Roosevelt and the New Deal

Roosevelt and the New Deal
Chapter 25
Section 2
“the only thing we need to fear is
fear itself”
Key ? What were the goals of the New Deal
 The First New Deal – 1933 – 1935 ; focused
on relief, recovery, and reform in America.
 Twentieth Amendment- moved inauguration
from March to Jan. 20; ratified to late for
Roosevelt’s election.
 Brain trust – economists and professors.
 Recommended solutions.
The Hundred Days
Session of Congress from March – June (January
–April) – Hundred Days.
Declared bank holiday.
Only banks in good shape would reopen.
“fireside chats”- 1st on March 12th.
Next day people deposited more money than they
Bills sent to Congress; relief to needy; recovery
for agriculture & industry, reforms to economy.
Responses to the New Deal
Some felt New Deal went to far –socialism.
 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) gov. run
enterprises competed with private business.
 Some felt didn’t go far enough – wanted
every family guaranteed a decent income;
every American over 60 to receive a $200
Roosevelt’s Second New Deal
Key ? How did the Social Security Act reflect
Roosevelt’s goals in the Second New Deal? (19351937) pg. 788
Focused on social reforms; Social Security Act –
dedicated largely to unemployment & retirement;
small amount of pay go to Soc.Sec. Fund in the
Treasury. Would receive a monthly payment when
Also, helped disabled, low-income elderly people
not eligible for Soc.Sec. & low income families
with dependents. Payments to unemployed while
they look for work.
FDR’s Reelection
1936 – won second term.
 Business was against him.
 African-Americans for the first time – did
not vote Republican – the party of Lincoln.
 Working class people formed alliances and
FDR won every state except Maine and
The New Deal Slows Down
Key? What lead to the slow down of the Second
New Deal?
Roosevelt and Supreme Ct. struggled; SC did not
support FDR’s programs; felt they gave the federal
government too much power; used judicial review
to strike down laws.
1937 – FDR asked Congress to pass a bill
allowing him to add 6 Justices who shared his
ideas; court-packing; Congress voted it down.
In the end, FDR appointed 8 new judges because
of retirement or death.
A Downward Turn
FDR wanted to reduce deficit spending,
using borrowed money to spend.
 Cut back on the New Deal, but he was
wrong; goods produced by industry fell and
unemployment rose once again.
 So bad was the spiraled downward turn that
the U.S. wouldn’t recover until World War
II in 1941.