Korean Education at a Glance: National Assessments & Educational Attainment of Korea Moonbok Lee Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation Historical backgrounds about Korea’s “education fever” Hendrick Hamel’s account of Korean education in 17th century The nobles and the free men take great care for the education of their children. They place their children under the direction of teachers to learn to read and write. The peope of this country are very enthusiastic about [education] and the method they use is gentle and ingenious. Teachers offer their students the teaching of earlier scholars and constantly cite their example of those who attained fame through high scholarship. The boys devote their time to study day and night (Choe, 1987, p. 98). “The Story of Spring Fragrance” (Chunhyangjeon in Korean), Korea’s best-loved folktale The protagonist, Yi Doryong, is able to save his sweetheart, Spring Fragrance (Chunhyang), from a venal new governor by placing first on the governemnt exam. He is consequently appointed a secret inspector who anonymously wanders the countryside checking up on local administrators, and, in the nick of time, coming across the new governor oppressing the love he left behind in the countrysice. Education both as a means for personal self-cultivation and as a way of social advancement High-stake examination system served as main selection mechanism for the limited number of government posts Formal education organized largely around exams preparation EDUCATION = EXAMs = SUCCESS TESTocracy” culture Brief history of Changes in the National Curriculum Key Directions of Revised National Curriculum CSAT Key characteristics - College Scholastic Ability Test An assessment tool designed to measure students’ academic readiness for college education An achievement + proficiency test that also measures high-order thinking skills Administration - The CSAT is administered once a year (in Nov.). Commissioned by the Ministry of Education, KICE develops and implements the test each year. Test-takers - High school seniors People with a high school diploma or equivalent certificate Test composition Korean Language Math English Inquiries Social Studies Sciences Vocational Studies 2nd Foreign Languages/ Chinese Characters & Classics Test subjects Test Korean Language Associated National Curriculum subjects Type A Speech & Writing I, Reading & Grammar I, Literature I Type B Speech & Writing II, Reading & Grammar II, Literature II Type A Mathematics I, Pre-Calculus and Pre-Statistics Type B Mathematics I, Mathematics Ⅱ, Integration and Statistics, Geometry and Vector Math English English I, English II Number of Items Testing Time (min) Item type 45 80 Multiple choice 30 100 Multiple choice (70%) short answer (30%) 45 (including 17 listening items) 70 Multiple choice Test subjects Test Inquiries cont Subjects (NC) Social Studies Life & Ethics, Ethics & Thought, Korean History, Korean Geography, World Geography, East Asian History, World History, Law & Politics, Economics, Society & Culture (up to 2 of the 10) Sciences Physics I, Chemistry I, Life Science I, Earth Science I, Physics II, Chemistry II, Life Science II, Earth Science II (up to 2 of the 8) Vocational Education Agricultural Bio Industry, Industry, Commerce & Information, Fishery & Shipping, Home Economics & Business (1 of the 5) 2nd Foreign Languages/Chinese Characters and Classics German I, French I, Spanish I, Chinese I, Japanese I, Russian I, Arabic I, Basic Vietnamese, Chinese Characters and Classics (1 of the 9) Number of Items Testing Time (min) Item type 20 per subject 30 per subject Multiple choice 30 per subject 40 min Multiple choice Annual events Mar. Announcement of Annual Administration Plan Jun. June Mock Test Sep. Nov. September Mock Test Administration of the CSAT Test Development & Administration Test Development Printing Administration Scoring Score Reporting Session Test Time Schedule Entering the room by 08:10 1st Korean 08:40 ~ 10:00 (80 min) Break - 10:00 ~ 10: 20 (20 min) 2nd Mathematics 10:30 ~ 12:10 (100 min) Lunch - 12:20 ~ 13: 10 (50 min) 3rd English 13:10 ~ 14:20 (70 min) Break - 14:20 ~ 14: 40 (20 min) 4th Social