Mock P2 Cat Pins Prep Sheet

Cat Pins Prep Sheet
Each group puts a star next to the numbers where their cat has good muscles.
Teacher will ask who has a star on the “H” (hard to find) muscles. That cat gets that pin #.
If your first pin number is for a BOLD muscle, your cat must stay SUPINE. Do not choose any pin numbers that are not bold.
If your first pin number is for a NOT BOLD muscle, your cat must stay PRONE. Do not choose any pin numbers that are bold.
Choose the rest of your pins according to your best muscles. Get 8-11 pins per cat.
Superficial muscles of the chest
1. Pectoralis major
2. Pectoralis minor
3. Pectoantebrachialis
4. Xiphihumeralis
Muscles of the shoulder
H 5. Levator scapula ventralis (on top of infraspinatus)
6. Levator scapula dorsalis (on top of splenius at neck)
7. Clavodeltoid
8. Acromiodeltoid
9. Spinodeltoid
Deep muscles of shoulder
10. Supraspinatus
11. Infraspinatus
12. Subscapularis (supine or prone)
H 13. Teres minor
14. Teres major (supine or prone)
15. Rhomboideus
16. Rhomboideus minor (SKIP on cat; human only)
17. Spinalis dorsi
18. Splenius
Superficial muscles of back
19. Latissimus dorsi
20. Spinotrapezius
21. Acromiotrapezius
22. Clavotrapezius
Muscles of arm and forearm
23. Biceps brachii (supine or prone)
24. Brachialis
25. Triceps brachii, lateral head
26. Triceps brachii, long head
27. Triceps brachii, medial head
28. Coracobrachialis (SKIP on cat; human only)
29. Brachioradialis
30. Pronator teres
31. Palmaris longus
32. Flexor digitorum superficialis
33. Flexor digitorum profundus (SKIP on cat; human only)
34. Flexor carpi radialis
35. Flexor carpi ulnaris
36. Flexor retinaculum (connective tissue, not muscle)
37. Extensor digitorum
38. Extensor carpi ulnaris
39. Extensor carpi radialis brevis
40. Extensor carpi radialis longus (touching Brachioradialis)
Deep muscles of the chest (rib area)
41. Serratus anterior
H 42. Scalenus ventralis
43. Scalenus dorsalis
44. Scalenus medialus
H 45. External intercostals (more dorsal, toward the back)
46. Internal intercostals (more ventral, toward the chest)
Muscles of the abdominal wall
47. Rectus abdominis
48. External oblique
49. Internal oblique
H 50. Transverse abdominis
51. Linea alba (connective tissue white line)
Muscles of the thigh
52. Gluteus maximus
53. Gluteus medius
54. Psoas major (SKIP on cat; human only)
55. Iliacus (SKIP on cat; human only)
56. Caudofemoralis
57. Tensor fascia latae
58. Rectus femoris
59. Vastus lateralis
60. Vastus medialis
61. Vastus intermedius
62. Sartorius
63. Gracilis
64. Pectineus (SKIP on cat; human only)
65. Adductor longus
66. Adductor magnus
67. Semimembranosus (supine or prone)
68. Semitendinosus (supine or prone)
69. Biceps femoris (supine or prone)
Muscles of the Leg
70. Gastrocnemius
71. Soleus
H 72. Plantaris (tendon under gastrocnemius and soleus)
73. Flexor digitorum longus
74. Flexor digitorum brevis (SKIP on cat; human only)
75. Tibialis posterior (tendon at medial malleolus)
76. Tibialis anterior
77. Extensor digitorum longus
78. Peroneus longus (tendon at lateral malleolus, more posterior)
79. Peroneus brevis (tendon at lateral malleolus, more anterior)
Muscles of the head and neck
80. Platysma
81. Sternomastoid
82. Cleidomastoid
83. Digastric
84. Mylohyoid
H 85. Sternohyoid
H 86. Sternothyroid
87. Thyrohyoid
88. Masseter
H 89. Temporalis