9/28 Synapse & Neurotransmitters

Science Starter
**Take out Action Potential Article**
1. What is it called when molecules enter/exit a cell?
2. Which ion moves first in an action potential (sodium,
potassium, or calcium)?
3. Can an action potential move backwards? (Why or
why not?)
4. What is the cause of Epilepsy?
5. What do you think is the difference between a
Schedule 1 drug and a Schedule 2 drugs?
Drug Schedules
• Schedule 1:
• Heroin
• Lysergic acid diethylamide
• Marijuana (cannabis)
• 3,4methylenedioxymethamph
etamine (ecstasy)
• Methaqualone
• Peyote
• Schedule 2:
• Vicodin
• Cocaine
• Methamphetamine
• Methadone
• meperidine (Demerol)
• Oxycodone (OxyContin)
• Fentanyl
• Adderall and Ritalin
Exit Quiz
Place the following images in the correct order &
describe what happens in each of these steps
Today’s Agenda
• Science Starter
• The Synapse
• Mouse Party
• War on Drugs Article
• Exit Quiz
Unit 3: The Nervous System
Objective 3.3 Synapse & Nerve Impulse
I. The Synapse
Synapse - junction between two
communicating neurons
Nerve pathway - nerve impulse travels
from neuron to neuron
Order of Signal
Dendrite → cell body → along axon
 synapse (gap) → dendrite
I. The Synapse
To complete the signal, a
released at the gap to signal the
next neuron.
Receptors on the dendrite
receive the chemical message
II. Neurotransmitters
• Excitatory - increase membrane permeability, increases
chance for threshold to be achieved
• Inhibitory - decrease membrane permeability, decrease
chance for threshold to be achieved
III. Types of Neurotransmitters
●Acetylcholine: excitatory (stimulates muscle contraction)
●GABA: inhibitory (reduces post-synaptic activity)
●Monoamines: Norepinephrine & Dopamine (sense of feeling
good, low levels = depression)
●Serotonin: mood & sleepiness
Produced during exercise, excitement, pain, love and they
resemble the opiates (heroin, morphine, etc.) in their
abilities to produce a feeling of well-being.
Mouse Party Extension Assignment
• If you are done filling out the notes on “Mouse Party”
then do the following:
• Pick one of the drugs that you studied in “Mouse
Party” and google “__________ medical uses”
• Write on a separate sheet of paper what the drug is,
what it is being used for, and why they are using it for
that treatment (1 paragraph)
War on Drugs Article
• Read the War on Drugs Article for homework
• Find 5 statistics within the article that are either
shocking, disturbing, unbelievable, tough to believe
• Highlight these and be ready to talk about them in
class tomorrow
Exit Quiz
1. At the synapse, the nerve
impulse travels from
A. Post synaptic to presynaptic
B. Presynaptic to postsynaptic
C. The neurotransmitters to
the vesicles
D. Calcium channels to the
membrane receptors
2. The substance released at axonal terminals
that send the nerve impulse from one neuron
to another neuron is called a:
A. hormone
B. neurotransmitter
C. cholinesterase
D. none of the above
3. Which letter points to the postsynaptic