Narcotics and Analgesics

Narcotics and Analgesics
By Linda Self
 Universal, complex, subjective
 Number one reason people take
 Generally is related to some type of
tissue damage and serves as a
warning signal
Scope of the Problem
 Increases as Baby Boomers age
 25 million people suffer acute pain
related to surgery or injury
 Chronic pain affects 250 million
 Is a multibillion dollar industry
 Much ignorance exists about this
Gate Control Theory of Pain
 Gate control theory of pain is the idea
that physical pain is not a direct
result of activation of pain receptor
neurons, but rather, its perception is
modulated by interaction between
different neurons
Gate Control Theory of Pain
 Nerve fibers (A delta (fast channels))
and C fibers (slow channels) transmit
pain impulses from the periphery
 Impulses are intercepted in the dorsal
horns of the spinal cord, the
substantia gelatinosa
 In this region, cells can be inhibited
or facilitated to the T-cells (trigger
Gate Control Theory of Pain cont.
 When cells in the substantia
gelatinosa are inhibited, the ‘gate’ to
the brain is closed
 When facilitated, the ‘gate’ to the
brain is open
Gate Control Theory of Pain
 Similar gating mechanisms exist in
the nerve fibers descending from the
thalamus and the cortex. These areas
of the brain regulate thoughts and
emotions. Thus, with a pain stimulus,
one’s thoughts and emotions can
actually modify the pain experience.
Pathophysiological Response
 Tissue damage activates free nerve
endings (nociceptors) of peripheral
 Pain signal is transmitted to the
spinal cord, hypothalamus, and
cerebral cortex
 Pain is transmitted to spinal cord by
A-delta fibers and C fibers
Pathophysiological Response
 A-delta fibers transmit fast, sharp,
well-localized pain signals
 C fibers conduct the pain signal
slowly and produce poorly localized,
dull, or burning type of pain
 Thalamus is the relay station for
incoming stimuli, incl. pain
Pain Fibers and Pathways
 A delta fibers found in the skin and muscle,
myelinated, respond to mechanical stimuli.
Produce intermittent pain.
 C fibers distributed in the muscle as well as
the periosteum and the viscera. These
fibers are unmyelinated, conduct thermal,
chemical and strong mechanical stimuli.
Produce persistent pain.
Inhibitory and Facilitatory
 Neurotransmitters—chemicals that exert
inhibitory or excitatory activity at postsynaptic nerve cell membranes. Examples
include: acetylcholine, norepinehprine,
epinephrine, dopamin, and serotonin.
 Neuromodulators—endogenous opiates.
Hormones in brain. Alpha endorphins, beta
endorphins and enkephalins. Help to relieve
Opioid Receptors
 Opioid receptors—binding sites not
only for endogenous opiates but also
for opioid analgesics to relieve pain.
Several types of receptors: Mu,
Kappa, Delta, Epsilon and Sigma.
Mu Receptors
 Location: CNS incl. brainstem, limbic
system, dorsal horn of spinal cord
 Morphine sulfate and morphine
sulfate agonists bind to Mu receptors
Sources of Pain
 Nociceptive—free nerve endings that
receive painful stimuli
 Neuropathic –damaged nerves
Narcotic Analgesics
 Relieve moderate to severe pain by
inhibiting release of Substance P in
central and peripheral nerves;
reducing the perception of pain
sensation in brain, producting
sedation and decreasing emotional
upsets associated with pain
Narcotic Analgesics
 Can be given orally, IM, sub q, IV or
even transdermally
 Orally are metabolized by liver,
excreted by kidney—caution if
 Morphine and meperidine produce
 Widespread effects: CNS, Resp., GI
Narcotics—Mechanisms of Action
 Bind to opioid receptors in brain and
SC and even in periphery
Indications for Use
 Before and during surgery
 Before and during invasive diagnostic
 During labor and delivery
 Tx acute pulmonary edema
 Treating severe, nonproductive cough
Contraindications to Use
Respiratory depression
Chronic lung disease
Chronic liver or kidney disease
Increased intracranial pressure
Hypersensitivity reactions
Changing Philosophy on Pain
 Undermedicated
 Titrate to comfort
Management Considerations
 age-specific considerations
 Morphine often drug of choice—nonceiling. Other nonceiling drugs
include: hydromorphone, levorphanol
and methadone
 Use non-narcotic when able
 Combinations may work by different
mechanisms thus greater efficacy
(e.g. Tylenol w/codeine)
Route selections
 Oral preferred
 IV most rapid—PCA allows self
administration. Basal dosage. More
effective, requires less dosing.
