MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 Welcome to your MTH 60 TVWeb Course Instructor: Linda Bastian Portland Community College Math, Sylvania ST 104 PO Box 19000 Portland, OR 97280-0990 Office: Sylvania Campus, ST 104 Email: Phone: 971-722-8066 Web: Fax: 971-722-8259 (Include my name and your name on every page. Only white pages written in dark ink can be read after being faxed.) --Please check my website for dates of your Midterm, Quiz, Final Exam and graded Worksheets --Please check D2L regularly (at least 3 times each week) for corrections and updates. Introduce yourself on the discussion board by Wednesday of Week 1 to remain in the class. --See Distance Learning in the class schedule for other pertinent information. WHAT IS A MATH TVWEB COURSE? The Math 60 TVWeb course is all independent learning except for 2 proctored exams. You view 3 hours of video recorded lessons each week (reserve 4-5 hours for this so you can take notes, pause and rewind, practice, etc.). (These are NOT the CD videos that may come with your text) For more information visit Click on Distance Learning, TV Viewing Options: 1. YouTube NOTE: Make sure you view 2 entire lessons each week. Each lesson is about 1 ½ hours and may be on several different YouTube videos. Each lesson shows all 3 instructors . 2. Cable TV: Comcast Cable Ch27-for those in the PCC district only Viewing problems: 971-722-4730 or 503-977- 4950 (Do NOT contact your instructor.) 3. PCC Libraries: CAN I TREAT THIS TVWEB COURSE THE SAME AS A WEB CLASS? Yes, if you can view the videos on YouTube you can view them whenever you have internet access. For extra computer practice you can use MYMATHLAB; it comes shrink wrapped, free with a new text from PCC's bookstore, or it may be purchased separately. The Course ID will be available in the Content area in D2L. You may also email your classmates and use the discussion board in D2L. DO I NEED TO COME TO CAMPUS? Yes, for the 2 proctored exams required for All PCC Math classes. Exams: There will be a 200 point proctored midterm about the 3rd or 4th week of class and a 200 point, proctored comprehensive final at the end of the term. (Check my web pages for the exact dates.) Both exams for this class are closed-book, closed-notes and NO calculator. If you are not able to take the exam at the scheduled time, you need to make arrangements to take the exam at an approved testing center and have these arrangements approved by me at least two weeks prior to the exam date. Please either bring a self-addressed, stamped envelope so I can mail back your midterm or pick it up from the receptionist in ST 104 at Sylvania. It is important to view your graded work so you don’t make the same mistakes on your final. I do not return final exams. MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 WHAT OTHER MATERIALS DO I NEED? Text: We are using a custom published version for Portland Community College of Introductory Algebra for College Students (5th Edition) By Robert F. Blitzer Publisher: Prentice Hall Copyright: 2009 We have removed sections from the "parent" text that we are not covering. Everything else will be the same. The page numbers remain the same. There will just be some pages missing. New texts from the bookstore are shrink-wrapped (FREE) with access to a Prentice Hall web based tutorial (MyMathLab) and a Student Solutions Manual. These are optional and do not need to be purchased if you buy a used text, or a new one elsewhere. Past students have found them very helpful. This Mth 60 TVWeb Course Packet MyMathLab is optional and can be purchased separately. MyMathLab has an electronic copy of the text. Calculator: A scientific calculator is required. A graphing calculator is recommended for those going on past Math 65. Math 60 Supplement-Available for download on the Math Dept Web site. It is linked to in the Suggested Exercises in this packet. It may also be available for purchase at the bookstore. WILL THERE BE HOMEWORK? Yes, there will be lots of homework!!! Homework is the most important part of the course. Just as you cannot learn to play the piano by simply listening to someone play, you cannot learn mathematics simply by watching the videos. You must practice, a lot, and quite frequently. You should set aside about 4 hours between each viewing session to practice and finish homework assignments BEFORE the next lesson. The skills and knowledge from any one lesson will be used to explain the next lesson. Homework is to help you learn. It is not for the instructor and (with the exception of worksheets) will not be turned in. Your suggested homework assignments are listed in this packet. You should ALWAYS study with two pieces of paper (one to do the examples and problems and the other to write down any questions, ideas, needed clarifications or concerns AS THEY COME UP) and a pencil. If your questions are not cleared up in the course of your study, GET HELP and get them answered well BEFORE taking a test. You should read the sections that are going to be covered in a lesson before watching the lesson. This will help you get more out of the lesson. Then read the sections again! MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 WHAT WORK NEEDS TO BE TURNED IN? Worksheets: There will be four worksheets (located later in this packet) due about the 2nd, 4th, 7th and 9th weeks.