
Religion has been a controversial topic for many decades. It may seem to some as only a
personal belief, but to some it is much more. Religion serves as a cultural universal. It is one of
society’s largest institutions and needs to be viewed as such. Religion serves many purposes for
many different people. It functions to some as a meaning to existence. It influences the culture
we live in as well as provides many with an identity. The main aspect is that it serves to
maintain social order.
I have always been religious but I had never viewed it past my own personal beliefs. It
has never been measured with any sociological perspectives before. I never considered
analyzing religion from a scholarly point of view nor from a sociologist point of view. I first
learned that through this process of a sociologist perspective you see multiple viewpoints that all
carry merit. Although I may not fully agree with these different perspectives I can see how some
feel the way that they do.
I reviewed religion from a Conflict Theorist point of view with somewhat of an objective
mind. I have to admit, although I disagree, that they have valid points. A Conflict Theorist with
reflection on religion would argue that religion inhibits cultural change. I agree with this
statement. I can see how religion changes the nature of the culture, whether it is positive or
negative- it has its weight. I see how religion can and does inhibit cultural change. They also
feel as though religion encourages oppression and causes the members to focus on other worldly
concerns. I have to, personally, disagree with this statement. However, I see how some may feel
this way. I can see how certain members of society feel that they are viewed differently by
certain members of a religious group compared to others who are not members. I may not agree
with this perspective but through my learning and thinking process I can agree that there are
valid points.
I also reviewed religion from a Functionalist point of view. A functionalist views
religion on how it focuses on what it does for the individual rather than what it actually is. They
see it for what it contributes to social order and how it unifies believers. I would argue from this
perspective. In the process of learning or thinking about this perspective I also learned that I
agree with this viewpoint. I personally feel as though religion is a personal choice and those who
wish to not become members have the right and freedom to make that choice. I feel as though
this viewpoint is accurate in the assumption that it should be viewed in regards to what it does
for the individual instead of what it actually is because that’s who it affects- the individual.
Religion is a personal belief and because of that belief we can see that the moral and
ethical lifestyle in which we need in order to survive and thrive directly parallel to that of a
religious perspective. This assignment made me see the connection between religion and society
as a whole. I feel as though it is hugely connected whereas before I never considered the
connection. When you can think with objective thoughts versus your own personal beliefs you
can see it from a new light. The learning process will be more clear and productive when it is
viewed objectively without any prejudicial thoughts.
I cannot say that I have completely many assignments without considering my own
personal beliefs solely and not considering opposing viewpoints. My future goal is to learn,
think, and study objectively. If I can do that I think that I will learn more than I ever imagined
possible. There is also some validation to everyone’s perspectives and viewpoints and they at
least deserve a change to be weighed equally into the consideration process.