tracy is an old girl 340 from Conroe that stopped in to say hello, I was not there so she left a 341 note.> (.) It's no big deal, alright. 342 F: 343 know, comments about me going out with friends when you're getting little 344 love notes (.) 345 M: 346 going out and spending hours with some guy drinking in a bar< (.) 347 >there's< 348 F: =Now >wait a minute Daryl< (.)Daryl 349 M: =You know how you act after two or three margaritas = 350 F: =>Daryl< 351 M: =You DO! 352 F: >[Daryl.]< 353 M: [there's n:o tell:ing] what you might do. 354 F: =Calm down. (.) >Now wait a minute < [here.] 355 M: [hahaha] I'm serious. 356 F: First I'm gonna talk, and you're just gonna listen. 357 went out with four girls and two guys that were friends from high school. 358 I went home to Dallas, haven't seen these people, some of them I didn't 359 see all Summer long, haven't seen them in a long time. Mnh. You know I I cl-check in every >So just forget it. There's no way, Well I don't think that you have any right to be making, you No, >°little love notes< I didn't even see her, >okay and you're You (.) never know. First of all I (.) Friends go Steadies Talk/argue 14 360 out, Daryl. (.) Did you have friends in high school, girls and guys? 361 you? 362 M: No, I had a girlfriend, and- and male friends. 363 F: You didn't have any, you didn't have any girls that were just 364 friends? 365 The only time that you ever (.) you know. 366 (0.3) 367 M: Maybe one. 368 F: Maybe one friend that's a girl. 369 weird. 370 that are > just like a girl that's a friend of mine, and we all went out, 371 and we had a good time, and we play, it's just like going out with the 372 girls but only < some of them are of a different sex. 373 M: >Are they kind of feminine? 374 F: >No, they're not feminine, they're friends, Daryl. 375 M: [Oh. 376 F: There's nothing to worry about. 377 to make you doubt me. Unlike you. (.) °Unlike you. 378 that subject absolutely. 379 M: Alright, [alright. 380 F: [Maybe you're feeling guilty.] Are you feeling guilty? 381 M: NO! 382 F: Well >is there something else you're feeling guilty about that I 383 don't know about?< = 384 M: 385 you doing walking around my room snooping through my room looking for 386 notes like that? Did That you had not any type of romantic relationship with at all? Okay. (.) Well, you're a little But that's another story. (.) So I have friends, that were guys, [Friends, okay?] Oh.] I've never done anything in the past So let's just close You're just looking for trouble. That's fine.] The note, the note from Patsy is no problem, okay? =No, I'm kind of mad about something else (.) What in the hell are Steadies Talk/argue 15 387 F: 388 leave you a little note asking you to call me when you got in telling you 389 how much I missed you and wanted to know what had been going on and I 390 find that there's already a cute little note there for you 391 (.) 392 M: 393 (.) 394 F: I wasn't Daryl, for your information I was trying to be sweet and Next time, just put it in the mailbox, okay. I think you can just go to hell Daryl Woods.