(Check my web pages for the exact dates.) Each worksheet is worth 15 points. Make sure you print all the pages and STAPLE before handing in. All work for this class must satisfy the requirements specified in the MTH 60/65 PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS/DOCUMENTATION GUIDELINES (see pages of this packet). You can mail (postmark the day before the due date), deliver it to the receptionist in my office (use the Mail Slot if the office is closed), scan and upload to the D2L drop box or fax the worksheet to me. I must be able to read the scan or fax. Use dark ink on white paper. Please either enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope so I can mail back your graded worksheet or pick it up from the receptionist in ST 104 at Sylvania. It is important to view your graded work for feedback before completing the next worksheet and before taking the midterm and final. Due dates: The dates worksheets are due as well as the dates, locations and times for the midterm and final exam will be posted on my website. You should also regularly check D2L and your MyPCC email for messages and updates from me. If you are not able to obtain the due dates and exam schedule from my website, ask on the D2L discussion board. You can also send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to me (as soon as possible) if you would like me to mail you a hard copy of the schedule. Mailed assignments must be postmarked no later than the day BEFORE the posted deadline or they will be considered late. Keep a draft copy of all submitted work until you get back your graded work. Keep your graded work until you get, and are satisfied with, your course grade. Quiz: There will be a 40 point multiple choice quiz (located later in this packet) due about week 8 or 9. You must document all the work needed to arrive at your answers on separate paper and hand it in. You will also submit your answers on a Scantron for grading. It is a good review for your final. Video Summaries: There will be 2 video summaries of the TVWeb course Videos that you are watching. They are each worth 10 points of your Midterm and your Final. The forms to fill out are located towards the end of the packet. (These are NOT the CD videos that come with your text) WHAT IF I FALL BEHIND OR DON’T DO WELL ON AN EXAM? Late work: If unusual circumstances arise, you may submit one assignment late. However, the assignment will not be graded and you will not receive any feedback on it. AFTER your final exam, if I feel it is needed to help me decide a border-line grade, I will look at the quality of the work. More than one late assignment may result in lower grades. It will be harder to know how you are doing if any of your assignments are late. An assignment is considered late if I receive it after the due date or if it is postmarked on or after the due date Missed (or poor) midterm exam: NO make-up exams are given. A missed exam (or a poor exam) score will be replaced by your final exam score. You may get permission to submit a missed exam that I might use to help decide a borderline grade-but the exam will NOT be graded. It will be harder to know how you are doing if you miss an exam, and the bulk of your grade will depend on your final. Missed (or poor) final exam: You cannot pass the class if you do not take your final exam or if you score below 100 points out of 200 (50%) on your final. *****Please be aware that your final exam must be in the range of your desired grade. If you study and practice diligently, this should not be a problem. A grade average of 80 and a final exam of 115 out of 200 points put you in the D category. ***** MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 WHAT IF I NEED HELP? By enrolling in a TVWeb course, you are identifying yourself as an INDEPENDENT learner. If you find that you need a lot of help, then perhaps you need the environment of a normal classroom after all. Now and then, however, you will still need a momentary, quick boost to get unstuck from some particular problem or question. Here are some suggestions to get this help. 1. Contact your instructor (see page 1 of this packet) 2. Get help from a tutor in a math center on a PCC campus: 3. PCC libraries may have computers for you to watch the videos on YouTube. 4. Do not hesitate to read a good textbook or search the internet. 5. Check out my instructional web page. 6. Your text has supplements: MyMathLab (More details in the beginning of your custom published text AND elsewhere in this packet.), Tutoring by phone, fax or email, videos. WHEN DO I WATCH TV AND WHAT DO I DO? The viewing schedule lists times and a lesson by lesson schedule. Keep it handy. WHAT IF I MISS A SCHEDULED VIEWING TIME? 1. Be aware of alternate viewing times and watch them. 2. If you own a VCR, DVR, etc., then arrange to have the lesson recorded for you. 3. Come to a PCC library and view the missed lesson. 4. View the lectures on YouTube: WHO DO I CALL ABOUT VIEWING PROBLEMS? Check to be sure that you can view the videos on cable from your home. If you cannot, you will have to record them at the house of a friend, view them at a PCC library, rent them or view on YouTube. If you receive the channel but there is a problem with the normal viewing, do not call the instructor. Call 971-722-4402. HOW IS MY GRADE CALCULATED? Your course grade will be determined by a combination of the total number of points you earn on the four worksheets, the quiz, the midterm and the final. You must also earn a minimum score on your final. A: 450 – 500 total points and more than 175 points on your final. B: 400 or more total points and more than 155 points on your final. C: 350 or more total points and 116 or more points on your final. D: 300 or more total points and 75 or more points on your final. F: 0 – 299 total points or fewer than 75 points on your final. MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 MTH 60/65 Presentation Requirements/Documentation Guidelines (or how to answer math questions correctly so you can get full credit!) It is very important to document your work correctly when working an algebra problem. For this reason, I am going to ask you to be very precise