Study Guide Chapter 5

What group wanted to set up a
“City on a Hill” and why? Who was
the leader of this colony?
Know the difference between a fact
and an opinion. Write 10 word on the
back which are opinion words.
The Puritans wanted a “City on a
Hill” They wanted the settlement
to be an example of Christian
A fact is a statement that can be
proved or supported by evidence. An
opinion is a statement that tells what
a person feels or believes – it is
believed by one person or group.
John Winthrop was the leader.
Great best, excellent, What a waste!,
I believer, I think,
What was the name of the war
between the New England Colonists
and the Native Americans in 1675?
King Philips War
Who was Thomas Hooker?
Why did he leave the Massachusetts
Bay Colony and where did he go and
how did he effect this new colony?
- Disagreed with Puritan leaders
- Looking for fertile land
- Founded Hartford which helped
to form Connecticut
Who was David Thomson?
Why did he leave the Massachusetts
Bay Colony? Where did he go and
how did he effect this new colony?
Who was Roger Williams?
Why did he leave the Massachusetts
Bay Colony? Where did he go and how
did he effect this new colony?
- Left for economic
- Formed a fishing settlement
- Founded Portsmouth which
joined with others to form the
colony of New Hampshire
- Expelled after spreading “new
and dangerous opinions”
- He believed that church and
colonial government should be
- Moved southwest of Boston and
lived with the Narragansett
- Founded Providence, and later
joined with Anne Hutchinson to
form the colony of Rhode Island.
Who was Anne Hutchinson? Where
did she go?
Why did she leave the
Massachusetts Bay Colony and how
did she effect this new colony?
- She was found guilty of
sedition and expelled from
- Started a settlement on an
island near Providence
- Later joined with Roger
Williams’s settlement and
formed the colony of Rhode
Who could attend town meetings in
the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
- Everyone could attend town
- Only free white men who
owned property could vote.
Who was Metacomet?
- Leader of the Wampanoag Tribe
- Known as King Philip
- Tried to unite the Native
Americans against the colonists
- Killed while fighting in King
Philip’s War
Know the different jobs of men and
women in the Massachusetts Bay
Colony. Write them on the back of
this card
Women/Girls: Prepared food, spun
thread and made clothing, made soap
and candles
Men/Boys: Worked in the fields, cut
wood, made their own tools
Write down the words you think are
the most challenging.
Write down the words you think are
the most challenging.
Triangular Trade Routes?
Navel Stores?
Middle Passage?
Name three items the colonists
were not able to make themselves in
the colonies and imported from
Paper, paint, lead, cloth, shoes, tea,
spices, and wine
Name three of New England’s natural
How did the economy of New England
depend on these? Name specific
things they made, ate, or traded.
Trees: built ships, barns, churches,
and houses
Fish: Surplus were dried, packed in
barrels, and set to markets in other
English Colonies of Europe
How was ship building important to
the New England Colonies?
- There was a demand for ships
in England
- Ships could be built at a low
cost in New England because
of the natural resource of
- Due to the shipbuilding
industry contributed to the
growth of coastal towns and
other cities.
Who were the Narragansett Tribe?
Whales: The colonists used the
blubber for oil to be used in lamps
What are “naval stores?”
The products used to build ships.
Two examples: turpentine and tar –
used to help prevent leaks in ships.
What was the Triangular Trade Route
and the Middle Passage?
The Native American tribe who gave
Roger Williams shelter after he was Triangular Trade Route: The trade
expelled from Massachusetts.
routes that connected England, the
English colonies, and Africa.
Middle Passage: The route taken by
millions of enslaved Africans who
were placed on ships and forced to
travel across the Atlantic Ocean from
Africa to the West Indies. Many died
during the Middle Passage.