Roosevelt*s 1100

The Hundred Days
Roosevelt wasted no time trying to solve the problems
- Created by the Great Depression
Roosevelt pushed 15 major pieces of New Deal legislation
- Through Congress in a relatively short time
o This period became known as the “Hundred Days”
- These acts would significantly expand the role
o Of the federal government in the economy
 And in the lives of ordinary citizens
- All future presidents would be judged
o By what they accomplished
 In their 1st hundred days in office
Pushed by FDR, Congress began quickly passing laws:
Regulating banking activities
- The Glass Stegall Banking Act
o The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Addressing issues that caused the stock market crash
- The Securities Act established the
o Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
In July, Roosevelt took the US dollar off the Gold Standard
- This action would decrease the value of the dollar
o And hopefully raise farm prices and stimulate trade
Direct relief and unemployment assistance was the next step
- The Federal Emergency Relief Agency (FERA)
- Civil Works Administration (CWA)
- The Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)
- Public Works Administration (PWA)
The National Industrial Recovery Act
- Created regulations for employers administered by
o The National Recovery Administration (NRA)
For the many failing homeowners, Congress passed
- The National Housing Act which established
o The Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC)
For the many farmers that were losing their homes and land
- The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
The most popular public works project was
- The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
o A series of dams built across the Tennessee River
 That would provide cheap electric power
 To the country’s least developed regions
- It helped farmers, created jobs, provided flood control
In the 1934 midterm elections
- The Democrats increased their majority
o By 9 votes in both the House and the Senate
FDR and the Democrats saw this election as another mandate
- As proof that the American people supported
o FDR’s New Deal Reforms
This period became known as the Second New Deal
- Or the 2nd 100 days
The Revenue Act of 1935 increased taxes on the wealthy
The Federal Housing Authority (FHA)
- Tried to put as many Americans in homes
o By encouraging banks and guaranteeing loans
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
- Was the most popular of the New Deal Programs
o The WPA employed 8.5 million Americans
The WPA built bridges, roads, public parks,
- Airports, schools and other public buildings
The WPA also supported artists by funding major art projects
- Murals, sculptures, paintings and other projects
o Theatrical productions and movies
 Employing writers, directors,
 Actors, and many technical people
A part of the WPA, the National Youth Administration (NYA)
- Provided part time jobs to students
To help electrify the remaining parts of the country
- The Rural Electrification Administration (REA)
The Social Security Act created the Social Security System
- Old age pension, Unemployment insurance
o Disability, and survivors insurance
To replace the AAA, ruled unconstitutional, for farmers
- FDR proposed the Resettlement Administration
o And the Farm Security Administration
With the National Industrial Recovery Act ruled unconstitutional
- The Wagner Act was passed
o Also known as the National Labor Relation Act
 Legalized Unions
 Guaranteed the right to collective bargaining
 Created the National Labor Relations Board