
Department of Educational Technology
EDT 655- Developing Grant Proposals Integrating Technology
Action Assignment 6 – The Grant Proposal
Name: Bradley P. Dodge
School & Grade Level: Northland Pines Middle School Grades 6-8
Cohort/School District: Northland Pines School District
Grant Title: After School Biking Club
Grantor: Wellpoint Foundation
Grantor’s url:
Cover Letter or Fitness
Action Assignment 5
Rating Scale: 2= strong 1= average 0= weak
Attention-grabbing, pointed out project’s uniqueness, explicitly made vision
statement, irrefutably linked proposed project with grantor’s interests;
project has a clear fit with the funder’s priorities and parameters; correctly
and consistently followed grantor’s format and guidelines; no spelling or
grammatical errors
Abstract or Summary
Action Assignment 5
Coherent, concise and complete description of the project- addressing all of
the required elements; showed overall value of the project (the relationship
of benefits to costs) is high; unique and innovative; correctly and consistently
followed grantor’s format and guidelines; no spelling or grammatical errors
Statement of Need Action
Assignment 1
demonstrated an urgent need using recent data, case studies, interviews,
survey results, media attention, etc. supported statements with references
(literature review), correctly and consistently followed grantor’s format and
guidelines; no spelling or grammatical errors
Goals & Objectives
Action Assignment 1
Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound goals and
correctly and consistently followed grantor’s format and guidelines; no
spelling or grammatical errors
Sound Methodologies w/
Technology Integration
Action Assignment 1
Described specific activities and procedures, included who will what, how and
when, with corresponding expected outcomes for each activity with
innovative use of emerging technologies; correctly and consistently followed
grantor’s format and guidelines; no spelling or grammatical errors
Action Assignment 4
Demonstrated institutional support by stating mission of the organization,
history, leadership and programs that relate to the project being proposed;
convincingly established the capacity of the organization to undertake the
proposed project; attached signed assurances, updated vita of key personnel
Evaluation Plan
Action Assignment 3
Described both formative and summative evaluation to determine if goals and
objectives are met; provided information regarding internal or external
evaluation; purposefully triangulated data sources; correctly and consistently
followed grantor’s format and guidelines; no spelling or grammatical errors
Dissemination &
Action Assignment 3
Budget & Sustainability
Action Assignment 2
Other ConsiderationsOverall Presentation,
Action Assignment 6
Realistic plan for sharing lessons learned (i.e. publication, replication, blogs);
correctly and consistently followed grantor’s format and guidelines; no
spelling or grammatical errors
Showed budget in table form with other sources of funding, both cash and inkind; included narrative to demonstrate how the project will continue after
the grant has run out; correctly and consistently followed grantor’s format
and guidelines; no spelling or grammatical errors
Complete, accurate and relevant References and Appendix as required by
grantor; current cited sources (within the last 5 years); The overall value of
the project (the relationship of benefits to costs) is high; Submitted clean
final copy in one Word document on or before due date, professional and
scholarly writing, easy to understand, well-organized, flows logically, visual
presentation is effective; helpful graphics/charts/tables, (pursuant to funder
preferences); the proposal is neat and orderly; correctly and consistently
followed grantor’s format and guidelines; no spelling or grammatical errors
Decision: 18-20= Accept;
15-7= Resubmit Less than 15= Reject
Note: Points will be deducted from the total for late submission
Comments: I could not get my hands on my school districts real tax ID #. I got three different
numbers from teachers and the district office and none of them could be recognized by the Wellpoint
Foundation website. The application process will not let you proceed without the correct number.
I have a few calls in to Wellpoint itself and they have not returned my messages at this point.
Bradley P. Dodge
749 State Hwy 32
Three Lakes, WI 54562
Wellpoint Foundation, Inc.
120 Monument Circle
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Attn – Scott Larrivee
Dear Scott,
Aug 7, 2011
At Northland Pines Middle School in Eagle River, Wisconsin we have a motto: “SUCCESS Is
Measured ONE STEP AT A TIME”. To help students take those steps, we need to set expectations
and plan for the growth of our students. The physical education department strives to foster that
growth through education, activity and new experiences. One of our goals is to start an after school
biking club for the upcoming school year to provide new experiences for interested students.
To reach this goal we are asking for $3600.00. These funds will purchase five new mountain bikes
and bike tune-ups for the next three years. This money will go directly towards our students
developing healthy habits and a lifelong appreciation for exercise.