Studies Sciences Vocational Studies 14:50 ~ 15:50 (60 min) Break - 15:50 ~ 16: 10 (20 min) 5th 2nd Foreign Languages/ Chinese Characters and Classics 16:10 ~ 16:50 (40 min) Registration Number Name Resident ID High School (Class or Year of Graduation) 12345678 Kim, Gil-Dong 951234-1234567 Seoul High School (0009) Korean Mathematics B A Standard Score 131 137 Percentile Rank 93 Stanine 2 Test 2nd Foreign Language/ Chinese C&C Social Studies English Korean History Economics Japanese I 141 53 64 69 95 97 75 93 95 2 1 4 2 2 NAEA • Assessment Based on National Curriculum - National Assessment of Educational Achievement • Achievement Standards – Descriptions specifying the objectives and content of the national curriculum enough to guideline in teaching and learning • Assessment for Population – Since 2008, NAEA is census test for all students who study national curriculum Assessment framework • Assessing academic achievement based on national curriculum Grades Subjects Contents 9th grade Korean language, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, English, and Questionnaires All the content covered from the 7th to the 9th grade, 1st semester 11th grade Korean language, Mathematics, English, and Questionnaires All the content covered in the 10th grade * Social Studies and Science for 6th grade are assessed in a sample survey(since 2012) ADVANCED Superior academic performance of required knowledge and skills (Above 80% reached to the desired performance that must be achieved in each content and grade ) PROFICIENT Solid academic performance of required knowledge and skills (50 – 80% reached to the desired performance that must be achieved in each content and grade ) BASIC Partial mastery of required knowledge and skills (20 – 50% reached to the desired performance that must be achieved in each content and grade ) Base Line of basic academic achievement BELOW- BASIC Achievement trends in 9th Grade (2009-2012) Percentage(%) 80 60 17.1 23.1 31.0 31.1 13.5 16.6 14.6 18.9 21.4 40 20 51.7 49.9 50.3 52.5 50.0 46.9 49.1 49.0 17.2 15.2 1.4 1.0 29.0 30.1 29.6 26.6 21.6 34.8 37.7 20.6 44.0 16.6 19.7 19.9 50.0 17.3 13.5 44.3 39.2 36.9 43.9 26.1 25.4 32.2 27.9 45.9 45.1 42.4 38.5 0 20 26.5 23.7 4.6 3.2 40 60 7.6 6.5 6.7 32.9 34.6 31.5 29.8 5.0 10.9 6.1 4.0 3.4 33.4 35.0 33.7 37.2 23.8 28.3 28.0 23.9 5.0 7.7 8.1 5.1 3.9 1.3 2.2 4.8 '09 '10 '11 `12 '09 '10 '11 `12 '09 '10 '11 `12 '09 '10 '11 `12 '09 '10 '11 `12 Korean Language Social Studies Mathematics Science English Use of results PISA 2012 Result: Performance of Korean students Science Mathematics Mean Mean (Korea) (OECD) 554 494 Reading Literacy Rank 1 Mean Mean (Korea) (OECD) 536 496 Rank 1~2 Mean Mean (Korea) (OECD) 538 501 Rank 2~4 0.31 0.17 -0.2 -0.21 -0.39 CATEGORY RANKING Intrinsic M Extrinsic M 27 32 -0.36 -0.38 Self-efficacy Self-concept 33 -0.21 33 Anxiety 4 Participation in math activities 8 Math intentions 33 Subjective norms in math 24 Percentage of students who reported being happy at school . . . In Korea, entering a prestigious university is a decisive factor in accomplishing socio-economic success of one’s life and desired career. For Korean students, CSAT score is the first priority to consider when selecting which university to enter and what to major in, rather than their academic interests or aptitude. Since the measures of effectiveness of education is primarily based on the standardised tests, good teaching means teaching students to ace both in-class achievement tests and high-stake exams like the CSAT. However, the reality is frustrating because many high schools in Korea mainly focus on cramming for knowledge and test-preparations in the classroom. In a broad sense, education is meant to include socilising skills in teaching, such as attitude, communication, character, leadership and collaboration. In order to make positive educational reform in Korea, we need to seek ways to use the assessment for supporting students to develop talents and achieve their dreams, such as performance assessment, formative assessment, portpolio, etc, instead of using it as a decisive factor to make one’s life decision. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING