APPROACHING CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES IN CLASS DISCUSSION April Heaney LeaRN aprilh@uwyo. edu GROUP QUESTIONS Share a time you have experienced heated discussion (as an instructor or participant in class discussion) How did you (or the instructor) approach the discussion? How might the discussion have been handled more effectively? SIX ELEMENTS FOR APPROACHING SENSITIVE ISSUES IN DISCUSSION PREPARE students for discussion early on opinions offered by reviewing and structuring students’ claims in a visible way SLOW DOWN COMPLICATE binaries and generalities offered in discussion ENCOURAGE EMPATHY views FOSTER REFLECTION in students’ thinking about opposing through guided questions with select students to show appreciation and offer further discussion with you FOLLOW UP PREPARING STUDENTS FOR DISCUSSION Create ground rules collaboratively. Consider characteristics of strong discussion from students’ past courses Ask students to make a list of what students can and should do to foster strong discussion, as well as the teacher’s role Pose guiding questions Type the rules and review with students in 1-2 weeks PREPARING STUDENTS FOR DISCUSSION Characteristics of democratic discussion (Edward Lindeman, 1947): Embrace diversity Actively listen to all views Recognize hidden assumptions Value humor Work as productively as possible with contrary decisions and outcomes PREPARING STUDENTS FOR DISCUSSION Resist a mindset of “right” or “wrong” answers Value silence: allow students to think and respond Prepare students for sensitive or emotionally -laden topics Consider with students the value of multiple (and even opposing) viewpoints Create ground rules specifically for discussing controversial topics CHARACTERISTICS OF EFFECTIVE DISCUSSION (BY ENGL 2020 STUDENTS) Characteristics of Ef fective Discussion Everyone has done the reading Remember there is no right or wrong answer People feeling comfortable expressing opposing views —some debate No sleeping Open mind—accept the beliefs of others…this includes the teacher A lot of people get involved One or two people don’t do all the talking Teacher moderates the discussion somewhat People volunteering opinions rather than always being called on Getting original points of view EVALUATING EFFECTIVE DISCUSSION (BY ENGL 2020 STUDENTS) Evaluating Discussion Showing respect for other’s opinions is important Asking questions is as important as expressing a viewpoint Every person should have to participate in discussion —a valid effort Quality, not just quantity, should be considered Active listening or other ways of showing participation should also count Alertness should be considered Also use small groups as discussion Attendance should be considered Give support to back up viewpoints Effort should be a factor Students should show knowledge of the material SLOWING DOWN Pause discussion once several views have been shared Articulate and clarify the different viewpoints Solicit other viewpoints Ask students to list reasons why people who embrace each perspective feel and think the way they do COMPLICATING TOPICS 1. Show multiple perspectives before a discussion begins 2. Identify false binaries and bring out the gray 3. Consider where the differing viewpoints agree PERSPECTIVES ON AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Af firmative action has promoted diverse student bodies and work forces, and has provided equal opportunity for at least some minorities. It has promoted diversity especially in higher education. John Filter, Kansas State professor of political science Af firmative action can hurt of fice work environments because a person who comes into an administrative position can get an inferiority complex. They believe the rest of the of fice will think they got there with help. This leads to unusual behavior . Supreme Cour t Justice Clarence Thomas We should bring in additional economic criteria. There are poor whites and poor minorities, and both are denied opportunities. Af firmative action may have to protect economic classes as poverty grows . Krishna Tummala ENCOURAGE EMPATHY Encourage students to consider the value of truly understanding alternate viewpoints Ask students to play devil’s advocate (or adopt a view they don’t necessarily hold) in discussion of pre -planned topics Assign students to play various roles within a discussion Soliciting student voices when only a few people are participating Encouraging consideration of alternate perspectives Monitoring the “balance” of viewpoints and determining which views dominate Listening for disrespectful or judgmental comments that may insult some students FOSTER REFLECTION Ask students to write in response to guided questions after hearing multiple perspectives on an issue: What are the merits of each perspective? What questions do you have about one or more of these perspectives? What gaps do you see within these claims? Whose perspective is missing from these ideas? Ask students to reflect on the discussion itself: What did you learn or recognize in this discussion that you hadn’t thought about before? What do you consider the strengths and weaknesses of the discussion? What questions do you still have about this issue that weren’t answered in the discussion? FOLLOW UP WITH STUDENTS Show appreciation for students’ contributions and of fer to talk more in person about the issue under discussion Email or connect with students who Share personal or sensitive narratives within the discussion Contribute to adding key perspectives to the mix Advocate for a position that is being underserved in the discussion Show an emotional reaction to the discussion