The goal of this biking club is to give students an additional 120 minutes of exercise each week. For
some students this might be the only exercise they get outside of school physical education. This
additional time will help them develop sound habits and improve their cardiovascular health.
The Wellpoint Foundation website talks about the Healthy Generations Program.
The main goal of this program is to improve the overall health of Americans.
It lists nine ways to accomplish this goal. At the top of this list is reducing the obesity rate in
America’s youth. This biking club will definitely help to accomplish this goal in my middle school.
Some of the specific goals of the club include:
- Finding off-road routes to increase the difficulty level.
- Teaching students basic bike maintenance so they can take care of their own bikes at home.
- Riding to local fast-food restaurants to make healthy food choices off the menu
- Inviting teachers outside of the P.E. staff so students can interact with a variety of their current
We think this biking club will make an immediate impact on the lives of our students but we need your
Thank you very much for your consideration in supporting this important idea. If you have any
questions please feel free to contact me at any time.
Bradley P. Dodge
Northland Pines Middle School
Physical Education/Health Teacher
Hm phone: (715)546-2112 cell: (715)617-6287
Childhood obesity is a real problem in the United States. Middle school students in
northern Wisconsin have many distractions to keep them from eating right and exercising.
The Northland Pines Middle School in Eagle River Wisconsin is no exception. We live in a
very large school district in terms of square miles. Almost every student I teach gets a ride
to school instead of walking or riding a bike. I would like to change that trend by starting
an after school biking club to get students interested in the sport of biking and the exercise
it provides.
My fellow physical education teachers and I are asking for funds that will go directly
towards changing the lives of our students. This biking club will teach them a skill they can
use right away and for the rest of their lives.
Statement of Need
The Northland Pines School District in Eagle River Wisconsin is a very large district in terms of square miles.
Very few students walk or ride bikes to school. There is a strong need for after school activities. There is an
even stronger need for organized activity that involves exercise. An after school biking club would be an
excellent choice for an after school activity. Our middle school PE department needs $3600.00 to start an after
school biking club that would meet twice a week during the Fall and Spring.
Biking is a great low impact form of exercise and has slowly lost popularity in our school district. Students that
live in town indicated that they use bikes much more than students living far from school. I ask my students all
the time how much they bike and overall the response is very low.
There is no coincidence that the state of Wisconsin shows similar trends in teenage obesity rates. From 1985 to
2009 teenage obesity rose over 10% in the state of WI. (Centers for Disease Control,
Fast food, video games and the internet are some of the reasons that keep kids from being active.
Today's youth just doesn't exercise as much as they used to at home and I would like to help to change that trend
or at least give them fun opportunities to try while at school.
I would like to minimize these obesity rates by making bicycling available to students during and after school.
Biking during school would be through our middle school PE program. I would like to also establish an after
school biking club to give more kids the chance to exercise outside of PE. This program should help students
that cannot afford bikes or do not have suitable places to ride them at home.
We would track our progress by taking height and weight and body composition at the beginning of school and
periodically throughout the year. This will be a good way to see if students are getting benefits from this club.
We will also talk about good eating habits and choices and bike to local eating places. When we get to these
fast food places, we will choose the healthiest options from their menu.
I am really looking forward to getting this club started and helping students get more exercise through the sport
of biking.
Do What?
Northland Pines Middle School students (grades
After school biking club for 60 minutes
Twice each week in the months that weather will
permit outdoor biking.
To increase the overall popularity of biking and
increase cardiovascular activity for students
Physical evaluation will be done 3 times
throughout the 2011-2012 school year.
How measured?
Sound Methods/Integration of Technology
The after school biking club will be held twice each week during the months of September,
October, April and May. We will also explore the opportunity of stationary biking in our fitness
center during the winter months.
We will take height/weight/body composition at the beginning of the club. We will take it again
during the winter and one more measurement at the end of the school year. We will plug this
information into the Fitnessgram data base to compare students to the national averages. We
will also compare their cardiovascular tests (PACER Test) throughout the year to see if they
are improving their overall fitness.
Organizational Credibility:
The Wellpoint Foundation made a commitment in 2007 to help change the health of the United States
in a number of Philanthropic ways. Their commitment to improving the lives of the people they serve
and the health of their communities by launching the State Health Index. They also introduced the
Healthy Generations Program.
Their website lists nine main ways to accomplish these goals. At the top of this list is reducing the
obesity rate in America’s youth.
The grant I am applying for is funding for an after school bike club. The main reason for this club is to
give students the opportunity to do something active after school twice a week. Many of our students
do not own bikes or do not ride bikes to school. This club will give them healthy alternatives to video
games, surfing the internet and watching television. I believe our grant idea lines up perfectly with the
goals of the Wellpoint Foundation commitment to a healthier America.
