DCOG ANNUAL REPORT FY 2010-2011 PRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON COOPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS Director-General: Mr. E Africa 18 October 2011 OVERVIEW OF THE PRESENTATION Organisational Structure of the Department Restructuring Process Performance of the Department Financial performance 2010/11 Disaster Interventions LGTAS / Outcome 9 Response to concerns raised by the Portfolio Committee on the Annual Report (AR) FY 2009/2010 8. Highlights: Annual Report FY 2010/11 9. Summary of Performance: FY 2010/11 10. Programme progress against annual targets 11. Initiatives to address Auditor-General’s findings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2 OVERVIEW OF THE PRESENTATION Organisational Structure of the Department Restructuring Process Performance of the Department Financial performance 2010/11 Disaster Interventions LGTAS / Outcome 9 3 MINISTRY COOPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS INTERNAL AUDIT DEPARTMENT OF COOPERATIVE GOVERNANCE DIRECTOR-GENERAL Mr E Africa DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS DIRECTOR-GENERAL ANTI CORRUPTION INSPECTORATE CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Dr KL Sebego BRANCH: PROVINCIAL AND MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT BRANCH: INFRASTUCTURE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BRANCH: POLICY, RESEARCH AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT CHIEF DIRECTORATE: LEGISLATIVE REVIEW AND DRAFTING Acting : Dr KL Sebego Mr R Hansby Mr T Fosi Ms V Ndah BRANCH: GOVERNANCE AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Mr KT Sigidi 1 BRANCH: NATIONAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE Acting : Ms M Sethusha BRANCH: CORPORATE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES Mr M Mtythda CHIEF DIRECTORATE: COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING Mr B Rakate RESTRUCTURING PROCESS • Dept embarked on a review of the organisational strategy after the 2009 national elections. • Strategy of the department was aligned to the expanded mandate of the new Department of Cooperative Governance, including the institutionalisation of the project management approach and establishment of provincial offices to enhance service delivery. • The implementation of the new structure is 90% completed. • SMS posts were filled through competitive placements and posts below SMS finalised through matching and placement. • Placement below SMS is 100% completed. • Throughout the process no employee lost their jobs or was in danger of losing their job. 5 RESTRUCTURING PROCESS cont. • POSTS STATISTICS: • SMS posts filled – 107 • SMS posts vacant – 18 • SMS structure with names (copy attached) • Nr of staff additional to the establishment: • SMS: 32 (current process underway to address this situation) • Level 1-12: 10 (staff appointed on contract for specific projects, i.e Masibambane & EU projects) 6 Overview of Achievement FY 2010/11 Achieved, 56 Not Achieved, 38 Partially Achieved, 25 32% 47% 21% Reasons for non-achievement as disclosed in the Annual Report is mainly due to capacity constraints experienced during this transition period. All the projects that have been partially and not achieved have been 7 catered for in the APP 2011/12 and are currently being implemented Expenditure Trends :2004/05 to 2010/11 R’000 50000000 44,456,410 45000000 40000000 35,348,095 36,016,101 35000000 30,029,716 30000000 24,573,267 25000000 20000000 15000000 15,957,562 13121077 10000000 5000000 0 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 The bar chart shows expenditure trends over a period of 7 years. The 2010/11 financial year 99.7% of the Total appropriation was spent. 8 Financial performance FY 2010/11 The post of CFO was only filled in January 2011 and that of the Executive Manager Internal Audit and Risk Management was only filled after March 2011; A functional Audit Committee is in place and chaired by Ms Nonhlanhla Khumalo; The findings of the AG was a qualification with reasons of incomplete disclosure of irregular expenditure; and The Department has adopted a post audit action plan after consultation with Executive Managers, a partnership between NT and DCoG is in place to assist with the post audit action plan 9 Financial performance FY 2010/11 Acquisition/logistics asset management (intangible assets), Asset management (tangible assets), Financial accounting services (fast), Internal Audit & Risk Management, Information Communication and Business Technologies, human capital management and Irregular expenditure We are in a process of appointing financial governance Advisor to assist monitoring of the plan We also initiated processes of strengthening systems and processes of accountability During the period under review we have undertaken disciplinary actions on irregular expenditure 10 Disaster Intervention • National State of Disaster declared on 21 January 2011 in 33 District and Metro municipalities in 8 provinces due to flooding and other related incidents following adverse weather conditions • Initial assessments conducted by Provinces and Municipalities estimated damages amounting to R 12 473 694 314 • Response & rehabilitation needs assessments undertaken by the NATJOC teams with the leadership of NDMC • Independent verification & costing (technical assessments), as required by NT, undertaken by professional services providers -verified infrastructural damages amounting to R3 897 083 291 • Priority Sectors identified by IMC for allocation of R 600mil (ring-fenced) for