Balancing the Master Schedule

Balancing the Master
To Meet the Needs of All Students
Norms for Today’s Training
Stay on schedule, be on time.
 Participate actively – If you think it, say it.
Ask Questions. Take care of your neighbor.
One person talks at a time. Leave time for
others to ask questions.
 Take care of your needs
 It’s OK to have fun! Suffering is optional.
Feb. 26, 2004
Goals for Today
Understand the new state guidelines for students
two or more years below grade level
Project your FTE for each department
Discover creative ways to weave in a tutorial
Create a Master Schedule that gives all students
equal access
Establish a network to support each other in
solving schedule challenges
Feb. 26, 2004
Chunks of Content for Today
State Guidelines – The “Compelling Why”
Getting Your FTE Numbers Together – The Brutal
Assigning Periods and Teachers to Departments –
The Right Person in the Boat
Credentialing and Training the Teachers
Tutorial Periods and Customer Communication
The Final Product – A balanced schedule with
future flexibility
Feb. 26, 2004
9:00 – 9:15
9:15 – 9:45
9:45 – 10:00
10:00 – 11:30
11:30 – 12:00
12:00 – 1:00
1:00 – 2:30
2:30 – 3:00
Feb. 26, 2004
State Recommendations
Calculating Your FTE by Department
Creating a Matrix, Assigning Periods
The Tutorial
Lunch on Your Own
Building Your Schedule
Issues and Conclusions
Introducing Our Participants
Fresno COE
Imperial COE
Monterey COE
Santa Clara COE
Stanislaus COE
Moreland School District
Pajaro Valley USD
Feb. 26, 2004
Introducing Our Group
EA Hall Middle
 El Sausal Middle
 Lakeview Middle
 Moss Landing Middle
 Rolling Hills Middle
 San Lorenzo Valley Jr. High
Feb. 26, 2004
Introducing Our Group
Scotts Valley Middle
 Vista Verde Middle
 Aptos High
 Gilroy High
 San Lorenzo Valley High
 Scotts Valley High
Feb. 26, 2004
State Recommendations
Marilee French
Director of Instructional Services
San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District
Feb. 26, 2004
The Scope – What programs will you put in
 The Depth – What % of students? What
grade level?
 Delivery – Supplemental Staff, Designated
Teachers, Designated Classrooms, Staff
Feb. 26, 2004
Intensity – What is the length of the
Intervention Session? Size of the group?
 Curriculum – Which state approved
programs? How will differentiation be
 Delivery – Instructional Format
 Support
Feb. 26, 2004
Bruce Kint
Director of ROP
Santa Cruz County Office of
Creating the FTE –
Confronting the Brutal Facts
Historical data on enrollment for your school
How accurate have projections been in the past?
After you have your numbers – Be proactive
Goal 1. To not add or take away sections after
school begins
Goal 2. To not change students schedules after
school begins
Feb. 26, 2004
Discussion – Philosophy to
Build the Master Schedule
Historical placement of teachers and classes
 Student requests determine courses
 Student Test Data creates the schedule
 What else drives the schedule? Small Class
Size, AP, Special Ed., Transportation,
Parking, Lunch, Sports, Number of rooms
Feb. 26, 2004
Discussion – Philosophy to
Build the Master Schedule
Discussion – Philosophy Adding the Teachers
Assign teachers to departments for a specific
number of periods
Number of periods and the number of teacher
section in the department should match
Wild Cards
Building flexibility
Feb. 26, 2004
The Tutorial
Valerie Pitts
San Lorenzo Valley High School
Feb. 26, 2004
Building the Schedule
Mike Heffner
Assistant Principal
Aptos High School
Time Line
December – Last date to propose new
courses – Department, School and Board
Approval, Providing textbooks.
 January – discussion of room use – do you
need to request additional classrooms
Feb. 26, 2004
Time Line
Feb. – turn projections into sections – first
run for FTE
 March 15 – Total staff for the new school
year. Let teachers know to which
departments they are assigned.
 May 1 – First draft of complete schedule
Feb. 26, 2004
Tricks and Other Thoughts
No surprises for teachers or students. If it is news,
good or bad, the people involved need to hear it
from you.
 You set the periods, or the department does. What
ever the process, keep it same all year.
 Make up a class called “unscheduled” for students
who hve less than a full schedule
 Make up a class called “not returning” for students
who tell you they are leaving next year.
Feb. 26, 2004
Tricks and Other Thoughts
Use a block for multiple periods and split it
as late as possible.
 Create a class for “college class” for those
students who will be off campus.
 Don’t sugar coat. Honesty has value.
 There is always an unexpected change.
 The schedule and the rooms belong to the
students, not to the teachers.
Feb. 26, 2004
Plus Delta
Contact Information
Connie Benton
Marilee French
Mike Heffner
Bruce Kint
Valerie Pitts
Feb. 26, 2004