Our Northland Pines school district mission statement has many points that line up with the Wellpoint
Foundations goals as well. Specifically, “promoting lifelong learning” and “building school, family and
community partnerships.” Similar points are mentioned many times on the Wellpoint website as well.
From Wellpoint Foundation Website:
Our Mission:
“We seek to improve lives and communities by addressing preventable health concerns
through strategic, charitable choices.”
“Our goal is to improve the health of our communities by focusing resources on improving
nine key health care concerns.”
It is clear that Wellpoint and my school district understand that building community relationships are
extremely important. We also agree that building healthy habits at a young age is extremely
Plan for Evaluation:
Evaluation of After School Biking Club:
The goal of our after school biking club is to get more students involved in physical
activity outside of school. The only way we can find out if this club is beneficial to our
students is through formative data collection.
We will start this data by collecting height and weight from each participant the first day
of the club. I will strongly encourage this but will keep this optional due to the invasive
nature of the information. I will stress to the students how we need to prove that this
club is effective and this is the best way to do that.
The information collected will be compared to the Fitnessgram data program comparing
our students to the national average. This data will be external (objective) in nature.
The second source of evaluation will be through a student journal. Students will be
asked to chart their food choices in their journal and this journal will be discussed with
the club mentors (teachers). Prior to entering this information the students will be
instructed on how to make good food choices at home and out in public. This journal
will be a good source of internal (subjective) information. We will use both sources of
information to determine the effectiveness of our club.
We will spread the word of our biking club in our bi-monthly PE Newsletter, Middle
School Newsletter (4 times a year) and Northland Pines School District Newsletter (4
times a year). We will also have a link to the club information on our district homepage
These sources are the best way to contact parents about the club and hopefully stir up
more interest and more members.
I will give my physical education classes periodic updates about the club and will
encourage word of mouth dissemination through our members. Hearing that the club is
fun from peers is the best form of advertisement we can get.
Budget and Sustainability:
Budget for Biking Club Grant Request –
2011-12 School Year: Northland Pines
Middle School P.E.
n/a – volunteer teachers will rotate after
school biking club supervision
Fringe Benefits
Equipment will be purchased locally at Mel’s
Sporting Goods in Rhinelander, WI.
No travel will be needed.
We wish to purchase five smaller bikes than
the ones we have. Trek bikes with 13 inch
One dozen replacement tire and tube kits to
repair our own tires when necessary. One
bike repair kit for repairs.
In-Kind Contributions
In-direct Costs
Five Trek 13 inch mountain bikes
One Bike Repair Kit
12 bike tubes
6 bike tires
End of Year Bike Maintenance
For 30 Mountain Bikes (2 years)
- Repairs to be done by Mel’s
Sporting Goods Mechanic
Yearly maintenance on 30 bikes for two
5 @ $349.99
@ $149.99
@ $7.00 each
@$35.00 each
@$20.00 per bike
Subtotal: $3393.94
Tax: $186.67
Shipping: n/a
Total for Grant Request: $3580.61
Budget Justification: This grant in the amount of $3580.61 will help establish an after school biking club
for the Northland Pines Middle School. The funds we are requesting will be used specifically for this
club. The maintenance of the bikes will help to reduce the wear and tear that this club puts on our
existing P.E. bikes and the new bikes supplied by the grant. The need for 5 new bikes is realistic and
necessary request. We have 24 bikes right now and many of them are too large for the smaller students
in our middle school. In a typical PE class of 24 students, 4-5 students are riding bikes too large for them
during the biking unit. This can be dangerous when students do not have control of the bike because it
does not fit their body.
Sustainability: Our middle school physical education department will do everything we can to keep this
club going for as long as we can. After the money is used up from this grant we will continue to provide
maintenance on these bikes through P.E. department budget funds. We will also look into additional
grants or to our PTSA organization that is very generous in supplying small amounts of money to
educational causes.
This club will help students develop lifelong exercise habits through a low stress form of activity. Biking
is something they can do for the rest of their lives.
Thank you for your consideration.
Works Cited:
Centers for Disease Control,
Page 2
Budget and Sustainability
Pages 6-7
Cover Letter
Page 1
Evaluation Plan
Page 5
Dissemination Plan
Page 5
Goals and Objectives
Page 3
Organization Credibility
Page 4
Sound Methodology/Integration of
Page 4
Statement of Need
Page 3
Works Cited
Page 7