the disaster: Education (Schools, 30%), Transport (Roads & Bridges, 40%) & Human Settlements (Houses, 30%) • As from 1 April 2011, R1,850 billion new conditional grants funding for immediate disaster needs for both municipalities & provinces over the MTEF period in DORA. R775 mil for 2011/12. (R305m for provinces &R470m for municipalities) 11 Disaster Intervention Process When By Who Outcome Declaration of National State of Disaster (flooding & related events Dec 2010 and Jan 2011) 21 January 2011 Minister: COGTA 8 Provinces 33 Municipalities affected Initial assessments Jan , Feb 2011 Affected Municipalities, Provinces, Sectors Estimated damages: R 12 473 694 314 Identification of priority sectors for allocation of R600 million March 2011 IMC Schools (30%) Roads & Bridges (40%) Houses (30%) Response and rehabilitation needs assessments February 2011 NATJOC teams with leadership of NDMC Extent & nature of damages & priority needs to address Independent verification and costing technical assessments April – July 2011 Professional Service Providers Verified infrastructure. damages : R3 853 029 791 Formal Request for funding for the repair of flood damaged infrastructure in 8 provinces Aug, Sept DCoG (NDMC), NT R600mil immediate release to sector departments R 3 253 029 791 adjust. budget & MTEF period New Conditional Grant Funding for immediate disaster needs 1 April 11 (MTEF period) DORA to DCoG R775 mil in 2011/12 for immediate disaster needs Municipalities (R470m) & Provinces (R305m) 12 Lessons from disaster Pointed to key weaknesses & capacity challenges in the implementation of the Disaster Management Act and Framework across the spheres & sectors of government Challenges to address include credibility of information, quality & timeliness of reports, lack of dedicated capacity for DRM in municipalities & sector dept’s, funding mechanisms provided for in DM Act and Public Finance Management Act not implemented by organs of state Commitment of sector departments in disaster risk management processes are vital- multidisciplinary Technical Task Team of the National Disaster Management Advisory Forum in the process of streamlining response actions to ensure rapid and more effective response Acknowledge the need and importance to invest in disaster risk reduction (DRR) Need to streamline processes. It should however be noted that the verification & assessment process conducted over the past few months to meet the requirements to submit a request for funding, was done in the shortest period of time since the promulgation of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 also taking into consideration that the disaster covered 8 of 9 Provinces. 13 LGTAS/OUTCOME 9 • The Delivery Agreement was finalised this year • Politicians and MEC signed performance agreements • The department’s Annual Performance Plan aligned to LGTAS/Outcome 9 • Implementation Forum and Technical Implementation Forum established • Significant progress was made in the following areas: - CWP - Noted a fluctuation in vacancies (MM positions etc) - Access to basic services - Finalised the MSA by March 2011 - Significantly improved relationship with NT on key interventions 14 Response to concerns raised by the Portfolio Committee on the CoGTA Annual Report FY 2009/2010 Concerns Interventions by DCoG What is the department doing to ensure that emergency procedures are initiated to allow for immediate release and use of Disaster relief funds? • A new conditional grant (Provincial & Municipal) amounting to R775 mil for 2011/12 , was created on the Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs vote to enable immediate short term humanitarian relief after a disaster is declared. •The NDMC is currently revisiting the framework of the grant in order to be more efficient in response. •The NDMC is currently developing a mechanism for effective funding of the reconstruction infrastructural damage. •Emergency procedures to ensure immediate release funds are being developed. •The Financial and Fiscal Commission is undertaking research to recommend more effective disaster funding models. •The review of the Disaster Management Act (Act 57 of 2002) also includes reviewing the section on funding. 15 Response to concerns raised by the Portfolio Committee on the CoGTA Annual Report FY 2009/2010 Concerns Interventions by DCoG Lack of progress on fire services improvement, including the fact that legislation was not yet presented and no Board was in place. Deteriorating infrastructure, management of stations and lack of service in rural and township areas Legislation & Board Consultation sessions with provinces & municipalities on the scope of fire services legislation has commenced in August 2011. The principle of appointing ex officio members of the Fire Brigade Board (FBB) based on their portfolio has been implemented to limit disruptions due to changes in portfolios. Deteriorating infrastructure, management of stations & lack of service: Maintaining and provision of infrastructure, management of stations and provision of Fire Fighting services is the responsibility of municipalities who are required to make provision in their annual budgets. The Dept provides ongoing support to municipalities in fulfilling their mandate including discussions with DAFF (responsible for Fire Protection Associations & Working on Fire Project) to support service in rural area. The Department procured Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) equipment ( R16m) for the World Cup which has now been placed at Gauteng and Western Cape provinces respectively. This will assist in building the capacity of municipalities to deal with major USAR operations. 