chronic wounds

Based on a presentation by
Dr. David Thomas
at the AMDA Convention
Four Kinds of Chronic Wounds
Pressure Ulcer (PU)
Diabetic Ulcer (DU)
Venous Ulcer (VU)
Arterial Ulcer (AU)
Chronic Ulcer Types
Etiology is different
Treatment is different
Outcome is different
Gestalt is different
Differential Diagnosis
PU Bony Prom
DU Callus
Neuropathy/trauma Borders
VU Calf/ankle
AU Distal points
Venous Stasis
arterial flow
Diagnostic Approach
Wound over bony prominence
DM with neuropathy, recurrent trauma,
surrounding callus (DU)
PVD, wet or dry gangrene (AU)
Signs of venous stasis/calf or ankle
Other causes possible, but rare
Pain in Chronic Ulcers
DU: no or diminished pain,
VU: little pain, intact sensation
PU: intermittent pain
AU: constant pain
Pressure Ulcers
Visible evidence of pathological
interruption of blood flow to dermal tissues
Chief cause: sustained pressure
Most commonly over sacrum, hip
Pressure Ulcers:
What Works
Must relieve pressure or it won’t heal.
Must use moist dressing or it won’t heal.
Types of Moist Dressings
Wet to wet: cheapest
Hydrocolloid: for dirty areas
Hydrogel/ Foam/ Alginates/
Biomembranes/ Collagen
Thin Film Polymers: tear off top
layer of cells
Most doctors treat few pressure
Very few good studies; none for most
Treatment modalities for pressure
ulcers are considered devices: only
safety, NOT efficacy, must be proved.
Treatments Proven
NOT to Work
Zinc paste
Gold leaf
Aluminum foil
Topical insulin
Dry dressings
Treatments with No Data
Magnet therapy
Honey/ Sugar
“Skin equivalents”
Treatments With
Very Flawed Data
Vitamin C
Patient’s serum mixed with
proprietary gel
Vacuum therapy
Electrical stimulation
Topical Phenytoin
Cytokine growth factors
Other Effective Treatments
Sheng-ji-san (SJS)
Any kind of pressure relieving bed
Debridement of necrotic tissue:
surgical (required if infected),
autolytic, enzymatic
Pearls from Dr. Thomas
Hydrocolloid dressings are
impervious to urine and feces but
cannot change dressing.
Heel ulcers have a very thin layer of
tissue underneath: debridement
exposes bone. Debride only if
tissue is infected; otherwise form
crust with betadyne and use boots.
Pressure Ulcer Guidelines
Address nutrition
Promote granulation tissue
Promote epithelialization
Prevent contamination
Stage I: Thin film polymer
Stage II: Moist gauze (wet-to-wet) or
Stage III/ IV with dead space/ exudate:
hydrogel, wet-to-wet, or hydrocolloid with
synthetic absorption dressing below.
Stage III/ IV with necrosis: debride,
then treat as III/ IV above.
Nursing Home Pearl
Home health nursing and nursing
home care plans of ulcers tend to
call for improved nutrition and
healing; if pressure ulcers have
occurred because the patient is
dying/ not eating, make sure the
care plan reflects that (for liability
and survey purposes).
Venous Stasis Ulcers
An area of discontinuity of the epidermis,
persisting for 4 weeks or more, occurring
as a result of venous hypertension and
calf muscle pump insufficiency.
Must exclude arterial disease, neuropathy,
diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis,
hemoglobinopathies, and carcinoma.
Biopsy if long-standing or looks weird.
Diagnosis of Venous Ulcers
Location on the calf
Bronzing (lipodermatosclerosis)
Exclusion of arterial insufficiency by
bounding DP pulses, or ABI > 0.8
Tend to be slow-healing (~90% heal by
one year), irregular, and associated with
edema and sloughing
Treatment of VU:
What Works
Must compress the calf, or it won’t
However, arterial insufficiency is an
absolute contraindication to
compression therapy
Must carefully assess for arterial flow
Compression Options for VU
ACE wrap: useful for removing edema
Unna boot: works via muscle contraction
against the hard shell; will not work in a
nonambulatory patient
Venous support hose: comes 25 to 35
mmHg, but 35 needed to work
All compression must be wrapped tight
enough to be effective
Infection in VU
All VU’s are colonized
No evidence that colonization impairs
healing, though may interfere with a graft
Don’t culture VU’s!