about documenting your work. Always start by writing the original problem (including the directions). When you are working a problem that requires several steps, record all of the terms in each step and line up your equal signs. Rules of Thumb A number, such as 5, all by its lonesome, is not a well-presented conclusion. Well-presented conclusions (depending on the type of problem): --The solution is 5. --The distance to the ballpark is 5 km. Equal signs must be used when changing the form of an expression. When asked to simplify an expression, always start the presentation of the solution with the original expression on the left hand side of the equal sign (= ) and show one simplification on the right. Then work down and line up the equal signs. Example: Simplify the expression 3 + 5 (7 – 1) Well-presented simplification problem: Rewrite or paraphrase the given instructions. Simplify: 3 5(7 1) 3 5(6) Rewrite the original expression on the left = the first simplification on the right. Keep working DOWN (not across). Line up = signs. 3 30 33 Expressions on either side of an equal sign must be equivalent. Example: Solve and check 2x – 5 = 11 Incorrect presentation: This presentation is missing the given instructions. (Solve and check) 2 x 5 11 2 x 5 11 5 2 x 16 x 8 This line is a lie even though the student reached the correct conclusion! +5 must appear on BOTH sides of the equation. Also, the conclusion is not stated separately in a sentence . Do NOT start equations with an = sign. Use only ONE = sign per line. Check: 2(8) = 16 – 5 = 11 This check is incorrect as this actually says that 16 = 16 – 5 which is false. This presentation is missing a sentence that states the solution. MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 Correct presentation: Rewrite or paraphrase the given instructions. Solve and check. 2 x 5 11 Correctly show the properties of equality when first learning or when asked.. 2 x 5 5 11 5 2 x 16 2 x 16 2 2 x 8 Note: Equal signs need not be lined up when solving an equation. (But they can be.) Only ONE = sign per line. The proposed solution is 8. Check: If x = 8, then the left hand side is 2 x - 5 2(8) - 5 16 - 5 11 The right hand side is also equal to 11. The conclusion is stated separately in a sentence. The solution to the equation is 8. (Note, if there was a variable on the right hand side, you would have to evaluate the right hand side as well. If both sides have the same value, you have found the correct solution.) Do not confuse simplifying expressions with solving equations. Make sure you understand the difference. When you simplify an expression you don’t have a solution. Don’t solve equations by putting an = sign at the beginning of each equation. MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 Graphing Axes on graphs must be labeled and scaled. Otherwise the graph cannot be read and interpreted. Figure numbers and captions are always a good idea. V Volume in liters Variable label Variable label Scale t time in minutes Figure 1: The volume of water in a tub Figure number Good labels include units, where appropriate.. Caption When preparing work for submittal, the student should keep in mind that: all applications (story problems – example follows) must be answered in complete sentences, illegible work will remain unmarked, ambiguous conclusions will be misinterpreted, analyses using improper notation and/or incomplete mathematical sentences will be rejected, solutions with incorrect units are incorrect solutions, undefined variables have no meaning, and graphs with unlabelled and/or unscaled axes have no meaning. MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 Statement of the problem to be solved Example of a well-presented solution to an application problem A car phone company offers two basic plans for the poor executive: plan A and plan B. Plan A is a monthly service charge of $10, and a charge of 90¢ a minute for telephone air time; plan B is a monthly charge of $24, and a charge of 70¢ a minute for telephone air time. Create a mathematical model that describes each plan and use these models to estimate when one plan is better than the other. $10 + .90(number of minutes) = total monthly charge for Plan A $24 + .70(number of minutes) = total monthly charge for Plan B The variable is well defined Let n represent the number of minutes of telephone air time used in a month. (Note: n = minutes is NOT a well defined variable) Then setting the total monthly charge for Plan A equal to the total monthly charge for plan B to find out how many minutes would cause the two plans to charge the same amount for a month, I obtain 10 .90n 24 .70n Solving for n, 10 .90n .70n 24 .70n .70n 10 .20n 24 10 10 .20n 24 10 .20n 14 .20 14 n .20 .20 n 70 An explanation of the problem-solving strategy Therefore, both plans charge the same amount if the telephone air time for the month is 70 minutes. Since Plan B has the higher monthly charge, Plan B will cost more if fewer than 70 minutes are used and Plan A will cost more if more than 70 minutes are used. In other words, Plan A is a better deal if less than 70 minutes are used and Plan B is a better deal if more than 70 minutes are used. The conclusion is clear; correct units are included. MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 Suggested Exercises (Blitzer) Note: Some topics are covered a little earlier in your text than on the videos, and vice versa. Make sure you read the text and view the videos before doing the suggested exercises. Week Video Lesson Topic/Title 1 Introduction Review of fraction arithmetic 2 The real number line Introduction to graphing 1 Suggested Exercises 1.1: 5,11,17,23,29,35,41,47,53,59 1.2: 5,11,17,21,23,29,35,41,47,53,59,63,65,69, 91, 95,103,105,115,117,123,125,136-142 all, 