16 Response to concerns raised by the Portfolio Committee on the CoGTA Annual Report FY 2009/2010 Concerns Interventions by DCoG What is the departmental intervention to ensure that Municipal Infrastructure Grant funding was being effectively utilised? MIG performance is in two areas: Financial performance and Non Financial performance. DCoG has included in the DORA, sector specific responsibilities in supporting implementation of MIG projects. There are currently regular meetings and targeted visits to provinces and municipalities to discuss MIG performance issues such as underspending, appraisals & site visits. A partnership has been entered into with the SIU to assess MIG expenditure, systems and controls. The project is being carried out in two phases. The first phase constitutes a high-level risk assessment of the MIG macro (national department) environment in order to profile risks and constraints which affect the efficiency and performance of the MIG programme. The second phase consists of the risk assessment to identify whether or not MIG funding is appropriately utilized by municipalities. This will involve carrying out quality of spending and performance reviews at a municipal project level. 17 Response to concerns raised by Portfolio Committee on AR FY 2009/2010 Concerns Interventions by DCoG How and by whom will cross-cutting issues such as water and sanitation be addressed? DCoG as a coordinating department relies on other lead sector departments. The implementation forum on outcome 9 is a platform for discussing strategies on cross cutting issues. Also a joint Basic Service Task Team has been established with Human Settlements How will Operation Clean Audit succeed when some incompetent or dishonest municipal officials simply move from one municipality to another The enactment of the Municipal Systems Amendment require appointment of skilled personnel and allows the Minister to intervene where this is not complied with. If the movement is due to corrupt practices the Act prohibits the appointment of these officials for a period of 10 years. Report back on the proposed amendments to the Municipal Systems Amendment Bill The Bill was amended and approved by Parliament before March 2011. The draft regulations have been developed and are currently under consultation. How is the department going to deal with R49 million spending on travel and subsistence attributed to the turn-around strategy? The assessment of the State of local Government was a very important exercise that provided the department with opportunities for improved service delivery. The department is now providing support through differentiation based on the available data that was collected during the assessments. The total travel and subsistence for the 2010/11 has declined significantly to R 38 million. 18 Response to concerns raised by Portfolio Committee on AR FY 2009/2010 Concerns Interventions by DCoG What is CoGTA doing on the capacity of the provinces? Is the support and monitoring that was required of them under the Constitution taking place, and what progress is being made on municipal internal capacity? The department has a Provincial and Municipal Support Branch which was established from the premise that National department must exercise its mandate of capacitating Provinces to provide appropriate support to Municipalities. In this branch there is a full Chief Directorate focussing on provincial support. The draft bill on Monitoring, Support and Interventions regarding provinces has been developed. The Provincial Support Unit is undertaking consultations with provinces as to how best the support can be provided. The specific provincial sensitivities in this regard are being taken into account. How will CoGTA help unlock unspent funds in municipalities and address the substantial debt owed to some municipalities by other government departments, particularly Department of Public Works DCoG in collaboration with PME and Public works have established a task team that has finalized the aggregation of debt by government per province. The team has started with eThekwini, King Sabata Dalindyebo and Port St Johns municipalities as pilots for direct support in resolving the government debt related 19 issues. Response to concerns raised by Portfolio Committee on AR FY 2009/2010 Concerns Interventions by DCoG How far has CoGTA gone in implementing the findings and recommendations from the AG? The department developed and implemented a post audit action plan on the issues raised by the AG. Progress on the implementation of the plan was monitored throughout the financial year using the various governance structures within the department. When will LGTAS likely to show a real difference ? The ultimate aim is that LGTAS as a strategy becomes part of the sustained agenda of the department to achieve outcome 9 Vision of an integrated, responsive and highly effective local government system. The examples of the successes of LGTAS include: • Improvement in the access to basic services. •Job opportunities created through CWP (89 689 job opportunities created) • Operation Clean Audit yielded an improvement from 113 unqualified audit opinions in 2008/09 to 120 in 2009/10 as well as an improvement from 4 to 7 clean audits in these financial years. 