Chemistry Course Expectation Sheet

Welcome to Chemistry Class!!
Mr. Joseph Yuska
voicemail & homework hotline: 268-5653
Remind: Text @mryusk to 385-218-6729
Classroom: 717
Office hours: 5, 7, 8
What is chemistry? : Chemistry is the study of the materials that make up the universe and the
changes these materials go through. “Chemistry is often called the central science-and with
good reason. Most of the phenomena that occur in the world around us involve chemical
changes.” (Zumdahl 5) In order to have a full understanding of biology, earth science, physics,
environmental science, forensic science, etc. you must have a general understanding of
chemistry. We will be tackling chemistry from a hands-on, explorative point-of-view with plenty
of laboratory experiments, balanced with notes and practice problems.
A little bit about me: This is my 14th year teaching high school science and my 13th year here in
Strongsville. I received my bachelor’s degree from West Virginia University and my masters
from Baldwin Wallace.
Chemistry topics: Matter and Energy, Measurements and Calculations, Chemical
Foundations, Nomenclature, Chemical Reactions, Chemical Composition, Chemical Quantities,
Atomic Theory, Chemical Bonding, Gases, Solutions, Acids and Bases, Equilibrium, Radioactivity
and Nuclear Energy.
 Composition book: this will be for class notes, labs and anything else that we do. You
will have to bring this every day to class; no pages will be removed from this book.
 Folder and loose leaf paper.
 Pencil with a good eraser and a pen.
 Calculator
 Textbook: Introductory Chemistry: A Foundation by Zumdahl
The Most Important Rule:
3 R’s: Respect for self, Respect for others, Responsibility for your actions.
 Be on time, in your seat (not in the hall or doorway) when the bell rings.
 Be prepared-ready to work with your supplies and be ready to participate.
 Appropriate lab attire on lab days (keep spare shoes, hair ties, etc. in your
locker or in my room).
 Abide by all the school rules.
 Take pride in your work-spend a little extra time to make it neat, organized
and legible. If I can’t read it, it’s wrong.
Grades are based on an accumulation of points. 80% of your grade will come
from quiz and test grades, the other 20% will come from homework assignments and projects.
I do not accept late work unless it is from an excused absence. No exceptions will be
made. If you are absent, the school policy applies. “There shall be a minimum of one day of
make-up time for assignments, tests and quizzes per each day of excused absence. For long
term absences of six days or more, assignments, tests, and quizzes will be made up through a
mutual agreement of the student, parent and teacher in the best interest of the student.”
Points are earned through:
1. Quizzes (closed and open notes).
2. Tests at the end of each section
3. Lab Reports
4. Homework/Classwork
5. Notebook checks
6. Projects
7. Participation - Are you sleeping, doing work for another class, texting,
checking the score of the game? If so, you've probably lost the participation
points for the day.
8. Grading scale 89.5-100 A, 79.5 –89.4 B, 69.5-79.4 C, 59.5-69.4 D
You will have homework every night; this might be a reading selection,
problems, flash card work, vocabulary, etc.
What a Grade Means:
A: indicates superior understanding and excellent work
B: indicates above average understanding and very good work
C: indicates average understanding and work
D: indicates below average understanding and poor work
F: indicates a non-passing grade
Please let me know if you are having any problems with the material; I am always available to
students that ask for extra help.
Chemistry is cumulative; so it is very important that you make an effort to receive help when
things get a little confusing…don’t wait until you’re in tears. Understanding chemistry is about
learning how to critically think in order to solve a problem-any problem. This is a course that
requires you to put work in, but with great work come great rewards.