Recognition of Infection
in VU’s
Increased pain
Increased skin erythema
Ulcer rapidly becomes larger
If infected, treat with systemic
VU Treatments
Hydrocolloid dressing
Cadexomer iodine topically
Trental (anticytokine) and
Artificial skin
Skin graft
Ineffective VU
Treatments (RCT’s)
Antibiotics, including
Silver sulfadiazine
Secondary Prevention
in VU’s
Recurrence in ~57%
Reflux in deep veins in 50 to 71%
Prior DVT causes 95% of DV reflux
Venous support hose may reduce
recurrence rate (unpublished data)
Treatment Guidelines--VU
Use moist wound dressings
Use a compression bandage system
Don’t use AB’s/antiseptics unless infected
Use grafting/artificial skin only if all other
treatments have failed—very expensive,
and high recurrence rate
Diabetic Ulcers
Chronic ulcer in a diabetic patient, not
primarily due to other causes
Extrinsic causes: smoking, friction, burn
Intrinsic causes: neuropathy,
macrovascular and microvascular
disease, immune dysfunction, deformity,
reopened previous ulcer
Neuropathy in DU
Use monofilament for 5 seconds or less,
to avoid triggering propioceptors
Also assess temperature sensation—
may use reflex hammer
Can test pinprick and 2-point
Co-Morbidity in DU
Peripheral vascular disease occurs in
11% of diabetic patients
Peripheral neuropathy occurs in 42% of
diabetic patients
PVD is associated with delayed ulcer
healing and increased rates of
Treatment of DU:
What Works
Must surgically debride ulcer to allow
healing: the wound edges are dead
Weekly debridement down to healthy
bleeding tissue gives best results
Must keep pressure off the ulcers to
allow healing
Pressure Reduction Off DU
Orthopedic shoes: drop recurrence
rate from 83% to 17%
Total contact casting
Total Contact Casting
Worsens the ulcer if not applied perfectly
Need to find a consultant for this task on
whom you can rely
Other Possibly
Helpful Treatments
Moist dressings (clearly better than dry)
Hyperbaric O2
Dermagraft (cultured skin—human)
Platelet-derived growth factor
Antibiotics (ineffective if uncomplicated)
Questionable effectiveness: U/S,
electrical stimulation
Pathogens in DU Infections
Mild severity: tend to be Staph and Strep
Moderate severity (i.e. non-limb
threatening): Staph, Strep, and gram neg
Severe/limb-threatening: usually 5 to 6
organisms, including Staph, Strep, E. coli,
Enterobacter, Bacteroides, Proteus,
Pseudomonas, and MRSA
Dx of Osteomyelitis in DU
Pearl: A steel probe contacting
bone, especially if consistency of
bone is crumbly, has PPV 89% and
NPV 56%
MRI best imaging modality; serial
films also of some benefit
Bone scan non-specific
Bone biopsy gold standard
Effective treatment: amputation
Arterial Ulcers--AU
Tend to occur on distal areas
Diminished/absent pulses
Punched-out appearance, or
Requires either salvage
revascularization, or amputation—
usually the latter
Diagnosis: ABI
ABI= LE systolic BP/Brachial art syst BP
ABI < 0.7 abnormal; < 0.4 unlikely to heal
Can perform in FMC
Values: 0.9-1.30 normal; 0.7-0.89 mild;
0.4-0.69 moderate; < 0.4 severe
Medical Treatment of AU
Control DM and HTN
Moderate exercise
Smoking cessation
Dry dressings (dry gangrene preferable)
? Pletal, gingko biloba
What Works: AU
if ABI < 0.4
Do not compress if ABI < 0.7