20 Response to concerns raised by Portfolio Committee on AR FY 2009/2010 Concerns Interventions by DCoG What is progress on building internal capacity to run community work programme The department has assigned an Executive Manager responsible for CWP, the tender for implementing agents who are intended to augment the programme management for CWP is also currently under adjudication. National Treasury had suggested that too Annual Performance Plan FY 2011/12 many reporting responsibilities were being project on streamlining reporting put on municipalities, which took officials requirements is aimed at reducing the away from doing the work on providing burden of reporting. services Joint work is being done with NT and the Presidency on the refinement of indicators, the budget programme structure and the Annual Report template of Municipalities with a view of producing fewer reports providing progress against selected key indicators. Concerns were raised on the R37 million spending on consultants 21 Progress: concerns raised by Portfolio Committee on AR FY 2009/2010 Concerns Interventions by DCoG Is Sanitation a responsibility of CoGTA or Water Affairs? Sanitation has been officially transferred to the Department of Human Settlements (DHS). However, that does not take away DCoG still has a responsibility to coordinate support to provinces and municipalities What is the department’s initiatives to finalise the transformation process and improve staff morale? The departmental restructuring process is substantially complete and a change Management programme is currently being developed. CoGTA must cooperate with the Presidency in its efforts to promote evidence-based evaluations that could produce concrete evidence and show the impact. The department is working closely with the Presidency 22 Highlights of the FY 2010/11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The signing of delivery agreements between the Minister and the MECs as well as Mayors in September 2010; 89 689 job opportunities were created through the community work programme against a target of 87 000 opportunities; Progress has been made to enhance the department’s coordination role across the three spheres e.g. through the Legislative Committee were the department is coordinating the identification of all legislation that weakens government’s efforts in service delivery; The Municipal Systems Amendment Act was finalised; We worked closely with stakeholders in preparing for elections; Milestone on the finalisation of the recruitment and placement process; Disciplinary Regulations and Procedures for S57 Managers Promulgated in February 2011; and Disaster Management Centres across the spheres of government were activated to coordinate the multi-sector response to the National State of Disaster declared on 21 January 2011 in 8 provinces. 23 Achievement Status: Summary FY 2010/11 Portfolio Provincial and Municipal Government Support Infrastructure and Economic Development Partially Not Achieved achieved Achieved TOTAL 25 - 24 49 5 7 8 20 7 8 4 19 5 3 1 9 Administration National Disaster Management Centre 10 3 4 4 1 9 TOTAL 56 25 38 119 47% 21% 32% Governance and IGR Policy Research and Knowledge Management % 13 Source: Audited DCoG Annual Report FY 2010/11 24 Progress against programme deliverables Annual Legislation programme was submitted to Parliament and the Office of the Leader of Government Business Communication support was provided to key programmes in the department e.g. CWP provincial workshops Draft Human Capital Management strategy has been developed ADMINISTRATION The Government Programme of Action (POA) submitted on time and progress report on outcome 9 submitted on time Annual Report 2009/2010 was submitted to parliament. Quarterly reports were developed but approved later than the due date 25 Progress against programme deliverables The CD was appointed however the Knowledge sharing Programme was not institutionalised as planned ICT for Knowledge Management Framework Developed Policy, Research and Knowledge Management Policy support: Assessment conducted for Transport Roads, Electricity and Water Sector A draft Knowledge Management Strategy developed MR&E framework with community oversight developed and approved by MinMeC 26 Progress against programme deliverables Draft discussion document produced on current model of decentralisation with proposals for areas of reform Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the DCoG and the Special investigation Unit (SIU) signed to Improve management of MIG Governance and Intergovernmental Relations Bill on National Monitoring, Support and Intervention in Provinces and Provincial intervention in local Government developed Draft Green Paper on Cooperative Governance developed MPRA amendments Bill was not submitted to Parliament because a decision was taken to present it after the Local Government Elections 27 Progress against programme deliverables District –wide interGovernmental Fiscal Relations forums were established in the Eastern Cape and the Western Cape provinces 263 internal audit units and 268 audit committees established; 103 Municipal Public Accounts Committees (MPACs) also established Governance and Intergovernmental Relations Draft report with proposals on the review of the LGES formula was developed by 30 June 2010 234 municipalities supported financially through the MSIG to prepare and submit Annual Financial Statements Draft Grant Coordination Framework developed 28 Progress against programme deliverables Elected and Appointed officials were not empowered to promote an ethical culture because PALAMA had to evaluate the accredited course 265 municipalities are implementing fraud prevention plans and anticorruption