Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.

Group Against Smog
and Pollution
Grassroots advocacy and
education in action
February 25, 2010
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.
Pittsburgh has come a long way
from our smoky city image…but
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.
• Pittsburgh area
recently ranked worst
for short term fine
particulate pollution -American Lung
Association, 2008 and
2009, State of the Air
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.
Our Mission
To obtain for the residents of Southwestern Pennsylvania
clean air, water, and land in order to create the healthy,
sustainable environment and quality of life to which we
are entitled.
Current Projects/Programs:
• Allegheny County Partnership to Reduce Diesel
• Environmental watchdog, community organizer, and
litigator. Actively participate in environmental decision
making by educating & organizing the public, informing
government officials, giving testimony, submitting
comments, etc.
• GASP Smoke Reader’s Program
• GASPer Air Monitor Program
• Organizing education presentations and events
• Actively serve on a variety of local air quality
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.
Why is Pittsburgh’s Air
• Wind generally moves from west to east;
pollution from the Ohio Valley
• Coal fired power plants
• Coke-making and other industry
• Geography – inversions common
• Mobile source pollution – especially diesel
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.
Local sources of air pollution
Coal-fired power plants
The Reliant Cheswick facility contributes significantly to many air pollutants in
Allegheny County, it produces a large percentage of the Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
and HCl recorded in our county.
Scrubber being installed
Once operating it will help to reduce SO2 by 98% and Hg by 80%
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.
Health effects from fine particulates
- Eye, nose, throat and lung irritation,
coughing, sneezing, running nose &
shortness of breath
- Asthma attacks (possible asthma onset)
- Heart attacks
- Strokes
- Premature death (crib death in children)
- Cancer
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.
Occupational exposure has been studied
in truck drivers, dock workers, bus drivers
and railroad workers
Cardiovascular Disease
Lung Cancer
Bladder Cancer
Colon Cancer
Premature Death
Nervous system impairment
Asthma, respiratory infection and allergic
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.
The Problem in Pittsburgh
• 237 deaths, 340 heart attacks and 3,399 asthma attacks
attributed to diesel annually in Pittsburgh – According to
the CATF report: Diesel & Health in America: The
Lingering Threat.
• CATF found the nationwide average lifetime cancer risk
posed by diesel exhaust to be 365 times greater than
EPA’s “acceptable” level of one-cancer-in-a-million and
over eight times higher than the risk of the 133 air toxics
tracked by EPA combined!
• Air Toxics Study performed by Carnegie Mellon
University concluded, “Diesel particulate dominates the
cancer risk, especially downtown.”
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.
Diesel PM2.5 – Allegheny
County (%)
Source M.J. Bradley & Associate LLC
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.
Allegheny County Partnership
to Reduce Diesel Pollution
A project of Group Against Smog and Pollution and Clean Water
Goal: To reduce toxic diesel emissions from all
of its sources; school buses, trucks, trains,
marine, etc.
Main Projects within this campaign:
1. Pittsburgh Healthy School Bus Fund
2. City of Pittsburgh Waste Hauler Retrofit Project
3. Advocating for clean construction legislation in Pgh.
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.
GASP Smoke Readers
This program administered by GASP trains
up to 10 citizen opacity readers to report
their inspections and alert the Allegheny
County Health Department, Air Quality
Program to excess smoke emissions.
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.
Reliant Cheswick-uncontrolled
Reliant’s Cheswick
Facility Advisory
GASP’s Educational Efforts
Group Against Smog and
Pollution, Inc.
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.
GASPer Air Monitor Program
An opportunity for you
to learn about what
you are breathing!
Monitor both indoor and
outdoor air quality
using portable, easy
to use equipment
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.
40th Anniversary Event
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.
Smokestacks Pittsburgh 1906 from top of Union Station
Group Against Smog & Pollution
Wightman School Community Building
5604 Solway St., #204
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Phone: 412-325-7382
Bryan Ritti, Education Coordinator
Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.