Study Guide

Chapter 1 Study Guide – Cells
1. State the cell theory.
2. Two or more elements combine to make a ____________________________.
3. What does resolution mean?
4. What is an element?
5. What is the function if the cell membrane?
6. The invention of the microscope made it possible for people to discover_____________.
7. Which organelle is the control center of a cell?
8. Which organelle stores food and other material needed by the cell?
9. What is the function of the mitochondria?
10. How do the cell wall and cell membrane differ?
11. All organic compounds contain the element__________________.
12. What is the function of the cell wall?
13. Why is water important for a cell?
14. _____________________ are important because they speed up chemical reactions.
15. What are both the cell membrane and water involved in?
16. What is active transport?
17. What is diffusion?
18. What is a compound microscope?
19. Cells are the basic units of structure and _____________________ in living things.
20. What is a chromatin?
21. What is a chemical compound?
22. What organic compound are sugars and starches made of?
23. Active transport requires the cell to use its own _________________________.
24. Since carbon cannot be broken down into simpler substances, it is an example of
25. What is tissue?
26. Describe the two methods of active transport.
27. How is a cell membrane like a window screen?
28. How can you tell the difference between an animal cell, a plant cell and a bacteria cell?
29. What is the function of Golgi body?
30. Be able to label and describe the function of
a. nucleus
b. mitochondria
c. endoplasmic reticulum