145, 146, 148, 150-152all 1.3: 5,11,17,19,23,29,35,41,47,55,59,65,71,77,79, 81,87,89,95, 101 ,121 4.1: 1,3,5,7,8,11,17,25,33, 1.5 3 Arithmetic of real numbers 4 Properties of real numbers Exponents and Order of operations 3,5,11,17,23,29,35,39,43, 71,75 (read directions! Write a sum!) 79 (use the bar graph), 84,85,93 1.6 1,3,5,11,17,23,29,35,41,47,53,59,65,71 95,97, 101, 1.7 5,11,17,23,29,33,35,41,47,53,59,63,65,71, 1.8: 2 5,11,13, 29,35,41,47,53,59,65,71, 83,93,95 ,111,119,121-123 M60 Supplement Questions from 1.8 at: Note: [§1.8 means Section 1.8} 1.1: 65,69,75,85 (Make sure to read the question, bar 5 Algebraic expressions graph and formula above the question!), 92,94 1.4: 3,5,11,13,19,23,25,35,39,43,49,55,61,65,67,69,75,77 (don’t forget the problem intro at the bottom of the previous column.), 87,89,91,93, 94,97-99 1.5: 47,53,59,61,65,67,69,100-105all. 1.6: 77,83,85,87,91,93, 103, 115,123,125,127,128-130 1.7: 77,83,89,95,97,101,103,109,111,115,117,119,134, 135, 138-141, 142, 146-148, 149-151 1.8: 17,23,25, 77, 99,101,103,105 3 Pages 102-106 as many as needed for review. Remember your text comes with a CD that has the chapter tests worked out. Chap 1 Review 6 7 4 8 5 9 Pages 96-101 Solving linear equations 1.1: 2.1: 2.2: Review this section again 1,5,11,17,23,29,35,41,47,53,59,63,65,67,71,84,85 5,11,17,23,29,35,41,47,53 (Show the properties. Check solutions following order of operations.) 59,63,67,69 Be sure to write down the equation and define any variables used. 88-90,91-93 2.3: 1,5,11,17,23,29,35,41,47,51,53,59,61 (Show the properties. Check solutions following order of operations.) 69, 73, 75,82,91, 96-98,99,101 2.6: 5,11,17, 129,131,132 Linear equations Solutions sets, setbuilder notation and interval notation Linear inequalities 2.6: 23,29,35,41,47,53,59,65,71,77,83,85,89,91, 97,99,101,105,107,109,113,114,125, with one variable 2.4: 5,11,17,23, 69,71, 105,107,108 Formulas 2.5: 5,11,17,23,29,33,39,45 ,55,59 Be sure to write down Problem solving the equation you used to solve problems and define any using linear equations variables used.63,64,65, 66,68 MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 10 Problem solving using percents Chapter 2 Review 2.4: 2.6: 5,11,17,23,29,35,41,47,53,59,65,71,77,83,85,89,91, 97,99,101,105,107,109,113,114,125,129,131,132 Pages 177-181 as many as needed for review. Remember your text comes with a CD that has the chapter tests worked out. 3.1: Week Video Lesson 11 6 12 Topic/Title 29,35,37,39,41,47,53,57,59, 73,83, 1,3,7,9,13,19,21,25,40,41,45,48,51-54 Suggested Exercises Problem solving 3.2: 1-9 odd, 13,15,19,21,25,29,35,37,59,60-63,65 using ratios, rates, 3.3: 35,41,92,95-97 proportions and angle measure Problem solving 3.3: 1,3,5,11,17,19,29, ,51,57,59 using geometric Pages 218-222 as many as needed for review. Remember your formulas text comes with a CD that has the chapter tests worked out. Chapter 3 Review 7 13 14 15 8 16 17 9 18 19 10 20 Introduction to linear equations with two variables 4.1: 41, 47, 53, 55, 59, 65, 71, 77 ,87, 89, 97- Introduction to slope Comparing slopes Graphing linear equations with two variables 4.3: 4.3: 23,25,27,29,31,45,53-55, 4.4: 5,11,17,23,29,35,41,47,51 Determining the equation of a line Point-slope form Linear modeling Linear inequalities with two variables Summary of linear equations with two variables, applications Chapter 4 Review 101, 109, 117,119,120-122 4.2: 1,3,5,7,8,11,17,25,33,37,39,41,43,45,49,51,61,7175 all, 77,78,79,91,92,99,101 3.5,7,9,11,13,19,21, 74,75,77 4.4: 57, 65 4.5: 59,60-62 & additional exercises 1-3 on the next 2 pages of this packet 4.5: 5,11,17,23,29,39,50,51, & linear application supplement #1-10 (in this packet) 4.6: 3,7,9,11,21,23,31,37,39,41,43,45,47,54,55,67,7274,75 4.5 p269 10.6 1-37odd, 41, 43, 44, 45, 61 M60 Supplement questions from 10.6 at: Note: [§10.6] means Section 10.6 Read pages 281-284 and do Pages 285-288 as many as needed More linear modeling Comprehensive Final Study for final MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 Additional Exercises for Lesson 17 (the questions) 1. Find equations for the lines graphed in Figure 1 through Figure 6. Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 2. The population of a suburb of Portland was 12,500 in 1990. The population of the suburb has been increasing at an average rate of 750 people per year. a. Write a linear equation that gives the town’s population in terms of the year, using the following variables: t: number of years since 1990 P: population b. Use the linear equation to predict the suburb’s population in 2005. Show all work. 3. A storage tank at a production factory holds 250 gallons of a liquid chemical. After two hours there are 210 gallons remaining. a. Assuming that the tank is filled at the beginning of each shift, find a linear equation that gives the amount of chemical in the tank in terms of the number of hours into the shift. Be sure to define any variables used. b. Use the linear equation to determine when the tank will be half empty. Additional Exercises for Lesson (the solutions) 1. Figure 1: y 2 x 3 1 x2 3 5 d t 7.5 2 25 z r 12.5 2 3 b 7 a 20 7 d c 20 Figure 2: y Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: 2. a. P = 12500 + 750t b. According to the model, the population of the suburb will be 23,750 in 2005. 