Statement of Work i3D Visual Learning Objects

Statement of Work
i3D Visual Learning Objects
Date: 3/30/09
Project Name: Nerve Impulse Conduction
Department/Institution: Robeson Community College
Designated Subject Matter Expert(s):
SOW Prepared by: Gayla Keesee
Authorized by:
Requested time for completion:
NOTE: Simulation-based learning objects/modules incorporate a number of visual learning objects to create a
fully-user directed learning experience. You will need to complete a separate SOW for each module. (For
example, a separate SOW would be needed for each stage of labor and delivery.)
Scope of Content Development: Provide a general overview/description of the content in the learning object.
Tasks & Performance Outcomes: Identify tasks and behaviors—what exactly do you want your students to be
able to do while interacting with this learning object. Include the level of interaction expected (i.e.,
demonstration, practice, evaluation).
 Identify the three types/classes of neurons.
 Match the function of each of the neuron types.
 For each neuron identify the dendrite, the cell body, the axon, and direction that the impulse moves
 Match the functions of the dendrites, the cell body, and the axon in a neuron
 Label a sensory receptor, an effector (muscle), a Schwann cell, a Node of Ranvier, and a synaptic knob.
 Label the Action Potential graph with the following terms: Membrane potential in millivolts, Time in
milliseconds, resting potential (use twice), repolarization, refractory period, and depolarization.
 Show how sodium ions, potassium ions, and organic anions are distributed in the neuron at rest .
 Order the seven steps in synaptic transmission of a nerve impulse.
 Label the image of a synapse with the following terms: Axon terminal, presynaptic membrane, postsynaptic
membrane, synaptic vesicle, synaptic cleft, neurotransmitter, and dendrite of second neuron.
 Create an action potential by moving sodium and potassium ions (Resting potential, depolarization,
repolarization, return to resting potential)
 Identify 5 factors that can impair speed of nerve impulse conduction and 4 factors that can stimulate a nerve
 Compare electrical and chemical synapse by location, structure and function.
 Determine the sequence of events (4) involved in a chemical synapse.
 Apply effects of hypocalcemia to membrane potential.
 Apply effects of hypokalcemia to membrane potential.
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Content to be learned: Include steps in a procedure/process; vocabulary to be learned; deviations/problems
from normal routine, etc.
Provide a list of items that need to be included in the visual learning object: For example, items to be
developed for an operating room would also include specific equipment, furniture, lighting, instruments….
Including the names of specific vendors (i.e., Sartorius, Siemens) for equipment would be helpful. (List may be
supplied separately)
Sensory neuron
Motor neuron
Neurons should include: dendrite, the cell body, the axon, sensory receptor, an effector (muscle), a Schwann
cell, a Node of Ranvier, and a synaptic knob
Action Potential graph—to label
Sodium ions
Potassium ions
Organic anions
Synaptic transmission—break into segments to put in order
Synapse—to label
5 factors that can impair speed of nerve impulse conduction (need RCC to identify)
4 factors that can stimulate a nerve impulse (need RCC to identify)
Electrical and chemical synapse
Sequence of events—chemical synapse
Show membrane potential shrinking, expanding (need RCC to identify effects Ca, K)
Resources available: Items available to be photographed, textbooks, workbooks, videos, course syllabus…
(Access to CAD drawings of equipment would be helpful.)
The Tired Swimmer: A Case Study on the Nervous System
Allison Russo, Morgan Falk, and Phil Stephens, Villanova University
Teaching Notes for “The Tired Swimmer”
Taking It on the Chin: A Case Study on the Nervous System
Stephanie DeMarco, Caitlyn Woods, and Phil Stephens, Villanova University
Teaching Notes for “Taking it on the Chin”
rev. 3/2009
rev. 3/2009
rev. 3/2009
rev. 3/2009
rev. 3/2009
rev. 3/2009
rev. 3/2009
rev. 3/2009
rev. 3/2009