strategies Governance and Intergovernmental Relations Municipalities audits Improvements from 113 unqualified audit opinions in 2008/09 to 120 in 2009/10 as well as an improvement from 4 to 7 clean audits NT supported to review the SCM regulations and this was presented during the budget speech 29 Progress against programme deliverables MIG: 1.6 million households have access to water; 936 379 to sanitation and 1 771 237 roads 554 977 community lighting CWP 89 689 work opportunities created by March 2011 The programme was implemented in 9 provinces, 45 Municipalities and in 417 wards Infrastructure and Economic Development A Final draft Report on Municipal Infrastructure Audit – Water Sanitation and Bulk Infrastructure has been developed Refuse and Waste Management coordination structure established 1 National and 9 provincial action plans developed and completed MoUs for LED signed with Midvaal, Merafong Emfuleni, Lesedi, and Randfontein municipalities 30 Progress against programme deliverables Seven (7) out of 10 identified municipalities have been supported MSPs implementation Standard National Indigent Register for FBS programme was not developed Infrastructure and Economic Development 83% households energised against 85% 94% households access to water supply Statistics on Free Basic Electricity could not be verified , work is being done with STATSSA MIG Policy recommendations were not adopted MIG policy reivew was not approved by cabinet due to NT conditional Grant review process 31 Progress against programme deliverables All preparatory work on MISA (SPV) completed well on time, however the establishment has been delayed by prolonged consultations and approval process Ward based cooperatives were not established. Concept document was developed Infrastructure and Economic Development MIG was allocated to identified urban nodes however spending is slower than anticipated corrective actions in place Small town regeneration Supported establishment of 1 corridor and establishment of a concept paper and national strategy on economic regeneration for towns 32 Progress against programme deliverables Initial worn on Councillor Remuneration Framework was done and will be completed in the next financial year Regulations on the Participation of Municipal officials in elections gazetted Provincial and Municipal Government Support Amendments on Municipal Systems Act, 32 of 2000 were approved by Parliament Assessment report on legislation impacting on service delivery developed Spatial policy inputs on urban development will be provided to the NPC once the strategy is approved 33 Progress against programme deliverables DRDLR is responsible for the Land Use Legislative reforms on Land-use planning and management LGTAS Stakeholder Strategy developed to ensure for managing and monitoring stakeholder engagements and Partnerships Work as not completed on draft framework on differentiated approach to IDP Provincial and Municipal Government Support LGTAS Knowledge Management Protocol was developed and adopted LGTAS Report based on municipal and provincial progress reports were presented to MinMec and Implementation Forums Delivery Agreement on Outcome 9 was signed by the Minister, and MECs on 30 September 2010 34 Progress against programme deliverables Signed PAs on Section 56 Managers have increased from 76% to 86% Desk top research Conducted on the performance management framework for councillors Provinces supported to fill vacancies but the vacancy rate for MMs has increased from 13% to 18% and for Section 56 managers 14% to 25% Provincial and Municipal Government Support Provinces supported to assist municipalities with the implementation of PMS Signed performance agreements for Municipal managers has increased from 79% to 88% 35 Progress against programme deliverables The State of Local Government report was not developed The Siyenza Manje Infrastructure component has been transferred to DCoG Provincial and Municipal Government Support Framework to professionalise LG was not developed Disciplinary Regulations and Procedures for S57 Managers Promulgated in February 2011 Recruitment and Retention Strategy for specific occupations and professions in local Government was not developed, tender advertised 36 Officials in Limpopo Province were trained on the new PMS developed with the DBSA; Support was provided to Host Cities on 2010 FIFA World Cup IGR forum. A comprehensive closeout report was approved by the Minister in October 2010 The Bill to strengthen the Minister’s powers to regulate HR systems and procedures was introduced to Parliament Provincial and Municipal Government Support Support the development of a report by SRSA was depended on the SRSA requests All provinces supported to increase the number of signed PA of Municipal managers . Dedicated support given to Chris Hani and eMalahleni municipalities 37 Progress against programme deliverables A draft National Revenue Enhancement Programme Plan has been developed Framework on the reduction of red tape was not developed National Programme for Clean Cities and Clean Towns has been Developed implementation will take place after the pilot in the Eastern Cape Province Provincial and Municipal Government Support Policy proposals for the revival of LOGOLA was not finalised, conceptual work is ongoing Capacity Building Plan for Local Government developed; and a National Municipal Capacity Coordinating and Monitoring Committee established 38 Progress against programme deliverables Youth Managers in 3 selected provinces were not trained to mainstream Youth