3. a. Let t represent the amount of time (in hours) since the shift began, and let A represent the amount of chemical (in gallons) remaining in the tank. A = 250 – 20t b. The tank will be half empty in 6 hours and 15 minutes. MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 Linear Models Supplement-(the questions) 1. The life span of an insect can be modified by the temperature of the environment. Assume that the relationship between temperature of the environment (in degrees Celsius) and life span of the fruit fly (in days) is linear. If a population of fruit flies has a life span of 80 days at a temperature of 10 degrees and a life span of 50 days at a temperature of 20 degrees, write a linear relationship between the temperature and the life span. What is the life span at a temperature of 25 degrees? At what temperature is the life span 92 days? 2. Happy Cow 2% reduced fat milk can be used 10 days after opening if it is stored at 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 25 days after opening if it is stored at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Assume that the number of days that fresh milk stars unspoiled depends linearly on the temperature at which the milk is kept. a. Write a linear equation for this relationship. b. How long will the milk stay unspoiled at 34 degrees? c. If the milk is supposed to last 30 days, at what temperature should it be stored? d. What is the slope of your equation and what does it mean in practical terms? Make sure you interpret the slope as a rate. 3. Suppose there were 200 web pages on a particular site on June 1, 2005. Suppose that 5 weeks later there were 206 web pages on that site. a. Write a linear equation that gives the number of web pages on the site n weeks after June 1, 2005. b. How many web pages were on the site on June 22, 2005? c. When were there 224 web pages on the site? d. What is the slope of your equation and what does it mean in practical terms? Make sure you interpret the slope as a rate. 4. Savannah worked 12 hours one week and earned $100.80. The next week she worked 17 hours and earned $142.80. Write a linear equation that gives Savannah’s weekly wages based on the number of hours she worked that week. If Savannah works 15 hours in a week, how much does she make? If Savannah earns $193.20 in a week, how many hours does she work? 5. Suppose that a 9 lb turkey takes 3 hours to cook and a 20 lb turkey takes 6 hours and forty minutes to cook. Write a linear equation describing this relationship. How many hours does a 14 lb turkey take to cook? If a turkey takes 4 hours to cook, how much does the turkey weigh? 6. Logan and Elijah are starting a business tutoring students in math. They rent an office for $400 per month and charge $40 per hour per student. Write a linear equation that gives their monthly profit in terms of the total number of hours they spend tutoring in a month. How many hours must they tutor in a month to cover the cost of renting the office? What is their profit if they tutor a total of 23 hours in a month? How many hours do they have to tutor in a month in order to make a profit of $2040? 7. In 1990, 35 million years of healthy life was lost globally due to tobacco. This quantity grew linearly at a rate of 28 million years each decade. In contrast, 100 million years of healthy life were lost due to diarrhea in 1990, with the rate going down linearly 22 million years each decade. Write two linear equations representing the years of healthy life (in millions) lost to tobacco and diarrhea. Find the year the amount of healthy life lost to tobacco first exceeded that lost to diarrhea. 8. A bike shop rents mountain bikes for an $8.50 insurance charge plus $3.50 per hour. Write an equation that gives the total cost of renting a mountain bike based upon the number of hours rented. How much does it cost to rent a bike for 4 hours? How many hours can you rent a mountain bike for $33. 9. The equation 200 A 100C 1500 relates the adult ticket price, A, (in dollars) to the children’s ticket price, C, (in dollars) for a spaghetti dinner to raise $1500 in funds for the zoo. a. Solve the equation for C. b. What is the slope of this linear relationship and what does it mean in practical terms? c. What are the horizontal and vertical–intercepts of this equation? d. What do these intercepts mean in practical terms? MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 e. If adult tickets cost $6 each, what does a child’s ticket cost? 10. On January 1, 1990, the population of Georgia was 6.5 million and the population of North Carolina was 6.8 million. On January 1, 2003, the population of Georgia was 8.7 million and the population of North Carolina was 8.4. Write two linear equations to model the populations of the two states. Use your equations to determine when the two states will have equal populations. What is that population? Linear Models Supplement (the answers) 1. Let L represent the life span of the fruit fly (in days) at a temperature of T (in degrees Celsius). L 3T 110 The life span is 35 days when the temperature is 25 degrees Celsius. The temperature is 6 degrees Celsius when the life span is 92 days. 2. a. Let N represent the number of days the milk can be used if it is stored at a temperature of T (in degrees Fahrenheit). N 2T 90 b. The milk can be used for 22 days if it is stored at 34 degrees Fahrenheit. c. If the milk is stored at 30 degrees Fahrenheit, then it can be used for 30 days. d. The slope is 2 and it means that the number of days the milk can be used is decreasing at a rate of days 2 . °F 3. a. Let W represent the number of web pages on the site n weeks after June 1, 2005. W 1.2n 200 b. There were 203.6 web pages on the site on June 22, 2005. c. There were 224 web pages on the site on October 19, 2005. d. The slope is 1.2 which means that the number of web pages is increasing at a rate of web pages 1.2 week 4. Let W represent Savannah’s weekly pay (in dollars) if she works h hours. W 8.4h Savannah makes $126 if she works 15 hours in a week. Savannah works 23 hours if she makes $193.20 in a week. 5. Let t represent the time (in minutes) it takes a turkey that weighs w (in lbs) to cook. t 20w It takes 4 hours and 40 minutes for a 14 lb turkey to cook. A 12 lb turkey takes 4 hours to cook. 6. Let P represent their monthly profit (in dollars) if they tutor for a total of h hours in a month. P 40h 400 They must tutor a total of 10 hours in a month to cover the cost of renting the office. They make a profit of $520 if they tutor a total of 23 hours in a month. The tutor a total of 61 hours if they make $2040 in a month. 