General Biology - Southwest High School

General Biology
Semester Course 2011-2012
Semester 1 - General
Teresa Blascyk
Room 27
Email is the best way to get a hold of me.
Phone: 612-668-9889
Available Location & Hours
I’m available 30 minutes before and after school.
A biology teacher will also be available TuesdayThursday after school. Specific rooms will be posted in
the classroom.
Course Description/Purpose
Students will inquire into the history and nature of science,
investigate and study ecosystems and populations, and the
complexities of human interaction within ecosystems.
Furthermore, students will investigate cell chemistry, the cell
theory, the structure and function of the cell, and the cell cycle as
basic to life. Students will also answer questions about heredity,
genetics, and natural selection.
Units of Study include
 The Study of Life: An Introduction to Biology
 Ecosystems and Ecology
 Viruses and Bacteria
 Cell Structure and Function
 Introduction to Genetics and Natural Selection
 The history and nature of science and scientific
engineering will be embedded in all units.
Course Goals/Learning
Students will evaluate a variety of science related issues
Students will apply new scientific knowledge to help them
make decisions about their lifestyle
Students will understand how we interact with other
organisms and the environment.
Students will be assessed using MYP criteria as well as
traditional methods of assessment (worksheets, labs, projects
quizzes and test.
This is an introductory course that prepares students for the
second level of biology in 11/12th grade.
Textbook: “Biology Foundations” Miller & Levine. Pearson
Foundation Edition
Science Notebook
Pencil or Pen (blue or black only!)
Be respectful to people and property
- Follow directions given the first time
- Actively listen to the person who is speaking
- Keep your hands to yourself
- No offensive language
- Now food, candy, or drinks in class. Water is permitted
ONLY in the class area NEVER in the lab.
Be prepared and ready to learn
- Bring all materials to class every day, including your
completed assignments
- DO NOT bring cell phones, hats, personal music players
or jackets to class
- Work on science the whole period. Take an active part
in class activities. Complete assignments and hand them
- Be prepared for frequent quizzes
Organize yourself
- Keep all science assignments, notes and handouts in
your science folder
- Always print your full name and biology period at the
top right corner of anything you hand in.
- Your science notebook should have your full name and
biology period and teacher’s name somewhere on the
inside cover.
- Label each section of notes with a title or heading.
Attend class and be prompt
- Be in your seat, ready to work when the bell rings
(attendance is based on whether or not you are in your
seat when the bell rings)
- If you are tardy to class six times, the teacher has the
option to drop your final grade by 10%
- Remain in your seat until the bell at the end of the period
(no lining up at the door)
- Come to class every day – you must be here to learn
- Do not miss labs. For most labs, there will be no makeup
- If you anticipate an absence, arrange it ahead of time
with the teacher.
- Being absent means being gone from class for more than
10 minutes.
Classroom Procedures/
Policies (cont.)
Take responsibility for your work
- Complete your homework EVERY night. Spend 5-10
minutes each afternoon reviewing the day’s notes or
class activities. If you have questions, ask them the next
- For absences, copy class notes from a classmate for the
day you missed or ask your teacher for them. YOU are
responsible for arranging make-up work with the
- All assignments must be turned in by the time you sit
down to start a unit test.
Follow all lab rules
Bathroom passes are offered on a very limited basis. If abused,
all bathroom privileges will be taken away.
Electronics are only allowed when given permission from your
teacher. All other times, electronics should remain turned off
and out of sight.
MYP assessment criteria will be used along with classwork,
projects, labs, quizzes and tests.
Scores will be weighted: Classwork 40%, labs 20%, quizzes 20%,
and tests 20%.
Dates of assessments will be announced in class as well as posted
on the website
Assignments need to be turned in on time! Late work will not
receive full credit.
Each assessment is directly measuring the state standards for the
unit being studied.
Grade scale: 90% A, 80% B, 70% C, 60% D, below 60% no
If any lab rules are broken you may not participate in future labs
and will receive a zero for that lab.
Student Code of Conduct
All students are expected to adhere to the Southwest High School
and Minneapolis District Citywide Discipline Policy, designed to
promote a safe and respectful learning environment. For more
information about your rights and responsibilities consult your
Southwest Student/Parent Handbook
Academic Integrity:
It is expected that members of this class will observe strict policies of
academic honesty and will be respectful of each other. Any instances
in which cheating, including plagiarism and unauthorized use of
copyrighted materials, computer accounts, or someone else’s work is
determined, will be referred to Student Services and will be
investigated to its full extent.
Semester 2: Physics
Cheating includes copying another student, copying from a published
or unpublished source without citing the source, using crib notes on a
test, and helping another student to cheat. Cheating will result in a
zero for the person copying and the person whose work is being
Units of study include
 Motion
 Forces
Syllabus to come at a later date