Development MoU with Brazil – August 2010. India, Brazil and South Africa intergovernmental Working group established Provincial and Municipal Support 46 municipalities in FS, Mpumalanga and EC trained and supported to implement the HIV and AIDS Framework SADC Local Government Forum has been resuscitated 39 Progress against programme deliverables A Disaster Management 2010 FWC Master Plan was developed and approved by the 2010 FWC InterMinisterial Committee (IMC). Disaster Management Centres have been developed in 19 District Municipalities 5 Metros and 6 Provinces National Disaster Management Centre Amended Legislation on Fire services was not submitted to Cabinet Disaster Risk Management education training Framework was not completed 40 Response to AG report 2010/11 AG FINDINGS RESPONSE Management did not prepare regular, accurate and complete financial and performance reports that are supported and evidenced by reliable information. For the selected programmes the validity of 28% of the reported targets could not be established as sufficient appropriate audit evidence could not be provided The 2011/12 Annual Performance plan caters for supporting documentation that will be provided by the end of the FY as evidence of achievement Maintain an effective, efficient and transparent system of internal control regarding performance management, which described and represented how the institution’s processes of performance planning, monitoring, measurement, review and reporting was conducted, organised and managed Initiatives introduced include the implementation of a project management approach, regular performance review (monthly at branch and organisational and follow-through on projects that have been partially and not achieved. One-on-One between the DG and DDGs, reintroduction of the executive management committee 41 Response to AG report 2010/11 AG FINDINGS RESPONSE The accounting officer did not take effective and/or appropriate steps to prevent irregular expenditure Goods and services with a transaction value of between R10 000 and R500 000 were procured without inviting at least three written price quotations from prospective suppliers The revised Supply Chain Management policy is being popularised across all branches. Actions have been taken against officials who do not adhere to these regulations, mainly on abstaining three quotations and paying creditors within 30 days from receipt of an invoice All payments due to creditors were not settled within 30 days from receipt of an invoice 42 Response to AG report 2010/11 AG FINDINGS RESPONSE The accounting officer did not ensure that there is an adequately resourced and functioning internal audit unit that identifies internal control deficiencies and recommends corrective action effectively All posts of the internal audit unit has been filled including that of the Executive Manager The strategic plan of the department did not include measurable objectives, expected outcomes, programme outputs, indicators (measures) and targets for all of the entity’s programmes The 2011/12 Annual Performance plan adheres to the ‘Smart’ criteria and includes all the requirements as set in the NT regulations and the framework for Strategic planning and annual performance plan 43 Conclusion Major reasons for underperformance in the past financial year was to do with the deep restructuring process which has now been finalised; 2. In addition to the responses to the AG findings Management has developed action plans to address all issues raised by the AG in order to improve on the performance of the department, the action plans were recently shared with executive Managers at the Departmental Executive Management Committee, Each affected party has been tasked to implement remedial actions outlined in the action plan; and 3. The Committee will be given regular updates on progress against issues raised by the AG going 44 forward 1. THANK YOU! Local Government is Everybody’s Business Be Part of IT! PRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON THE 2010/2011 ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS PROF MC NWAILA DIRECTOR GENERAL 18 October 2011 46 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Purpose of the Presentation Mission, Vision and Strategic Objectives Evolution of the Department DTA performance information: non financial; and Financial information Findings by Auditor General DTA Post Audit Action Plan Challenges Recommendations 47 PURPOSE OF THE PRESENTATION To present the DTA Annual Performance for the 2010-2011 financial year in line with Section 40 (1) (e) of the PFMA. 48 VISION AND MISSION STATEMENT Vision: A transformed, coherent and cohesive institution of traditional leadership which plays a central role in traditional affairs and governance and contributes to rural development. Mission: To provide coordinated support to the institution of traditional leadership within the system of cooperative governance by: 1. Developing appropriate policies and systems; 2. Establishing structures to enable communities to participate in governance and development processes; and 3. Promoting social cohesion and preservation of customary law and tradition. 49 DTA STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic Objective One: To build organizational capacity of the Department of Traditional Affairs and strengthen the capability to deliver on its mandate; Strategic Objective Two: To develop, review, monitor and implement legislation policies relevant to traditional leadership nationally; and To coordinate and monitor the review and implementation of legislation and policies relevant to traditional affairs by national and provincial government departments. 