DEPARTMENT of MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SCIENCES Learning program: Internal Medicine) Nursing Sciences Academic Year 2012/2013 Prof. Gaetano Serviddio Objectives: The aim of this Course is to acquaint students of assistance activities in pathology and semiotic fields of the geriatric and the adult age. Moreover, its purpose is to turn students towards the clinical approach of internistic patients, giving them the basis for appropriate assistance through a correct use of the diagnostic and therapeutic instruments, particularly for some great interesting internistic diseases, to make students known of diagnosis and assistance practices having preventive, curative and rehabilitating effects. Expected learning results: At the end of the Course students will have acquired knowledge useful to plan patients’ assistance and utilizing diagnostic and therapeutic instruments to manage the main internistic diseases such as acute and chronic respiratory diseases as well as cardiovascular, metabolic, renal, neurological, oncologic and infective disorders. Indeed, the student will be able to manage specific treatment of the pathologies above mentioned. Detailed Program: 1. Impaired Glucos eTolerance 2. The Fever 3. Acute Pancreatitis 4. Deep Venous Thrombosis 5. Pulmonary Embolism 6. Acute asthma 7. (COPD) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 8. Cardiac insufficiency 9. Acute Myocardial Infarction Examination method: Oral test Class attendance: Compulsory attendance of lectures, as required by the Academic Regulations of the Master Degree Programme Possibili lingue straniere (Additional foreign languages): No (No) Textbook Il Manuale dell'Infermiere 2 voll. 9/ed. [Nettina - Piccin Editore] Lessons: available on line.