7. Let T represent the number of years (in millions) of healthy life lost globally due to tobacco n years after 1990. Let D represent the number of years (in millions) of healthy life lost globally due to diarrhea n years after 1990. T 2.8n 35 D 2.2n 100 MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 These two lines intersect at n = 13, so the number of years of healthy life lost globally due to tobacco was the same as the number of years of healthy life lost globally due to diarrhea in 2003. After that, there have been more years of healthy life lost to tobacco than to diarrhea. 8. Let T represent the total cost (in dollars) to rent a mountain bike for h hours. T 3.5h 8.5 It costs $22.50 to rent a mountain bike for 4 hours. If you rent a mountain bike for 7 hours, the total cost is $33. 9. a. C 2 A 15 b. The slope is 2 which means that the cost of a child’s ticket is decreasing at a rate of dollars 2 . dollar increase in adult ticket price c. The horizontal-intercept is 7.5,0 and the vertical-intercept is 0,15 . d. The horizontal-intercept doesn’t have a practical meaning since the cost of an adult ticket cannot be negative. The vertical intercept means that if adult tickets are free, then the cost of a child’s ticket is $15. e. If adult tickets cost $6 each, a child’s ticket costs $3. 10. Let G represent the population of Georgia (in millions) at time, t, where time is measured in years since January 1, 1990. Let N represent the population of North Carolina (in millions) at time, t, where time is measured in years since January 1, 1990. 11 G t 6.5 65 8 N t 6.8 65 According to these equations, the two states will have equal populations 41 16 years after January 1, 1990, that is on March 1, 2031. The population will be about 13.5 million. MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 Getting Started with MyMathLab MyMathLab is an interactive website where you can: Self-test to improve your math skills and create your personal study plan Practice exercises to help with specific textbook sections View a video for further understanding Work interactive problems in the Multimedia textbook Use customized materials prepared by your instructor What do you need to get started? What steps do I take next? (More help in the beginning of your custom published text.) 1) In order to register, you will need the Course ID ____Please check your MyPCC email for this AFTER the course has begun. 2) Go to For an audio tour on how to register, click on ‘Take a Tour’, and select the ‘Register and enroll in a course with a code’ tour. 3) Click on the Students ‘Register’ button. 4) Enter your six-word access code found inside your student access kit, under the tab. 5) Register only ONCE using the access code in your kit. You will create your own Login Name and Password. After registration you’ll receive a confirmation email. 6) After you've registered: Login at (bookmark this URL), using the Login name and Password you have just created. 7) From the “Welcome page” click on your course, then choose the “Installation Wizard” link to check that your computer has the required set-up and plug-ins. The MathXL player must be installed for you to work exercises within the tutorial, homework, and tests. 8) For help on entering answers, go to the audio tour: and click on the How to Enter Answers Using the MathXL Player link. * If you have questions or need assistance call tech support at 1 800 677 6337 MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 MTH 60 Worksheet 1 (Blitzer 5ed 1.1-1.8, 4.1p224-225) Instructor: Linda Bastian Name_____________________________ Date_____________________________ Check for due date --To earn full credit for this worksheet, you must follow the MTH 60/65 Presentation Requirements/Documentation guidelines located towards the beginning of this packet. Please staple multiple pages. --You are encouraged to help each other, work together and/or get help, but identical or nearly identical, carbon copy work is subject to 50%-100% penalty. DO NOT COPY!! Do your own write up. --You can mail (postmark the day before the due date), deliver it to the receptionist in my office (use the Mail Slot if the office is closed), scan and email or fax the worksheet to me. I must be able to read the scan or fax. Use dark ink on white paper. --If you wish to have the graded worksheet mailed back to you, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Otherwise, I will leave your graded worksheet in “the tub” so that you can pick it up from the receptionist in ST 104. --Remember: Keep in mind that your homework is part of your "grade application," just as a cover letter and resume are part of a job application. Impressions count. Neatness and completeness make a lasting impression on the instructor (so does turning your homework in on time). You should work on a separate “draft” copy, then redo here when you’re sure of your answers. Keep your draft copy until your graded worksheet is returned. 