50 DTA STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES CONT... Strategic Objective 3: To build capacity and capability of the institution to play a meaningful role in service delivery, development and the preservation of customary and tradition Strategic Objective 4: To support the National house of Traditional Leaders, the CRL Rights Commission, Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims 51 Evolution of DTA Program 5: Chief Directorate of Traditional Leadership Strategically locating the two then and Department of Traditional Affairs Key Ministries within the Presidency: Planning Commission to focus on long range planning for South Africa & Performance, Monitoring And Evaluation to ensure seamless Accountability across departments & spheres (Horizontally and Vertically) Reconfiguration of departments in Line with the Manifesto priorities 2009-2014 and The Department of Traditional Affairs as stand alone, emerged From this strategic repositioning process 52 The President when opening the House of Traditional Leaders In February 2010, stated that the “Ministry of Provincial and Local Government was replaced by the Ministry of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs – to emphasise the need for better coordination and coherence between the spheres of government” EVOLUTION CONT… DTA Organisational Structure 53 EVOLUTION CONT… DTA ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE During the year under review a total of 90 post were funded and approved, however only 58 posts were filled; and DTA is in the process of filling all vacant funded posts The approved posts do not cater for the CRL Rights Commission as it receives transfers from the DTA; and DTA is in the process of reviewing the current organisational structure to align it with the strategic direction of the department. 54 EVOLUTION CONT… Chief Directorate: Traditional Leadership and Institutions’ business plan was incorporated into the Department’s business plan and the latter became program 5 within COGTA Strategic Plan; The appointment of DTA Executive Leadership in September 2010 culminated into: • the review of DTA 2010/2011 business plan to ensure the alignment of the new and expanded mandate and strategic shift of the DTA to the Business Plan projects, and to confirm the sufficiency of allocated financial and human resources. • Appointment of sms members and confirming and placement of staff from the chief directorate (DCOG) 55 EVOLUTION CONT… The review of the business plan led to: • Some projects being deferred to 2011/2014 strategic plan; • Reprioritization of strategic projects and identification of DTA priorities for 2010/2011 56 DEFERRED PROJECTS Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Research ,Policy & Legislation Programme 3:Institutional Support& Coordination Development of Human Resources Management and development strategies and policies Regulations of roles and functions of kings and queens Database on skills audit of kings/queens/principal and senior traditional leaders and capacity building needs Development of Change management strategy Provision of interim arrangement for the participation of the Khoi-San leadership in all houses of traditional leaders Capacity building on legislation impacting on traditional leaders ICT governance framework Facilitating the amendment of Recognition of Customary Marriages Act Information sessions on the uniform norms and standards impacting on the operations of traditional leadership 57 DEFERRED PROJECTS CONT… Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Research ,Policy & Legislation Programme 3:Institutional Support& Coordination Promotion of the role and place of traditional affairs, the institution of traditional leadership and the Khoi-San leadership in the governance system as well as that of the Department of Traditional Affairs in the political economy Handbook on norms and standards relating to remunerative and other benefits and tools of trade of traditional leadership and traditional councils Public education programme on initiation and ukuthwala, ukungenwa, traditional healing and related customary and cultural practices Development of supply chain management policies and procedures Framework/Guidelines/Regul Provision of support to ations allocation of roles and associated institutions delegations of functions to traditional leaders and traditional councils by organs of state 58 DTA 2010/11 PRIORITIES Assessment of the state of governance within the area of traditional affairs; Policy and legislative review e.g. NTAB; Development of governance systems and structures; and Recruitment of personnel. 59 DTA PERFORMANCE Total number of planned Targets = 47 Achieved Not Achieved = 12 (26%) Partially Achieved = 18 (38%) 60 Achieved = 17 (36%) Partially Achieved Not Achieved DTA PERFORMANCE FOR 2010/11 CONT... Although the Departmental performance is fairly satisfactory, the non achievement on some of the planned targets is attributed to: • Inadequate human resource capacity; and • Inadequate funding for the Department to carry out its mandate, including among others consultation on the NTAB. 61 DTA PERFORMANCE CONT... SO 1:To build and strengthen the Department of Traditional Affairs’ organizational capacity and capability to deliver on its mandate; Appointment of the Executive Leadership in September 2010; All staff in the DTA were relocated to new offices by March 2011; Organisational Structure was developed, approved and implemented; The revised DTA Business Plan was developed and approved by the Minister 10 February 2011; ; DTA performance reports are submitted to the Minister; and DTA logo was developed and approved by Minister by August 2010. 