Science Weekly Lesson Plan Course: Forensic Science Teacher: Caylor Date: Standards: Friday 3-28 Intro to Toxicology SFS1b: Distinguish & categorize trace evidence such as drugs. SFS3a: Classify toxins & their effects on the body. SFS3c: Evaluate forensic techniques used to isolate toxins in the body. Common Core Literacy Standards/Support Lesson Essential Questions What is the role of the forensic toxicologist at the crime lab? Activator/ Opening ENGAGE EXPLORE EXPLAIN Intro to Toxicology notes- on MHS website Unit: Toxicology Monday 4-7 Drugs Tuesday 4-8 Drugs SFS1b: Distinguish & categorize trace evidence such as drugs. SFS23: Determine the appropriate use of chromatography & spectroscopy in evidence analysis. SFS3a: Classify toxins & their effects on the body. SFS3c: Evaluate forensic techniques used to isolate toxins in the body. SFS1b: Distinguish & categorize trace evidence such as drugs. SFS23: Determine the appropriate use of chromatography & spectroscopy in evidence analysis. SFS3a: Classify toxins & their effects on the body. SFS3c: Evaluate forensic techniques used to isolate toxins in the body. Key Ideas and details- Labs Reading in content area Key ideas and details- Labs Reading in content area How can forensic science be used to determine the presence of and possible effects of drugs? How can forensic science be used to determine the presence of and possible effects of drugs? Forensic File Forensic File Two Days to complete the following assignments: 1. Spot test lab 2. Drugs & Money lab 3. Spectograph practice 4. Technology assignment: Mouse Party OR Drug Dosage Gizmo Basics of Drugs Notes Drug Laws & Testing Notes Summarizer/Closing Quick Quiz Assessments: Formative & Summative EVALUATE EXTEND All activities are formative at this point Differentiation methods used: content, process, product or environment All assignments are differentiated based on how the students performed on the unit pretest (divided into sections for major topics) Technology Integration (student use) Computers with internet access for research and/or notes Start working on project for this unit They are seated in mixed-ability levels based on how they did overall on pretest Teacher: Date: Standards: Course: Science Weekly Lesson Plan Unit: Wednesday 4-9 Thursday 4-10 Alcohol Poisons Friday 4-11 Arson SFS3b: Compare the effects of alcohol on blood alcohol levels with regards to gender and according to the law. SFS1d: Illustrate proper techniques for the collection of physical & trace evidence. SFS1b: Distinguish & categorize physical evidence such as toxins. SFS3a: Classify toxins & their effects on the body. SFS3c: Evaluate forensic techniques used to isolate toxins in the body SFS4c- Relate the use of certain chemicals to arson. SFS4d- Evaluate the possible indicators of arson and criminal bombing including their signatures that may be found at a crime scene. Common Core Literacy Standards/Support Lesson Essential Questions Key ideas and details- lab Key ideas and details- lab Research skills How can the effects of alcohol be different from one person to another? How can poisons be detected using forensic science techniques? Why is arson grouped with toxicology? How can arson be detected? Activator/ Opening ENGAGE EXPLORE Forensic File Til Death do us part video analysis Forensic File 1. BAC detection lab 2. BAC calculations 1. OTC Poison Analysis 2. Killer Headache Case Study Arson webquest EXPLAIN Gilpin Park Video organizer Alcohol notes on MHS website Poison notes on MHS website Fire basic notes Summarizer/Closing Alcohol Quiz Poison quiz Quick quiz Assessments: Formative & Summative EVALUATE EXTEND All activities are formative at this point Differentiation methods used: content, process, product or environment All assignments are differentiated based on how the students performed on the unit pretest (divided into sections for major topics) Technology Integration (student use) Computers with internet access for research and/or notes Start working on project for this unit They are seated in mixed-ability levels based on how they did overall on pretest Teacher: Date: Standards: Common Core Literacy Standards/Support Lesson Essential Questions Activator/ Opening ENGAGE EXPLORE Course: Science Weekly Lesson Plan Unit: Monday 4-14 All Unit Standards- Project Toxicology Binder Check EXPLAIN Summarizer/Closing Unit Test Assessments: Formative & Summative EVALUATE EXTEND All assignments are formative to this point Differentiation methods used: content, process, product or environment Technology Integration (student use) DNA Basics- Reading assignment