1. Perform the indicated operation and simplify, if possible. Remember to start with the original expression and line up your equal signs. Show ALL of your work, including any reducing that you do. a. 1 2 3 15 b. 5 5 2 6 c. 1 5 6 6 d. 5 3 4 8 2. List all numbers from the set {2.4, 22,3, ,0, 36, 42 ,0.213} that are (a) natural numbers___________________________ (b) irrational numbers_________________________ (c) rational numbers__________________________ 3. Simplify 2 7 3 4(1 2) MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 4. Plot the following points and indicate which quadrant each point is in. A (3, 2) B (2, 4) C (1,5) D ( 3, 0) 5. Fill in the following with word positive or negative to make a true statement. a. The product of a negative number and a positive number is a ___________number. b. The product of two negative numbers is a ___________number. c. The quotient of two negative numbers is a ___________number. d. The sum of two negative numbers is a ___________number. e. The reciprocal of a negative number is a ___________number. f. The absolute value of a negative number is a ___________number. g. The absolute value of a positive number is a ___________number. h. The opposite of a negative number is a ___________number. 6. If a = – 5, b = – 3 and c = 2 evaluate each expression. If the expression is undefined, say so. a. 4a – 7b + ac b. b b 2 4ac 2a MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 MTH 60 Worksheet 2 (Blitzer5 1.1,1.8,2.1-2.3) Instructor: Linda Bastian Name_____________________________ Date _____________________________ Check for due date --To earn full credit for this worksheet, you must follow the MTH 60/65 Presentation Requirements/Documentation guidelines located towards the beginning of this packet. Please staple multiple pages. --You are encouraged to help each other, work together and/or get help, but identical or nearly identical, carbon copy work is subject to 50%-100% penalty. DO NOT COPY!! Do your own write up. --You can mail (postmark the day before the due date), deliver it to the receptionist in my office (use the Mail Slot if the office is closed), scan and email or fax the worksheet to me. I must be able to read the scan or fax. Use dark ink on white paper. --If you wish to have the graded worksheet mailed back to you, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Otherwise, I will leave your graded worksheet in “the tub” so that you can pick it up from the receptionist in ST 104. --Remember: Keep in mind that your homework is part of your "grade application," just as a cover letter and resume are part of a job application. Impressions count. Neatness and completeness make a lasting impression on the instructor (so does turning your homework in on time). You should work on a separate “draft” copy, then redo here when you’re sure of your answers. Keep your draft copy until your graded worksheet is returned. 1. Simplify 3a 5b 7a 6b . Remember to start with the original expression on the left of the = sign and one simplification on the right, then line up the = signs as you show simplification on the right hand side (Check the documentation guidelines for an example). 2. Simplify 6 x 3x[5 2(3 x 5 y )] y . Remember to start with the original expression, etc. MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 3. Solve and check. 3 r 5 . Show all of your work. example). 4. Solve and check. 2 5 t . Show all of your work. 7 3 (Check the documentation guidelines for an MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 5. Solve and check. 7 x 8( x 1) 4( x 3) 3 x . Show all of your work. MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 6. Solve and check. 5b 2b 5 5b is the same as b ) 2 1 . Show all of your work. (Hint for the check: 4 4 4 3 MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 MTH 60 Worksheet 3 (Blitzer5ed 2.4,2.5,3.1-3.3) Instructor: Linda Bastian Name_____________________________ Date _____________________________ Check for due date --To earn full credit for this worksheet, you must follow the MTH 60/65 Presentation Requirements/Documentation guidelines located towards the beginning of this packet. Please staple multiple pages. --You are encouraged to help each other, work together and/or get help, but identical or nearly identical, carbon copy work is subject to 50%-100% penalty. DO NOT COPY!! Do your own write up. --You can mail (postmark the day before the due date), deliver it to the receptionist in my office (use the Mail Slot if the office is closed), scan and email or fax the worksheet to me. I must be able to read the scan or fax. Use dark ink on white paper. --If you wish to have the graded worksheet mailed back to you, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Otherwise, I will leave your graded worksheet in “the tub” so that you can pick it up from the receptionist in ST 104. --Remember: Keep in mind that your homework is part of your "grade application," just as a cover letter and resume are part of a job application. Impressions count. Neatness and completeness make a lasting impression on the instructor (so does turning your homework in on time). You should work on a separate “draft” copy, then redo here when you’re sure of your answers. Keep your draft copy until your graded worksheet is returned. 1. Solve p 15 5d for d. 11 MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 2. The product of 3 more than a number and 11 is 165. What is the number? Remember to define your variable, show all of your work and answer in a complete sentence. MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 3. A rectangular sandbox is 1 34 feet longer than it is wide. If the perimeter is 37 12 ft, what are the dimensions of the sandbox? Remember to define your variable (with units), show all of your work and answer in a complete sentence. (For full credit this must be done using only one variable. The 2 nd unknown must be defined in terms of the first unknown.) MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 4. At the north campus of a performing arts school, 10% of the students are music majors. At the south campus, 90% of the students are music majors. The campuses are merged into one east campus. If 42% of the 