Minutes June 2014 - Huddersfield New College

TUESDAY 24th JUNE 2014 at 5 p.m.
Ms T Wright (Chair), Mr P Hume, Ms A Thompson, Ms A Williams.
Mr P Kennedy and Mr G Barker
Clerk :
Mrs Coupland
Apologies for absence / declarations of interest
Mr Oliver did not attend the meeting. The Clerk noted that no apologies had been received.
There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes of the meeting held on 25th March 2014
 That these be accepted as a correct record, subject to the amendment of a
typographical error.
Matters arising
Quality Improvement Plan: Progress Review.
Mr Kennedy confirmed that the report outlining the support sessions in place for certain
subject areas, for which some information was omitted at the time of the last meeting, had
since been updated and forwarded onto the Clerk for circulation to all Committee members.
For the Clerk to circulate the reports to all Committee Members
Teaching , Learning and Assessment (TLA) Report 2013/14
Mr Barker presented his report to the Committee, which provided a summary of the main
aims, outcomes and conclusions of the TLA review process.
Mr Barker advised Governors that all departments received 2 working days’ notice of any
intended review, in reflection of Ofsted inspections under the current Common Inspection
Framework and that a key priority for the TLA review team was for all teaching staff to receive
at least one lesson observation across the course of the year. Mr Barker confirmed that all but
6 members of staff have been observed in a taught lesson, this has been due to individual
circumstances such as sickness or maternity leave. Governors noted that for the college’s
quality processes, all observations were graded and moderated by the TLA Review Team, in
conjunction with Heads of Departments. This approach to TLA reviews would not only provide
more reliable data on grading, but would further validate the quality and consistency of
observation commentary and judgements made by the team.
Mr Barker confirmed that a key aim this year was to see a reduction in the proportion of grade
3 (and 4) observations to no more than 20% of all observed lessons; and an increase in
lessons graded 1, to at least 15% of all lessons. The overall grade profile for the TLA review
cycle in 2013-14 is as follows (Change since 2012-13 is shown in brackets).
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
*(N = 109)
The Committee were pleased with the significant rise in Grade 1 assessments and the
reduction in grade 3 TLA reviews. Governors were assured that appropriate levels of support
interventions had been arranged for all grades 3 or 4. The Committee was further satisfied
that performance management had, where necessary, taken place with key individual
teachers, as supported by evidence of the TLA reviews. Mr Barker confirmed that support
interventions have included external sources in four cases, two of which are ongoing. The
committee was satisfied that the current TLA grade profile (85% grade 1 and 2) is securely
Mr Barker advised the Committee that key TLA strengths widely observed throughout reviews
- Use of questioning:
Significant improvements in use of directed questioning and assessment of higher
order learning
- Stretch and challenge:
Improvements in use of differentiation and ‘stretch’ in teaching, learning and
- Embedding of Literacy, Numeracy and Oracy:
Very widespread evidence of creative and effective use
- Improved use of associated study:
Extension in ‘continuous’ learning
Mr Barker also drew Governors attention to the key areas identified for improvement, which
- Further consistency in use of questioning:
Minority of observed questioning too ‘open’ and recall-based
- Some classroom management issues:
Challenging of some learning ‘cultures’ needs to be a focus (eg punctuality)
- Consistency in correction of ‘Spelling Punctuation and Grammar’ in marking:
College-wide necessity for inspection
The Committee was informed that the college has recently invested in
BKSB – a popular functional skills solution - which provides students with diagnostic
assessments (English and maths) and tracks individuals’ Functional Skills Standards by
providing them with a percentage score. BKSB also produces an individual learning plan
which highlights skill gaps and directs the learner to the appropriate resources they need to
use in order to fill those skill gaps. It is intended for bksb to be embedded within the new
tutorial framework, whereby tutors can implement and monitor the bespoke support
programmes in an effort to further promote Literacy, Numeracy and Oracy skills throughout
the college. The Committee applauded this initiative and were keen for all Governors of the
Corporation to know more about it.
