Planet Earth Ice Worlds - Mr. MacMillan General Science

Name: ________________________ Period: _________________ Date: __________________
Planet Earth - Ice Worlds
Based on the BBC Planet Earth DVD
1. What is all life in the arctic and Antarctic governed by?
The Antarctic
2. Shade in the Antarctic regions in the map below.
2. How large is Antarctica?
3. How much of the world’s ice is found in Antarctica?
4. What kind of surface to birds require to lay their eggs?
5. Which specific part of Antarctica melts the most (so the most rock is exposed)?
a. Why does this area experience warmer temperatures than the rest of the continent?
6. Describe the changes that occur to Antarctica as winter arrives. What is the climate like in the winter?
More Planet Earth Worksheet Sets:
Page 1
7. What possible advantage could it be for an Emperor Penguin to lay its eggs on the interior of
Antarctica instead of closer to the coast?
The Arctic
8. Shade in the Arctic regions in the map below.
9. Why are polar bears so reliant on sea ice?
10. Give any physical or behavioral adaptations shown in the polar bears.
11. Why are polar bears constantly on the move?
12. Give any physical or behavioral adaptations of the walrus.
13. The male polar bear shown in the movie eventually dies. Explain how it dies. Why is this behavior
by the bear considered so desperate? Do you believe this behavior, and its eventual death, are a direct
result of global warming, or is this a completely natural occurrence? What changes have happened to the
climate of the Arctic that may have affected his survival?