 Epidural, intrathecal or local injection
 Can use rectal suppositories or
transdermal routes
 Dosages of narcotic analgesics should
be reduced for clients receiving other
CNS depressants such as other
sedative-type drugs, antihistamines
or sedating antianxiety medications
 Give narcotics before encouraging
turning, coughing and deep breathing
in post-surgical patients
 Automatic stop orders after 72h
 In acute pain, narcotic analgesics are
most effective when given
parenterally and at start of pain
Individual Drugs
 Agonists have activity on mu and
kappa opioid receptors
 Agonist/antagonists have agonist
activity in some receptors;
antagonists in others. Have lower
abuse potential than pure agonists;
because of antagonism—can produce
withdrawal symptoms
 Antagonists are antidote drugs
 Alfenta (alfentanil)—short duration
 Codeine
 Sublimaze or Duragesic (Fentanyl)—short
 Dilaudid (hydromorphone)
 Demerol (meperidine)—preferred in urinary
and biliary colic, less resp. depression
 Morphine
 OxyContin
Agonists cont.
 Darvon (propoxyphene)
 Ultram (tramadol)
 Methadone
Have lower abuse potential than pure
 Buprenex (buprenorphine)
 Nubain (nalbuphine)
 Talwin (pentazocine)
 Stadol (butohanol)—also in nasal
 Revex (nalmefene)—longer duration
of action than Narcan
 Narcan (naloxone)
 ReVia (naltrexone)-used in
maintenance of opiate-free states in
opiate addicts
Dietary and Herbal Supplements
 Zostrix (capsaicin)—from cayenne
peppers; topical indicated for postherpetic neuralgia, neuropathic
pain=Substance P
 Give on a regular schedule
 Oral, rectal and transdermal are preferred
over IV
 Oxycodone and a non-narcotic analgesic
may have additive effects
 MS or other for severe pain
 Long acting for chronic pain with fast acting
meds for “break-through pain”
 May use TCAs, anti-emetics, stool regimen
Management of Withdrawal
 Methadone
 Clonidine (norepinephrine)
 Gradually decrease dosing so not to
cause withdrawal s/s
Analgesic,Antipyretic, and Antiinflammatory Drugs
 Mechanism of action—inactivate
cyclo-oxygenases, enzymes required
for the production of prostaglandins
 ASA and traditional NSAIDs
inhibit both COX 1 and COX 2
 COX 1 is present in all tissues esp.
GI, kidneys, endothelial cells and in
Cox 1 cont.
Prostaglandins important in:
1. Protection of kidneys and stomach
2. Regulate vascular tone and platelets
in CV system
 Found in brain, bone, kidneys, GI
tract, and the female reproductive
 Overall, prostaglandins produced by
COX 2 are associated with pain and
Actions of the COX’s
 Act on hypothalamus to decrease response
to pyrogens and reset the thermostat
 Prevent prostaglandins from increasing the
pain and edema produced by other
substances released by damaged cells
 COX 1-Antiplatelet activity for life of
platelet—7-10 days plus interfere w/blood
coagulation and increase risk for bleeding
Indications for Use
 Treat mild to moderate pain or
 Musculoskeletal disorders; HA;
dysmenorrhea, minor trauma and
 Low dose ASA for risk of MI or stroke
 Celebrex is indicated for familial
Contraindications to Use
GI or bleeding disorders
Hypersensitivity reactions
Impaired renal function
If allergic to ASA
In children, ASA contraindicated in
presence of viruses=Reye’s syndrome
 Celebrex if allergic to sulfonamides
 Seen in children under 15 after an
acute viral illness
 Results in encephalopathy, fatty
infiltration of the liver, pancreas,
kidneys, spleen, and lymph nodes
 Cause is unknown
 Toradol (ketoralac) not used in labor
and delivery or during any major
 OTC preps contraindicated in
alcoholics due to possible liver
Aspirin (ASA)
 Home remedy for headaches, colds,
influenza and other respiratory
 For fever
 For inflammation
 ASA and COX 2 are ok, COX 2 have
little effect on platelet function
ASA cont.
 Poisoning can occur with large doses.