To receive the report
Entry Requirements 2015: Annual Review
HNC annually reviews its entry criteria to ensure it reflects the inclusive mission, yet
enables the college to recruit and enrol students with integrity. This year the review
has been compounded by the complexities of the current qualification reforms which
are to be introduced from 2015 onwards.
A Level reforms:
The most important change to consider is that a number of subjects will be offered as
two year linear qualification from 2015 for phase 1 subjects and from 2016 for phase
2 subjects (listed below). Thereby introducing the concept of ‘co teachability’ for AS
and A level qualifications. In that as the AS qualification becomes free
standing, students can be taught in the same classes as students in their first year of
study for the A level in the same subject. This is to make it easier for a student who
has completed the AS qualification to progress to the A level qualification should they
wish, or to stop their studies at that point. Students who take the AS qualification and
go on to take the A level will not gain any credit for the A level from the fact they have
already been awarded the AS qualification.
Phase one subjects are:
English Language, English Literature, English Language and Literature, the
Sciences, History, Psychology, Art and Design, Sociology, Business Studies,
Economics and Computing.
Phase two subjects are:
Maths, Languages, Geography, Music, Drama, Dance, Design and Technology,
Physical Education and Religious Studies.
Mr Kennedy advised the committee that the funding agency has yet to confirm
whether the funding of study programmes expects co-teachability to mean that we
can continue to offer the AS as a one year qualification within the A level
programmes (given that HE providers have been clear on the high value of a “real
result” as part of the information for their admissions). This would necessitate
clarifying the thresholds for moving from year 1 to year 2 of the A level course, which
in general will be an AS pass grade. HNC do not anticipate any value in offering 2
year AS qualifications at this time. The Committee agreed with this approach.
Ms Kennedy also informed members that the available documents on the reforms suggest
that any subject not shown in phase 1 or 2 will need to have a “core content” agreed between
awarding body and Ofqual (together with a significant tightening up of assessment
arrangements) – such that it can be ready to teach from 2017 and so be included in phase 3.
It was agreed to wait and see whether this includes any of HNC A level courses when this
consultation is reported back in the Autumn.
Vocational Reforms:
The new assessment regime comes into force for both L2 and new L3 courses in September
2014. Governors were advised that the L2 New Generation reforms were planned for in
advance, and that HNC did not amend entry thresholds for L2 courses for 2014 start in the
most recent prospectus/admissions documents. The changes affecting students starting L3
courses were introduced very late for a 2014 start, HNC will now need to see how the
implementation of the new assessment regimes plays out this year in order to inform potential
amendments to entry thresholds for 2016 entry when the testing elements are included in L3
The Committee acknowledges that staff are working hard to understand the potential
impact of these changes on the colleges’ cohorts and that a further review of the
entry criteria, mid-year, may be necessary:
When more information is available on course specifications
If the agreed criteria changes have an undesired impact upon recruitment.
If the College’s entry thresholds, at a later review, is not in line with other
inclusive colleges.
That the 2014 entry thresholds are agreed and recommended to the
Committee Self-Assessment
The Committee reflected upon its work throughout the academic year and agreed that it is
fully covering its terms of reference.
Members were asked to reflect upon how the Committee and its work has impacted/
contributed to the overall work of Governing Body and supported the leadership of the
college. Initial responses were considered however members and the Senior Leadership
Team were asked to reflect outside of the meeting and feedback comments to the Clerk for
inclusion into the committee’s self-assessment report.
That the Committee has complied with its terms of reference
For members to provide feedback to the Clerk with regards to the
Committee’s impact on the overall work of the Governing body.
Any other business
Ms Wright acknowledged that this was to be the last Quality and Standards Committee
meeting as agreed under the new governance framework , which is to be implemented from
September 2014. Ms Wright thanked all governors, co-opted members and staff for their time
served on this committee.
Determination of confidentiality
No items were determined as confidential.
Date of next meeting: To be confirmed