االختبار النهائي 1437/1436 للفصل الدراسي االول للعام الجامعي CS 225 Computer Org. & Ass. Lang. 257 :شعبة ساعتان:الزمن 4 :المستوى درجة40 :الدرجة العظمي هـ1437/ 03 / 20 :التاريخ جامعة األمير سطام بن عبد العزيز كلية اآلداب والعلـوم بوادي الدواسر قســـم علوم الحاسب و المعلومات Answer Note: Answer all questions Part A: Knowledge Base Questions [10*1.5=15M] 1. Define computer organization? Answer: Organization is how features are implemented like Control signals, interfaces, memory technology.e.g. Is there a hardware multiply unit or is it done by repeated addition.Computer organization is a study of a Computer Architecture. E.g. Memory, Registers, RAM, ROM, CPU, ALU, 16 bit/ 32 bit/ 64 bit architecture, what different parts makes a computer, etc. 2. List computer functions with a neat sketch? Answer: 1|Page 3. State the following below statements true or false a. Computer Architecture deals with different hard devices [ True] b. Arithmetic instructions performs add, sub, mul, div operations [ True] c. ADD AX,BX is an example of indirect addressing mode [False] 4. Name the below instruction sets to which addressing mode it belongs? a. SHL AX : Register direct Addressing mode b. MOV (AX),(BX): Register Indirect addressing mode c. MOV 2000H, 3000H : Memory Direct Addressing mode 5. Write the full form of the below instruction sets? a. INC AX: Increment register AX b. ROL AX: Rotate Left register AX c. JNE : Jump No Equal 6. Label the parts of Von Neumann machine? Answer: 7. Memorize few general purpose registers? Answer: General purpose registers like AH, AL, BH, BL, CH, CL, DH, and DL (8 bit registers). 2|Page 8. Outline the following 8bit or 16 bit types of registers a. Stack pointer is 8bit or 16 bit register ( 16 bit register) b. AH and AL is 8bit or 16 bit register: (8 bit registers) c. BX is 8bit or 16 bit register: ( 16 bit registers) 9. List any three logical operations along with its truth table? Answer: 10. If AX 4 then SHL AX? Answer: If AX 4 SHL AX 3|Page AX 8 PART B: Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility 11. Show the use of below addressing modes with an example sketch? a. Register Indirect addressing mode b. Displacement addressing mode Answer: Register Indirect addressing mode 4|Page [ 3*3=9M ] 12. Demonstrate the steps for executing any assembly language program? Answer: 5|Page 13. Illustrate the neat sketch for Intel X 86 IBM PC architecture? Answer: 6|Page PART C: Cognitive skills [2*4.5=9M] 14. Design PUSH & POP operations for the below fig 1.1 stack with a neat sketch? Offset Address 00F2 00F4 0100 SP 00F6 1234 00F8AX 00FA 5678 AX BX 00FC 00FE S.P 100 Answer: After PUSH AX Offset Address 00F2 00F4 0100 00F6 00F8 5678 00FA 00FC 1234 1234 00FE 7|Page SP SP AX BX 0100 After Push BX Offset Address 00F2 00F4 0100 SP 00F6 1234 00F8 00FA 00FC 00FE 5678 5678 AX BX SP 1234 0100 POP CX Offset Address 00F2 00F4 00FE SP 00F6 5678 00F8 00FA 00FC 00FE 0100 8|Page 0001 5678 1234 SP CX BX POP CX Offset Address 00F2 00F4 0100 SP 00F6 1234 00F8 00FA 00FC 00FE 5678 5678 CX DX 1234 100 15. Construct procedure with CALL & RET operations & represent with a neat architecture? Answer: 9|Page 10 | P a g e PART D: Communication, Information Technology & Numerical skills [2*3.5=6M] 16. Calculate the following below number base conversions a. (1011)2 = (X)10 b. (23.45)10 =(X)2 c. (20)10 + (10) 10 Answer: c.(20)10 + (10) 10 20+ 10 =30 (0011110)2 17. Illustrate with a neat sketch for Slice coding interface with languages such as Supreme CNN? Answer: 11 | P a g e Course Instructor Lecturer: Mujthaba Gulam Muqeeth Signature: ……………. 12 | P a g e