Saturate the metabolic pathway, slow
elimination and cause drug accumulation
 If overdose, measure serum levels
 Recognize s/s: N/V, fever, fluid and lyte
deficiencies, tinnitus, decreased hearing,
hyperventilation, confusion, visual
changes>>>>delirium, stupor and coma
ASA salicylism
 Gastric lavage
 Activated charcoal
 IV bicarbonate so more rapid
 hemodialysis
 Propionic acid derivatives such as
ibuprofen, ketoprofen (Orudis),
naproxen and fenoprofen (Nalfon)
 Acetic acid derivatives include
indomethacin (Indocin), sulindac
(Clinoril) and tolmetin (Tolectin)--these drugs have more severe
adverse reactions than the proprionic
acid derivatives
 IV indomethacin is approved for the
tx of patent ductus arteriosus in
premature infants.
 Remember: patent ductus is a
communication between the
pulmonary artery and the aorta
 Toradol (ketoralac) is used only for
pain. Is the only NSAID that can be
given by injection. Use limited to 5
days as can cause bleeding.
 Oxicam drugs include Mobic
(meloxacam) and Feldene (piroxicam)
 Celebrex (celecoxib)
 Affect bleeding only while drug is still
in the system
Effects of Nonsteroidals on Other
 Decrease effects of ACEI, beta
blockers and diuretics
 Affect sodium and water retention
 Inhibit renal prostaglandin synthesis
 Equal in effectiveness to ASA in
analgesic and antipyretic effects
 Lacks anti-inflammatory actions
 Ethanol induces drug-metabolizing
enzymes in liver. Resulting rapid
metabolism of acetaminophen
produces enough toxic metabolite to
exceed glutathione. Need glutathione
to inactivate toxic metabolites. P. 114
Acetaminophen Poisoning
 Toxicity occurs with 20g or more.
 Creates toxic metabolite that is inactivated
by glutathione.
 OD supply of glutathione is depleted and
toxic metabolite damages liver cells
 Not to exceed 4g/day
 Treatment—gastric lavage, charcoal,
antidote is Mucomyst (acetylcysteine).
Provides cysteine, a precursor to
Drugs used in Gout and
 Zyloprim (allopurinol)—prevents or
treats hyperuricemia
 Uric acid is formed by purine
metabolism and an enzyme xanthine
oxidase. Allopurinol prevents
formation by inhibiting xanthine
Antigout Medications
 Colchicine—used to treat or prevent acute
attacks of gout. Drug of choice for acute
attacks. Decreases inflammation by
affecting leukocytes.
 Benemid (probenecid) increases urinary
excretion of uric acid. Not effective in acute
 Anturane (sulfinpyrazone) uricosuric similar
to Benemid. Not for acute attacks.
Guidelines for Treating Gout
 Maintenance drugs are Zyloprim,
Benemid and Anturane
 Colchicine needed for several weeks
to prevent acute attacks while serum
levels are being lowered
 Need high fluid intake, alkaline urine
to prevent renal calculi
Drugs Used for Migraines
 Selective serotonin 5-HT1 receptor
 Increase serotonin in the brain
 Constrict blood vessels
 Contraindicated in patient’s with
history of MI,, angina, uncontrolled
Drugs used for migraines
 Drugs vary in onset with sub q
sumatriptan acting the most rapidly
and starting within 10 minutes; most
clients get relief within 1-2 hours
 Drugs are metabolized in the liver by
monoamine oxidase or by cytochrome
p450 enzymes; sub q administrations
causes more adverse effects than the
oral drugs
Migraine Meds
 Ergotamine tartrate—ergot alkaloid
used only in tx of migraine
 Work by constricting blood vessels
 Most effective when given sublingual
or by inhalation
 Contraindicated in pregnancy, htn,
PVD, CAD, renal or hepatic disease
and even in severe infections
Guidelines for Treating Migraine
 Start out with acetaminophen,
aspirin, or other NSAIDs
 Moderate to severe migraines,
sumatriptan or other related drugs
are useful
 For severe and frequent migraines,
prophylaxis is indicated. Use ASA and
Guidelines for Treating migraines
 For menstrual migraines, start tx one
week before and during menses
 Other drugs indicated for tx include
beta adrenergic blocking agents such
as Inderal
Guidelines for Treating Arthritis
 Control pain and inflammation
 Rest, exercise,and PT
 Osteoarthritis—COX1, COX2,
glucosamine, intraarticular injections
of corticosteroids or hyaluronic acid
(Synvisc) to act as shock absorber
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Enbrel, Remicade and Arava. Affect
tumor necrosis factor and other
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