ST. MICHAEL ST. JOHN ST. MARY Early Elementary School 510 W. Front Street Monroe, MI 48161 Elementary School 521 S. Monroe Street Monroe, MI 48161 Middle School 151 N. Monroe Street Monroe, MI 48162 February 10, 2016 Dear Parents, Today we celebrated our Ash Wednesday liturgy which begins our Lenten season. It’s so early this year! However, beginning Lent must mean that spring is on its way, though this winter has been pretty gentle so far. Our students have had lots of success at St. Mary’s recently. Our MathCounts team placed third with Nick Lambrix placing ninth in the individual competition. Students selected for their Faith, Knowledge and Service represented us at the Catholic Schools’ Week Mass at the cathedral in Detroit. MCES received an award at the Mass for improvement in the Religion test scores taken by the 3rd, 5th and 7th grades. Students competed in the National Geographic Bee and Nick Lambrix went on to take the state qualifying test. Our classroom spelling bee competitions are underway with the school competition scheduled for February 22nd at 11:30a.m. in the gym– parents are welcome to attend. The eighth grade class, under Ms. Smith’s direction, put on a great carnival yesterday for their fifth and second grade buddies. As well as having a lot of fun they raised $141 for the animal shelter. Of course, I can’t leave out the success of the student volleyball teams in the Catholic Schools Week games against the faculty. Catholic Schools Week was a runaway success with hundreds of canned goods being added to the pantry and lots of heartfelt “thank yous” going to our cleaning staff and administrative assistants. The students seemed to enjoy the various crazy dress days and other frivolity. Thank you for all your donations to the class auction baskets. We still need more participation to equal the success of the past two years. Please prayerfully consider the requests that have been made. Your student will be bringing home a Rice Bowl this week. There is a wonderful calendar enclosed which gives some great suggestions for family activities during Lent. If you choose to use the Rice Bowl it can either be returned to school for the last Mass before Easter break or you can take it to your own parish church – all monies go to CRS regardless of where they are turned in. We are having a Boxtops campaign in February. Please try to find 25 Boxtops to send in with your child by February 25th. Any Boxtops sent in prior to this will still be counted for your child’s homeroom but we want to try to get full participation before to the annual banking deadline in March. The winning homeroom will get a dress down day (as usual) and also a pizza lunch after Easter. Some of your students may have been concerned about their book bags being removed from the hallways at lunch. Students in grades 6-8 have been told to leave their bags in the gym during lunch. Each grade level leaves their bags against a designated wall. Students who persist in leaving their bags in the hallways after the warnings given this week will receive a demerit or further consequences if it is repeated. The three class trips are approaching. Please make sure you get all forms in and payments made in a timely manner as this is very important for the people organizing the trips. These trips are a wonderful opportunity for class bonding and a great educational experience too. Most of our graduating eighth grade students would say Camp Storer, Mackinac, or the Washington D.C trip was the best part of middle school. We are delighted to be able to offer these unique opportunities to the students. ____________________________________________________________________ Our Mission: Monroe Catholic Elementary Schools is a Christ-centered, Catholic learning community committed to the academic excellence and spiritual development of every student. (734) 241-6335 ST. MICHAEL ST. JOHN ST. MARY Early Elementary School 510 W. Front Street Monroe, MI 48161 Elementary School 521 S. Monroe Street Monroe, MI 48161 Middle School 151 N. Monroe Street Monroe, MI 48162 Finally, the third quarter can be a tough one for students as academic demands get harder and there are lots of projects and assignments to complete. Please encourage your students to keep working hard and to make sure they keep up with assignments. Though hard to believe we are more than half way through the year and before too long we will be sending home elective selection sheets for next year to registered students. These will be sent home immediately after the Easter break so please get your registration paperwork in. Electives are scheduled based on when the forms are returned subject to classes running. I would like to wish you and your families a blessed and holy Lenten season. As always please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your commitment to Catholic education. Sheena Zawistowicz ____________________________________________________________________ Our Mission: Monroe Catholic Elementary Schools is a Christ-centered, Catholic learning community committed to the academic excellence and spiritual development of every student. (734) 241-6335