1000 students at the east campus are music majors, how many students did the north and south campuses have before the merger? Remember to use and define only one variable, show all of your work and answer in a complete sentence. MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 MTH 60 Worksheet (Blitzer5 4.1-4.4) Instructor: Linda Bastian Name_____________________________ Date _____________________________ Check for due date --To earn full credit for this worksheet, you must follow the MTH 60/65 Presentation Requirements/Documentation guidelines located towards the beginning of this packet. Please staple multiple pages. --You are encouraged to help each other, work together and/or get help, but identical or nearly identical, carbon copy work is subject to 50%-100% penalty. DO NOT COPY!! Do your own write up. --You can mail (postmark the day before the due date), deliver it to the receptionist in my office (use the Mail Slot if the office is closed), scan and email or fax the worksheet to me. I must be able to read the scan or fax. Use dark ink on white paper. --If you wish to have the graded worksheet mailed back to you, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Otherwise, I will leave your graded worksheet in “the tub” so that you can pick it up from the receptionist in ST 104. --Remember: Keep in mind that your homework is part of your "grade application," just as a cover letter and resume are part of a job application. Impressions count. Neatness and completeness make a lasting impression on the instructor (so does turning your homework in on time). You should work on a separate “draft” copy, then redo here when you’re sure of your answers. Keep your draft copy until your graded worksheet is returned. 1. Graph 3x 5 y 15 using intercepts and at least 2 other solutions. Be sure to label and scale the axes. Make sure I can follow your work on how you arrived at your graph. 2 2. Graph n t 5 using the slope and the vertical intercept. Be sure to label and scale the axes. Recall 3 that in this form, t is the independent (or input) variable and the equation will have solutions in the form (t, n). Make sure I can follow your work on how you arrived at your graph. MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 (in gallons) V is volume of water in the tub 3. Find the slope of the line graphed and explain what it means in practical terms. t is time since tub was plugged (in minutes) Figure 1: Volume of water in Lucy's bathtub 4. At 9:00 AM, Kieran rented a mountain bike from The Bike Gallery. He returned the bicycle at 11:00 AM, after cycling 14 mi. Kieran paid $15 for the rental. a. Find Kieran’s average speed, in miles per hour. b. Find the rental rate, in dollars per hour. c. Find the rental rate, in dollars per mile. MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 TVWeb course Video Summary Linda Bastian, Instructor I Name___________________________ Due when you take your midterm exam Choose one of the following TVWeb course videos from LESSON: 3, 5 or 8 (If you are webstreaming, there are 2 or more sessions-all 3 instructors- that go with each lesson.) 10 points (out of 200) part of Exam 1. This must be handed in when you take your exam. For the best learning experience and full credit, please choose problems that are somewhat challenging or enlightening for you. So even though 4 + 5 = 9 may be shown in Lesson 3, you would not get credit for that. 2 sides-Please staple any separate pages (0.5 pt) I have chosen the Video from Lesson #___ (0.5 pt) The title (topic covered) of this Lesson is ______________________. From each instructor, choose one example that was demonstrated and rewrite it here: Ann Sitomer (0.5 pt) The original problem (including directions) is: (1.5 pt) Show how the instructor answered the problem (make sure to include all the work) Steve Simonds (0.5 pt) The original problem (including directions) is: (1.5 pt) Show how the instructor answered the problem (make sure to include all the work) MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 Kandace Kling (0.5 pt) The original problem (including directions) is: (1.5 pt) Show how the instructor answered the problem (make sure to include all the work) 3 pts: Write a brief summary of at least 2 or 3 concepts explained in the video. MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 TVWeb course Video Summary Linda Bastian, Instructor Final Name___________________________ Due when you take your Final Choose one of the following TVWeb course videos from LESSON: 10, 11, 12, 15, 17 (If you are web-streaming, there are 2 or more sessions-all 3 instructors-that go with each lesson.) 10 points (out of 200) part of Exam 1. This must be handed in when you take your exam. For the best learning experience and full credit, please choose problems that are somewhat challenging or enlightening for you. So even though 4 + 5 = 9 may be shown in Lesson 3, you would not get credit for that. 2 sides-Please staple any separate pages (0.5 pt) I have chosen the Video from Lesson #___ (0.5 pt) The title (topic covered) of this Lesson is ______________________. From each instructor, choose one example that was demonstrated and rewrite it here: Ann Sitomer (0.5 pt) The original problem (including directions) is: (1.5 pt) Show how the instructor answered the problem (make sure to include all the work) Steve Simonds (0.5 pt) The original problem (including directions) is: (1.5 pt) Show how the instructor answered the problem (make sure to include all the work) MTH 60 TVWeb Packet v3.0 Kandace Kling (0.5 pt) The original problem (including directions) is: (1.5 pt) Show how the instructor answered the problem (make sure to include all the work) 3 pts: Write a brief summary of at least 2 or 3 concepts explained in the video.