62 DTA PERFORMANCE CONT... SO 2:To develop, review, monitor and implement legislation and policies relevant to traditional leadership nationally Guidelines to determine the number of members of a Traditional council were gazetted; Handbook on the tools of trade for Traditional Leaders was drafted and presented to committee of the National House of Traditional Leaders in July 2010. The initial consultation on the National Traditional Affairs Bill was done with selected stakeholders; and Electronic information system was updated in respect of senior traditional leaders and communities during the period under review. 63 DTA PERFORMANCE CONT... SO 3: To build capacity and capability of the institution to play a meaningful role in service delivery, development and the preservation of customary law and tradition Assessment workshops were held with six (6) of the eight Provinces : NC, MP, FS, EC, GP and Limpopo 800 Senior traditional leaders trained on legislation; 64 DTA PERFORMANCE CONT... SO 4: To support the NHTL, CRL Rights Commission and CTLDC to carry out their mandates Secretaries of the CTLDC and the NHTL were appointed in January 2011 Gazette issued for the establishment of the and CTLDC was established Five commissioners were appointed 65 CTLDC, 2010/11 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 2010/11 Programmes Prog. 1: Administration Prog. 1: Research, Policy and Legislation for TA Prog. 3: Institutional Support and Coordination * National House of Traditional Leaders * CRL Rights Commission * Commission on Disputes and Claims TOTAL 66 Final Actual Appropriation Expenditure R'000 R'000 12 523 12 523 6 566 6 566 3 841 295 19 046 15 754 24 401 24 401 7 700 2 278 74 077 2009/10 % Final Actual Variance Spent Appropriation Expenditure R'000 R'000 R'000 - 100% - 100% 7 914 7 914 3 546 8% 3 292 83% 13 755 13 755 - 100% 20 250 20 250 5 422 30% 12 604 12 604 61 817 12 260 83% 54 523 54 523 2010/11 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE CONT.. 2010/11 Description Compensation of Employees Goods and Services Transfer Payments Payment for Capital Assets TOTAL 67 2009/10 Final Actual % Final Actual Appropriation Expenditure Variance Spent Appropriation Expenditure R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 28 693 17 267 11 426 60% 11 811 11 811 20 237 19 403 834 96% 20 724 20 724 24 401 24 401 - 100% 21 970 21 970 746 746 - 100% 18 18 74 077 61 817 12 260 83% 54 523 54 523 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE NARRATIVE During the year under the overall Department Expenditure amounted to R61,8 million which translates to 83% of the total appropriated budget of R74 million. The under spending is mainly due to the fact that the Department became operational only in January 2011 when the SMS staff members assumed duty. Strategic projects such as “Assessment of State of Governance in the Provinces” which Programme 3 is responsible for, was implemented towards the end of the financial year. 68 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE NARRATIVE CONT.. The under expenditure on Compensation of Employees is attributed to slow recruitment process which resulted in the appointment of SMS staff in January 2011. Assessment on state of governance project for KZN and NW were deferred to 2011/12 and this resulted in savings on Goods and Services. 69 FINDINGS BY THE AUDITOR GENERAL Irregular expenditure occurred as Goods and Services were procured without three quotations; The 2010/2011 strategic plan not approved by the relevant executive authority; The medium term strategic framework for 2009/2014 did not meet the criteria as prescribed by treasury regulations e.g. measurable objectives; Failed to submit quarterly reports to the executive authority and did not track progress against outputs; and No standard policies/procedures on how to collect, record, process and report on performance information. DTA has developed an action plan as a commitment to address issues raised by the AG 70 POST AUDIT ACTION PLAN Appointed a Senior Manager: Demand Management to monitor compliance with SCM policies; Staff will be trained on supply chain management policies to avoid irregular expenditure and; The 2011/12 Annual Performance Plan has been tabled for approval in Parliament; Developed guidelines to ensure proper planning and reporting as per the framework of National Treasury; DTA has developed Planning and Reporting Guidelines which will assist on how to collect, record, process and report on performance information. Introduced a quarterly review system to track progress on the implementation of the annual performance plan. 71 CHALLENGES Inadequate human resource capacity led to some of the projects not being achieved; Slow recruitment processes led to critical posts being filled late in the FY and negatively affected performance of the department Department still at the establishment phase and therefore not all the systems established due to inadequate human resource capacity and financial constraints Lengthy and costly NTAB consultation processes which delayed tabling of the Bill in Parliament 72 RECOMMENDATIONS For the Portfolio Committee to note: DTA 2010/2011 performance; The intervention made to address audit outcomes; and Challenges confronting the department. 73 THANK YOU 74